Talk with me (Blond AU!Karamatsu x Reader)

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"Eh? You have a girlfriend, Osomatsu?" Karamatsu ask speechless. "Pretty cool, huh?" Osomatsu ask chuckling, rubbing his index finger under his nose. Osomatsu and Karamatsu are friends and delinquents as well. Both boys even having dyed blond hair. "I guess that's why you stopped with the fights." Karamatsu sighs quietly and looks down to the ground. "Yup. She even protected me from getting end up in hospital. She's so great~!" Osomatsu smiles really dreamy, while thinking of his girlfriend.

"Ah! Oso~!" Both boys looking in the direction and Osomatsu smiles really happy when he sees his girlfriend and a girl next to her, who hugs her schoolbag close to her chest. "There you are~!" Osomatsu runs over to his girlfriend, hugging her tightly and really happy. The girl next to both of them looks unwell down to the ground, but her bangs covering her eyes. Karamatsu stares at her with half closed eyes, causing her to tremble slightly when she feels the stares. "And who's this?" Osomatsu ask curious, but isn't letting go. "Ah, this is my friend (y/n). She's a transfer student, but isn't talking really that much."

You flinch slightly when a hand pats your back gently. You bow slightly down, but don't look up. "Huh? And who's this?" Osomatsu looks now to Karamatsu. "That's Karamatsu. We're friends since middle school. But let's skip class together and-" "Bye Osomatsu." His girlfriend pulled herself quickly out of the grip and walks now back into the school building. "Eh?! I-I didn't mean it! W-Wait!" Osomatsu quickly runs after her.

Karamatsu sighs and walks back to the entrance from the school building. You just stay in your place, not moving an inch or looking up. " ... You don't wanna go?" You flinch when Karamatsu suddenly talks to you, but bow down slightly and quickly run back into the school building. Karamatsu rolls his eyes with an sigh and walks back into the building as well.

~At lunch~
Karamatsu walked outside, because he isn't interested in eating with the other students. Osomatsu is following his girlfriend to eat with her together and he gave Karamatsu a death glare, telling him to leave both alone. 'I can't understand Osomatsu. He wasn't like this before he had this girl and now ... he acts like a little kid. Haaah, she'll break up with him anyways. Why should a girl love an delin-' "Can't speak up or what?!" Karamatsu stops and walks over to the voice.

His eyes widen when he sees you, and two boys who kicking down on you. "Apologize for bumping against me!" You reach your trembling hand out to your notebook who lays on the ground, but pull it quickly back when the other boy wanted to kick down on it. "Say it, you mute girl!"

"?!" Karamatsu kicks with his leg from the side, into the stomach from the boy who insult you. He crush down onto the ground with a groan in the pain, while his friend squeaks slightly in fear. "It's a shame such low life humans like you even have the right to live. Hurting a girl who can't even defend herself ... I'm disgusted just from seeing your shitty faces." Karamatsu says calm, glaring at both of them mad.

The two boys quickly running away, making Karamatsu sigh. He looks down to you, seeing you getting slowly up and picking your items up from the ground, to put them back into your schoolbag. Karamatsu turns around, get down on his knees and picks your stuff up as well. " ... I'll bring you to the nurse room." You look up a little bit, grabbing your notebook and opening an empty side. You lean down and write something with an pen. Karamatsu puts in the meantime your stuff carefully in your schoolbag, not wanting to break anything.

Karamatsu hums when you suddenly poke his shoulder. He looks at you, but reads what you wrote down. "Thank you for helping me, Karamatsu-san." Karamatsu is surprised to see you smiling, but your bangs covering your eyes. Karamatsu reach an hand out and sliding your bangs back, making you jump slightly. "?!" Your cheeks turned cherry red and you look helpless at Karamatsu, not really knowing what he wants. Karamatsu quickly pulls his hand away and stands up. Turning around so you can't see his blushing face. "N-Next time, just ask for help." With that, Karamatsu walks quickly away, making you sigh slightly through your nose. Watching with a shy expression how Karamatsu leaves.

~A week later~
Since the day Karamatsu helped you and saw your full face, he can't get you out of his head anymore. Whenever he close his eyes, Karamatsu sees your face. The thing who is stressing him out is the reason for not knowing why you aren't getting out of his head. It doesn't matter how often he punch other people down, Karamatsu can't think about something else than your smiling face.

Karamatsu sits in the nurse room, waiting until she shows up. 'Maybe if I just talk with her I feel better? Aaaaaah ... but even just thinking of her cute face makes me angry again that I want to punch som-' Karamatsu hums when something soft and wet hit his cheek from the front. Karamatsu looks up, but tense up when he sees you. Sitting right in front of him with a cotton ball covered in clear liquid. "W...What're you doing here?" You point to your cheek, then to the cotton ball and then to Karamatsu. Taking a few seconds to understand what you want, Karamatsu glance to the side with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Go ahead." You smile happy, making Karamatsu feel strange again.

Since you helped Karamatsu, he started to talk with you and you became friends. Weeks passed by and Karamatsu realized he fell in love with you. So today, Karamatsu tries to confess to you and to not make it awkward. You walk with Karamatsu down the hallway, writing something down while Karamatsu looks away from you. 'Heh. I should confess my love to (y/n)-chan when I walk home with her. Only I are allowed to see her blushing fa-' "Hm?" You poke Karamatsu's arm, making him looking at you. You hold out the paper you wrote and fold it together. Ripping out an side from your precious notebook is rare.

Karamatsu takes the paper out of your hand, but you run suddenly away. "Hm? What's wrong with her?" Karamatsu mumbles to himself, unfolding the paper. "I really, really love you, Karamatsu-kun. Please be my boyfriend. You can give me your answer when we see us again." " ... Eh?" Karamatsu's face turns crimson, in the middle of the hallway. Before any student could see it, Karamatsu punch against the wall and even leaving a hole. Making the students on the hallway jump and afraid at the same time.

~After school~
Whenever Karamatsu saw you on the hallway and you two made eye contact, you were the one who ran away. So you can tell Karamatsu is right now near to punch even a student who just pass by the school gate. "?!" You wanted to flee with the crowd, but Karamatsu grabs you by the back collar and pulls you with him back to the school building.

When you two stand behind the building, you look down to the ground. Hugging your schoolbag tightly against your chest. Karamatsu clears his throat and says: "I just want to tell you, that I f-feel the same way, my lady. S-So please stop a-avoiding me and-?!" Karamatsu flinch when suddenly tears running down your face. "I-I apologize! D-Did I said something wrong?!" Karamatsu don't know how to deal with this situation, because it happens to him the first time.

You open your mouth, but keep your head down to the ground. "I ... you." You choke out with a raspy voice. Karamatsu's eyes widen and a huge blush goes across his face. "I...I l-love you too, my sweetheart." Karamatsu mumbles shyly to the side. You glance up, to see blurry Karamatsu's embarrassed red face.

You take a big breath of air in and ... "Eh?" Without a word, you kiss Karamatsu onto his cheek. He stares at you with a crimson face while trembling slightly. "?!" Karamatsu pinch your cheek, pulling it a bit to the side. "D-Don't just kiss me without a sign!" You whimper slightly, eyes shut tightly. Karamatsu let go and leans down. Giving you a short kiss on the lips, before he quickly pulls away and looks away from you. Trying to hide with one hand his face the best he can. Your face turns now crimson.

Looks like both of you have shyness in common.

Osomatsu-san x reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now