You made her cry

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The Matsuno brothers having a crush on you since kindergarten, but they never had the confidence to talk with you. Instead of that they thought annoy you will make you notice them. So for no reason the brothers started to bully you.

"Ow!" The sextuplets pushing you into a pipe from a playground. You can leave from both sides. "We let you stay inside here for three hours (y/n)-chan~!" The six smirking evilly and locking from both sides the pipe with metal plates and stones in front of it. So you can't push them off.

The six running laughing away while you start to sob. Huddling yourself together while tears rolling down your face.

"Do you think (y/n)-chan will now talk to us after we let her out?!" Ichimatsu ask excited. "Of course! And then we can play games with her!" Osomatsu said with an excited smile. "Do you think she will kiss us on the cheek?!" Karamatsu ask swarming.

The brothers starting to giggle and can't wait to have you finally as a friend. What they don't know is that someone saw exactly what they did. And I have to say he isn't happy at all.

~And then...~
It's dinner time. The sextuplets forget you and eating their dinner with their parents together. But someone knocks on the front door. Matsuzo stands up and walks out of the living room.

When he opens his door it's quiet for a while. But then ... "Osomatsu! Karamatsu! Jyushimatsu! Choromatsu! Ichimatsu! Todomatsu! To the front door! Now!" The six boys flinching and quickly standing up. Running over to their father since he didn't sounded happy at all.

When they see a boy who goes in the third year of middle school and you standing behind him they get a bit scared. "I heard from (y/n)'s brother you pushed her into a pipe and locked her inside it?" Matsuzo ask with a glare and crossed arms over his chest.

The sextuplets looking unwell away. Your brother lays softly a hand down on your head. "I don't want you six to near my little sister ever again." "E-Eh?!" Now the sextuplets looking shocked and sad at your brother. When they look at you, you flinch. "(Y-Y/n)-chan we didn't-"

But when Todomatsu reached a hand out to you tears started to roll down your cheeks. You look scared at the brothers before hugging your older brothers one leg tightly. Gripping his pants like your life depends on it.

"It's already hurting (y/n) that we lost our mother. You six only made it worst with bulling her." Your brother glares at the six mad. "W-We don't bully her! W-We love (y/n)-chan!" Jyushimatsu tried to explain, but is near the tears.

"You love her?" Your brother ask with a calm voice. The sextuplets quickly nodding their heads. Your brother picks you up and pets your back softly while you sob into his chest now. " ... If I see my little sister ever commit suicide ... I'll blame it all on you six. Congratulations, you will kill a person if you keep doing this."

With that you brother walks away with you. Matsuzo shuts the front door while the sextuplets looking with a pale face scared down to the ground. They didn't thought they could kill a person just with bulling.

Matsuzo found it really harsh from your brother to say this, but he didn't wanted to say something against it. Two children lost her mother and they must be really sad about this.

~Years passing by~
The sextuplets are graduating in a week. They take different roads at home since they all don't want to get called the wrong name. But today they need to walk together home, since Matsuyo asked them if they could by groceries for her together.

To not make their mother upset the sextuplets did it. But that doesn't mean for them to talk with each other. When they finally can see their home someone sits on the bench.

A girl with long, (h/c) hair and a sailor uniform. She looks down to the ground while hugging her schoolbag close to her chest. The six getting curious for who she's waiting for. "Hey, are you waiting for someone?" Osomatsu calls out.

The girl flinch and looks to the side. She wears black glasses and has (e/c) eyes. When the brothers looking closer she looks a bit familiar.

The girl stands up and walks over to the sextuplets. They stopped when they notice this. "What is-?!" But the girl is holding a letter out with the name 'Matsuno-san' written on it. "For who is it?" Ichimatsu ask confused. The girl just waves the envelope around while looking down to the ground.

Karamatsu takes the envelope hesitating. With that the girl bows down and runs quickly away. "E-Eh?! W-Wait!" But she's already gone. The brothers looking at each other confused, before walking inside. They place the groceries down on the kitchen table and walking in the living room.

They sit down by the table and Karamatsu opens the letter. Ichimatsu takes the two papers and start to read it out loud.

>>I never did this before so this is my first time writing something like this. So please just hear me out and don't stop reading now.

You six made me in our childhood often sad. I cried whenever you said mean things to me or bullied me. When I was a child it all hurt me much and I never know why you bullied me. I was too scared to ask. If I may did something in the past that made you mad I apologize.

But the main reason I write this is, I want to be friends with you guys again. I know this may be comes a bit too late now, but if I be honest ... before you bullied me I was happy to be your friend. You six were every time so nice to me and this time I want to ask you out.

Do you want to be friends with me again? If yes, please come in eight days at 11 am to the playground to the pipe where you locked me before we never saw each other. If you don't come I know you don't want to be friends with me anymore.

Sincerely, (y/n).<<

The eyes from the sextuplets widen when they read the name. You want to see them again after they bullied you so much. Even after all the tears you cried you want to be friends with them. And this time ... the brothers will be honest with you. They never want to see you cry, because of them.

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