Apologize (Mafia!Osomatsu x Reader)

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You stare unwell at one table in the bar you are right now. "Why do you keep staring at this table (y/n)-chan?" One of your friends ask confused. "E-Eh?! A-Ah uh ... y-you see..." You glance back to the table, but this time the person looks at you.

Your heart stops to beat for a second before you quickly look down at your legs. "(Y/n)-chan?" "Y-You see, I-I just um..." Your friend sighs before turning the attention back to the others. You glance carefully back to the table. The person talks again with the others by the table, but notice the stares again. So when the person looks back to you, you quickly glance down at your legs.

Let me explain. You glance at the table where the mafia sits who has whole Japan under their control. But you can't help and need to look at the Don, Matsuno Osomatsu. He is the reason for your father being jobless. One day, your father bumped into Osomatsu by an accident and got fired immediately from his boss. Osomatsu just looked at your father bored before turning back to his own work and didn't even said a single word.

Since this day no one wants to give your father a job, because they don't want to deal with the mafia. You of course don't get why the Don didn't helped your father or at leasts said a single word. And since you don't get it, you want an explanation from him. Even if you know you could get killed for this you want an answer. But being the girl who doesn't have the confidence to talk first with people you just can stare at the Don and hoping he ask you to talk with him under four eyes.

Time flew by and your friends are already drunk. So you stand up with a sigh and pay your bill. Even if you drunk seven glasses of beer you still feel the same like usual. Yes, you can drink much alcohol without getting drunk, but feeling sick when it's too much.

'The Don is still sitting there, but I can't talk with him when his brothers are there. I'll only make a fool out of me if they-' When you want to take your wallet out, someone holds suddenly 10,000 yen out to the waiter by the cash register. Causing you to look up confused before your eyes widen. "I'll pay." Osomatsu smiles friendly. The waiter nods hesitating before giving Osomatsu back his change. Before you can even ask, Osomatsu makes a sign to follow him and walks out of the bar. You hesitate at first, but follow him quickly.

When you two stop by a car, Osomatsu opens the door from the back seats and steps aside. "Get in." "Why?" You ask with a quirked brow. Osomatsu just stares at you with a deadpan expression, so you step inside with a small sigh. When you sit down, the door gets suddenly slammed shut. Osomatsu walks over to the driving seat and gets inside. "Um ... w-where-" But Osomatsu press a button and a black window gets lifted up. Putting a wall now between you and him.

You growl pissed before sliding over to the seat behind the driver chair. "?!" You start to kick angry against the chair, causing Osomatsu to flinch from your sudden movement. "At least say more than just 'get in'!" The window don't get moved, so you keep kicking against Osomatsu's seat. He starts to drive fast, what cause you to get pushed back into the seat. When Osomatsu hit the brake, you hit with your face the seat in front of you.

The rest on the drive you thought it's the best not to kick his seat again.

~Time skip~
After a while, Osomatsu stopped in a underground parking lot and gets out of the car. Right in time when you wanted to leave he opens the door and push you back. Osomatsu shuts the door behind him and lock the doors. "So ... I saw you staring at me~. What do you want~?" Osomatsu ask with a smirk and reach a hand out to you. But you quickly backed away as much as you can, until your arm gets pressed at the door.

"I want that you explain to me why you didn't defend my father. Because of you he can't find any job just because the people are afraid he's involved with you and your mafia." Osomatsu hums confused. "Do I know your father?" "He was the one who bumped into you! And just because you didn't said 'it's okay' he got fired from work! Now everyone thinks he works for the mafia and don't want to give him a new job! At least say sorry-" "Okay, I'm sorry."

"Eh?" You stare at Osomatsu with a frozen smile. That he will give in so easily, you didn't thought this will happen. So Osomatsu caught you really out of guard. "But..." "?!" Osomatsu get closer to lay a hand down on your thigh. "...if you want me to help your father to find a new job I want something in return~."

You quickly try to open the door, but Osomatsu put the child safety lock in the car. Your breath hitch when you feel another body warmth next to yours. "Or I'll give you a job in my mafia~. It's getting payed even better than your useless job~." Osomatsu hums in your ear while getting his hand slowly under your dress.

"Hm?" You quickly grab Osomatsu's arm to stop him from getting even further. With a blush across your face you look a bit pissed at Osomatsu. "D-Don't you ... dare." You pant slightly. Osomatsu runs a shiver down his spine when he sees your face. "You're really hot, (y/n)-chan~." "How di-hieh!" Osomatsu put his other hand on your left breast and start to massage them. Earning a small whine from you.

"You sure you don't want this (y/n)-chan~?" You take a shaky breath in and- "HANDS OFF!!!" "Boeh!" You punched Osomatsu with your fist hard enough in his stomach, to let go of you. He even let go of the key from the car. You quickly take it and unlock the door. You rip the door open and jump out of the car. "Pervert bastard!" You slam the door shut and run away, with the key in your hand. Osomatsu chuckles a bit weakly and smirks slightly.

"Oh be sure I'll get you in my bed, (y/n)-chan~."

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