You caught a cold (1x3x7)

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Requested by FWPlacencia623

I'm sorry that it took so long, but for some reason I couldn't really find any motivation. So here is the result. I hope it's not that bad.

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You became sick, but didn't wanted to let your boyfriends know. Why? Because you know, one of them will only spend your money on gambling and the other one would be so worried that he pass out and you need to take care of him. You tried your best to keep it a secret, but they found out for some reason. So right now, one of your boyfriends tries to find your money and the other one is so nervous that he don't even know what to do to help you.

"C'mon (y/n)-chan~! Tell me where your money is~! Please~!" Osomatsu whines and looks with puppy dog eyes at you. But since you are sick, your body isn't reaction to his cute look. "No." You say with a raspy voice, turning your back to Osomatsu. You lay in your bed and only want to get some rest. "(Y-Y/n)-chan? A-Are you hungry?" You sigh quietly and pull the blanket more over your body. "Can you two *cough* *cough* please leave?" Osomatsu and Choromatsu looking a bit surprised by your request. You never wanted them to leave, no matter what they did. So this is a little shock for them.

"And why?" ask Osomatsu. "Because I *cough* wanna rest and *cough* not staying awake *cough* because you two keep going on *cough* my nerves." You close your eyes, trying to sleep. Osomatsu and Choromatsu exchanging a glance, before leaving your room. Much to your relieve. The two walking to the kitchen, so you don't hear them talking.

"I can't believe (y/n)-chan isn't trusting us." Osomatsu sighs hurt. "I can understand her. I don't think we really did anything for (y/n)-chan. We only asked her to do things with us instead of doing something she wants." Choromatsu says guilty and rubs his neck with one hand. "Huh? But we did..." When Osomatsu gave it a second thought, he realize Choromatsu is right. Whenever the brothers asked you to do something with them, you agreed and never asked for something in return. You lend Osomatsu money from time to time, letting him gamble while you watch how he lose very often. Choromatsu took you often to anime stores or Nyaa-chan concerts, while you enjoyed it when your boyfriend looked so happy.


You never asked for something in return. You always did what your boyfriends wanted. Now, you are sick. A state the boys see you rarely in, because you don't want to show them this weak side of yours. Both boys exchanging an worried glance, starting to feel guilty even more.

~And then...~
After you woke up from a good smell, you put the blanket over your body and walked over to the kitchen. You think it must be a dream from the fever, but right now you see your boyfriends trying to cook okayu (boiled rice porridge). You can't really believe it, so you pinch your cheek. But when it starts to hurt, you whimper in pain and let go. The two heard you of course and looking over their shoulders.

"Eh? (Y/n)-chan, why don't you lay in bed?" Osomatsu ask concern and walks over to you. Choromatsu is relieved he can finally cook without fearing the food will taste horrible. Yes, Osomatsu isn't the best cook. Not a big surprise, right?

"Ah ... I woke *cough* cough* up from the smell." You shudder, starting to feel cold. Out of nowhere, Osomatsu suddenly put his one arm around your back, near your stomach, and his other arm under your legs. Before you knew it, he picks you up. "Eh?" "Here we go." Osomatsu carries you back to your bedroom like you are a feather. "O-Osomatsu? H-How do you...?" Osomatsu hums, but suddenly smirks at you. "I trained a bit so I can lift you easy up, (y/n)-chan~. Who knows when I need this~." When Osomatsu kiss your cheek, you know what he means with that.

Osomatsu lays you carefully back into your bed, kissing your forehead. A few seconds later, Choromatsu comes with the okayu in your room. "I'll feed you, (y/n)-chan." Choromatsu says with a red blush dusted on his cheeks, sitting down next to you. "E-Eh? Y-You don't have to-" "Eh?! I wanted to feed (y/n)-chan!" Osomatsu says shocked and starts to whine. Choromatsu isn't even responding to his brother, blows the steam off from the spoon and holds it out to you with a nervous blush.

The boys don't know if it's from the fever or not, but your face turned bright red. You open your mouth a bit and take the spoon in your mouth, pulling away and swallowing the food down after chewing on it for a few moments. You look really surprised and open your mouth again, wanting more from the tasty okayu. Osomatsu and Choromatsu could die from your cuteness right now, but they try to hold back from acting like a love sick school girl who just got accept from their crush.

After you ate everything, there is only the medicine left. But you don't want to take it, because you hate pills. "(Y/n)-chan, don't be such a child and swallow the pill. If you don't take it, you'll stay sick." Choromatsu tries to talk you over since ten minutes, but you just ignore him and let your back face him. Osomatsu gets sick from just watching and starts to do something against this.

"(Y/n)-chan." You hum and turn yourself a bit around. ... "Mpf?!" You squeak when Osomatsu suddenly smash his lips down onto yours. From his sudden action, you opened your mouth and shut your eyes tightly when water flows inside your mouth. You swallow the water quickly down and Osomatsu pulls away after he checked with his tongue if you really swallowed down what you needed to. You gasp for air and pant softly. "I just wanted to see if you swallowed the pill, (y/n)-chan~." Osomatsu coos innocently. Your face turns crimson and white steam leaves your head before you pass out.

Choromatsu sighs and pulls the blanket more over your body. "You really need to learn what it means, reading the situation. But at least (y/n)-chan took her medicine." "Hehe~! Next time I'll use something else to fill her mouth~!" Osomatsu smirks proudly and rubs his index finger under his nose. "Why does everything to end up with you being a pervert?" Choromatsu shakes his head disappointed.

You love your boyfriends and you know they can't give you everything, but they don't know one thing about you.

You love it when you see them happy.

And if it means to place your own wishes back from time to time, you would never regret your choice.

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