The legend from Gyokuto (Shuten douji!Osomatsu x Reader)

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A/N: Oh mother, this is a long story. Almost 4500 words are standing here, so I warned you.

Enjoy ^ w^

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A old man collapsed in the middle of the forest while trying to cross the mountains. A fox, a monkey and a rabbit were traveling through the mountains and found the old man on the way. The three animals felt compassion for the old man and tried to save him. The monkey gathered fruits and nuts from the trees, the fox gathered fish from the river and they fed the old man. As hard as he tried, the rabbit, however, could not gather anything of value to give to the old man. Lamenting his uselessness, the rabbit asked the fox and monkey for help in building a fire.

When the fire was built, the rabbit leaped into the flames so that his own body could be cooked and eaten by the old man. When the old man saw the rabbit's act of compassion, he revealed his true form as Taishakuten, one of the lords of heaven. Taishakuten lifted up the rabbit and placed it in the moon, in order that all future generations could be inspired by the rabbit's compassionate act. The reason it is sometimes difficult to see the rabbit in the moon is because of the smoke which still billows from the rabbit body, masking his form somewhat.

People told each other this legend about the moon rabbit who get's called Gyokuto. Seeing a yokai who is relative with the Gyokuto is rare to find, because bad people killed one after another just to eat the legendary meat. Only to die right after they gulped the first piece of meat down. Yokai on the other hand were able to survive if they eat their meat.

Since then, no one ever saw a Gyokuto ever again. They hide from all people and yokai to survive.

But one human found a Gyokuto and never got seen again.

~100 years later~
Osomatsu sits behind a tree while hugging his legs close to his body. Warm blood runs down his face, bruises and mud covering his naked body while his small kid body shakes. After Osomatsu stole food from people out of the village he got captured by them in the end and they hit him with sticks. Before they could kill him, Osomatsu did it.

Since Osomatsu is a shuten douji, his red horns and fangs showing people they shouldn't mess with him. Even if he has the form from a child, Osomatsu already killed a few humans if they wanted to do the same to him. Osomatsu never learned what love or warmth means, because his parents got killed from humans.

Osomatsu's stomach growls loudly, but he bite down onto his bottom lip. 'I'm not hungry. I don't need food. I don't need anything or anyone. Everyone is just taking and never returns anything back. Aren't I a super strong yokai king? When I grow older ... I'll kill anyone who wants to-' But before Osomatsu's heart turns into a pitched black with no feelings for anything, something hit his head softly from the front.

Osomatsu quickly looks up and makes himself ready to fight. But he flinch when something stuck his head out of a few bushes. "Ah! So you don't sleep!" Osomatsu stares at the girl who falls down onto the ground after pulling herself out of the bushes. She wears a red yukata, her (h/c) hair is a mess and her (e/c) eyes shining a bit. Maybe she hurt herself when she hit the ground? "(Y/n)? With who are you talking-oh." Osomatsu shows his sharp teeth off and glares at the women behind the small girl. The women looks a bit familiar to the girl, but her snow white hair makes the difference to the child.

"Are you okay?" Osomatsu flinch when the little girl stands in front of him and looks worried at his injuries. Osomatsu raise one hand up and want to scratch the girl with his sharp fingernails. "?!" But the women grabs his wrist, in order to protect the girl. She hums and Osomatsu looks up to the women. "Hey little boy, it's okay. Calm down and-ah!" But Osomatsu shut his eyes suddenly and falls forward. "Uah!" Onto the little girl. The women looks really worried at him, but then her daughter said this: "Mommy, he's snoring!" She giggles and hugs Osomatsu happy. Her mother smiles softly and lifts Osomatsu carefully up. The little girl stands up and jumps up from the ground. Holding herself now with both hands on the shoulders from her mother.

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