Demon or Human? Part 2

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You stand in front of the door from your home. A soft sigh escape your lips before you unlock the door. "I'm home!" "(Y/n)-chaaan~!" The moment you shut the door behind you someone hugged you tightly. You let out a muffled squeak, because the person is a whole head taller then you and push your face into his chest.

"She can't breath." "Hah! Really?! Am I that breathtaking, (y/n)-chan?!" "Like hell you are!" "Ouch!" You get out of the tight hug and see now Orson laying on the ground. Charlie punched him on his head angry, but sighs lightly. "Welcome home, (y/n)-chan." Charlie smiles a bit at you. Your cheeks turning a slight red, but you say 'thank you' anyways. Avoiding eye contact by that too.

Charlie chuckle lightly and put his hands gently on your cheeks. "You're really cute, you know that?" Your blush grows more while you look now shy down to the ground. Before you knew it someone lifts you suddenly up. "Uah!"

"Welcome back, (y/n)-chan!" Juicy said really happy and throw you a bit up. Only to turn you around. Juicy holds you under your butt up and smiles in joy up to you. To hold the balance you placed your hands on his head. You laugh softly and say: "Thank you, Juicy."

But hands going under your arms and lifting you more up. But not too much since your apartment isn't that high when it comes to the ceiling. "Welcome back, my sunshine. How was you day at work?" Karla ask with a cool smile on his lips. You look up to him and say with a smile: "Just like always, tiring Karla."

"Oi, I want to have (y/n)-chan too." Itchy said pissed from down. His snake is already hissing at Karla. He place you carefully down on your legs and get down as well. Itchy's snake pulls you with his tail closer to Itchy. He hugs you and hums when he have your scent in his nose.

"You sweat today more, didn't you?" Your face turns crimson red and you push Itchy away. Or you try it. He's not moving any inch away, even if you push with all your strength. "L-Let go Itchy~! And don't smell at me every time I come home~!" You whine.

But Itchy smirks from your cute acting and takes a sniff at you again. Making you shiver from his hot breath he let out at your neck. "I'm not so sensitive with that. Besides ..." Itchy comes closer to you ear and said in a low voice: " sweat anyways when you have sex." Your face turns red like a lobster now.

"Stop that, Itchy." Todd push his brother away and hugs you now close to him. "Forget what Itchy said,
(y/n)-chan. I don't mind if you smell like sweat or not~. I love you no matter what~." Todd coos happy and gives you a peek on the cheek. Causing you to blush again. "Oi! Just I'm allowed to kiss (y/n)-chan at first! I'm the oldest anyways!" Orson pouts angry and quickly pull you back to him.

After you got hit by him from his motorcycle you stuck in hell. If you would had leave you would die in the human world. So the six princes of hell made a contract with you. It's very simple. You can still live and your soul will stay in your body even if the contact gets broken.

While the six princes can always visit you whenever they want and can do with your body what they want. But they promised you they only will do something with you if you want it. And with that the contract was made.

Since this day two months passed by. Even if these six are demons you started to fall for them. They are completely different from the Matsuno brothers. The six princes having only eyes for you and tell you how much they love you.

Even if you don't say the last part back. They care for you, greeting you every day in your apartment and tell you stories about life and how they are. They even would tell you how old they are, but you think it's the best not to ask. It's quite rude in your eyes.

Anyways. You started to stop hanging out with the Matsuno brothers and even declined their calls. Why? Because whenever they call you or texting you the six demons getting your attention quickly back. By teasing you, telling you jokes or asking you what you want to eat.

You told the demon boys that you need to buy a few groceries and they wanted to walk with you together. So they turned into a human form (the form in the picture from part 1) to get seen by other humans and in order to protect you if any guy dares to touch you.

You seven walking out of the store and making your way now back home. "Can you cook for us dinner
(y/n)-chan~?" Orson ask curious and lays an arm around your waist. Only to get pushed away from Charlie.

"Well, depends on what you guys want to eat." All of them saying in unsure a different meal. You laugh a bit sweaty and say: "I'll try my best." Their eyes starting to sparkle and before they can say something someone calls out for you.

"(Y/n)-chaaan~!!" You hum confused and stop walking. Looking over your shoulder too. The six demons stopped too and clicking their tongue annoyed. The Matsuno brothers stopping in front of you with a blush on their cheeks and a happy smile.

"It's been a while (y/n)-chan. Why didn't you called or texted us?" Osomatsu ask curious. "Oh, I'm sorry Osomatsu. I was really busy and-mpfh?!" Suddenly Karla covers your mouth from behind with his hand. "She doesn't need to tell you this." Karla smiles friendly with closed eyes.

The sextuplets looking now confused at Karla. "And who are you?" "We are (y/n)-chan's roommates." Itchy growls a bit. "Since when do you have-" But Orson interrupts Choromatsu by stepping in front of you. "You're really annoying, you know that?" Orson smiles friendly with closed eyes. His head tilted to the side a bit. "W-What?"

"Why are you surrounding (y/n)-chan like that? Do you love her or what?" Ichimatsu ask now pissed. "We do love her!" Juicy says happy. "Eh?" Now the brothers staring at the six demons. "Uah!" Todd took one of your hands and pulled you away from the others.

"C'mon (y/n)-chan~! You promised us to cook dinner today~!" Todd coos happy and pulling you with him in the direction where your apartment is.

"A-Ah um ... b-but what is with my friends?" You ask a bit worried. The other five following you two quickly. "Ignore them (y/n)-chan. They did the same thing to you too anyways, right? So don't care about them. They don't do either." Orson smiles at you.

"OI!!!" "?!" Suddenly you get ripped away from the six demons. "We care for (y/n)-chan!" Jyushimatsu said defending. "And who gives you the right to just take her away?" Karamatsu ask a bit growling.

"(Y/n)-chan is free to decided with who she wants to go and who not. If she isn't screaming for help I think she isn't minding it." Charlie said calm, but glares a bit at the sextuplets.

"W-What are you six even doing here?" You want to change the theme since the situation doesn't feel good at all. "We wanted to ask you if you want to go on a date with us, (y/n)-chan." Todomatsu smiles cute at you.

Before you can say something Itchy is doing it. "To leave her for your crush alone again? Tsk! Don't make us laugh. You six virgins only care for (y/n)-chan if this other girl doesn't want you around. You're really disgusting."

"We don't do that! We realize that we love (y/n)-chan, because she was always there for us!" Osomatsu defends himself and the others. "E-Eh?" You blush from his sentence and look at him now a bit nervous. The six demons notice this of course. "But you'll leave her right away when this girl wants you around!" "No, we don't!"

Now both glaring at each other and growling. You quickly step away to make them pay attention to you now. You know what will happen if they start a fight. The Matsuno brothers will definitely die. They could never win against six demon princes from hell.

"(Y/n)-chan~! Let us go home~!" The six demons smiling happy at you. Holding their hands out to you. "(Y/n)-chan~! Let us go on a date~!" The Matsuno brothers smiling happy at you too. Also holding their hands out to you.


So? How do you choose? Will you go with the demons or with the humans?

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