Clumsiness is cute

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You are known as the most clumsy girl ever. There is not a single day we you aren't hurting yourself. Earning a bruise or feeling pain one time in the day is a gift you get rarely. Still, your six boyfriends finding it cute when you get clumsy. Even if something breaks from time to time, the six could never be mad honestly. But today, something happened you didn't wanted at all.

You wanted to visit the Matsuno brothers, but they weren't home. So you thought: "Why not just surprising them?" You pour water into a glass and made your way to the living room. On the table were laying their wallets, but you don't know why they let their wallets at home when they go outside. Anyways, it just happened that you tripped over your own feet and fell forward. The end result was soaked money bills, a bleeding knee and a dark purple eye. You hurt yourself just like always.

Now you try to dry the money with your jacket, only wearing a black tanktop. "This time I messed up so much! Oh please, please dry!" You whisper panicked to yourself. You know better than everyone else that money comes straight after you to the things the sextuplets love with their hearts. And to not disappoint your lovers, you try your best to clean this mess up.

Until blood runs down your hand and drips down onto an 5,000 yen bill. "Eh?" You turn hesitating your left hand around, staring at the huge cut the broken glass did to you. " ... Ngh!" Tears running down your face and your hands trembles in pain. Gripping with your other hand your wrist tightly while your head hangs down. 'Why's that happening to me all the time?!'

"We're home!" You flinch when you hear the voices from your boyfriends. You panic now around and look for something to hide the mess. "(Y/n)-chaaan~! Are you here~?" You throw your soaked jacket onto the mess and cut yourself in your left fingers, while pushing the glass shards under the jacket. You didn't even heard the glass breaking. Jyushimatsu is the first one who enters the living room and smiles really happy when he sees you. "(Y/n)-chan!" "?!" You flinch and look over your shoulder. "Jy-Jyushi! W-Welcome back!" You say panicked, but give him a smile. Jyushimatsu tilts his head confused to the side.

You're not good in hiding your lies.

"Hm? Why does your jacket lay on the table, (y/n)-chan?" Osomatsu ask confused. You stand up, turn quickly around and hold your hands behind your back to hide the cuts. You also moved your bangs, so your right eye who shows off something bad happens. "A-As you can s-see, Oso, m-my jacket got wet. A-A few kids throw waterbombs at me a-and ... yeah..." You explain with a sweaty smile. " ... Did you changed your hair style, (y/n)-chan?" Ichimatsu ask with a quirked brow. You tense up and start to walk over to your boyfriends now. "P-Pretty cool, huh?"

"You look beautiful no matter what, my darling." Karamatsu says with a cool smile and leans down to kiss you. But he gets confused when you squeeze yourself quickly between him and Todomatsu out of the room. You walk slowly backwards to the front door, making the six looking suspicious at you. "I-I remember th-that I need t-to buy m-milk. I-I w-want to bake a-a few c-cookies f-for you guys, s-so ... yeah..." Jyushimatsu, who was already feeling suspicious about the way you act, walked over to the table and lifted the jacket up.

The eyes from the sextuplets widen when they see the mess. But they get really worried about the blood. "(Y-" "FORGIVE ME!!!" Without wasting a second, you put on your shoes and run away. Unfortunately, you opened the door with your left hand and left blood behind on the doorknob. The six getting worried and mad at the same time, because you try to hide your injuries again from them. It's embarrassing for you to tell them when you hurt yourself, because of your clumsy character. "Ichimatsu! Find (y/n)-chan!" Osomatsu commends and send his brother out like a pokémon. But Ichimatsu's cat like skills could remind on a pokémon for some reason.

~And then...~
"Seriously, how did you even do this (y/n)-chan? It's worst than ever." Choromatsu ask worried and serious at the same time. He takes care of the cut in your hand while Ichimatsu press the ice patch gently against your right eye. "I guess it's because I only hurt myself the last few days one time. Who knows ." You shrug with a sweaty smile. "Did you run away because of the money?" Jyushimatsu ask worried. You tense up and swear you don't have any clue how he is doing this always. Jyushimatsu always knows when you try to hide one fact who is really important to your injuries. Your hand is the reason for the cut.

"W-Well um ... I-I know you guys l-love money s-so much and ... I-I was scared that you m-might um..." You mumble the last part to yourself. "What?" Osomatsu ask with a quirked brow. "I um ... I thought you guys wi-will..." But again, you mumble the important part so the brothers can't understand you. "(Y/n)-chan, tell us, please." Todomatsu says worried. You pull your hand away and move your head away from the ice patch, so you can look down to the floor.

"I-I thought that ... y-you'll hate me." The eyes from the sextuplets widen. You think they love money so much that they would even break up with you just because of this. "Mpf?!" Before anyone else can say something, Karamatsu get down in front of you and pulled you into a gentle kiss. He pulls away after a few seconds and says with a gentle smile: "We could never hate you, my dearest. Money is just a thing, but you are much more to us."

Karamatsu gets pushed away and Osomatsu kiss you a bit too rough. You squeak when he forced you to fall back, so you lay now under him. "Wanna proof that we love you more than money, (y/n)-chan~?" Osomatsu ask with a smirk and slides one hand under your shirt.

"Eh?" But Osomatsu froze when he sees your bright red face and a nervous look in your eyes. Osomatsu quickly pulls his hand out and stands up with his arms holding defending to the side. "?!" You flinch when Ichimatsu lays the ice patch onto your eyes, taking your power to see. You squeak when someone kiss you again, but this time softer. " ... Don't ever think we hate you because you destroyed material things, (y/n)-chan." Ichimatsu says bored.

You flinch when you get another kiss on your lips. "And please don't hide your injuries, (y/n)-chan. We don't want to see you in hospital one day, because you didn't told us you hurt yourself." Todomatsu says worried. You tense a bit up when another pair of lips meet yours. "But we know anyways when you lie, (y/n)-chan. It's really obvious. So, if you want to hide your injuries again, I'll remind you not to ever do it again." Choromatsu says with a slight huff. This time, you relax a bit when someone kiss you again. "We love, (y/n)-chan! And your clumsiness is just a bonus!" Jyushimatsu beams happy.

You sit slowly up and let the ice patch fall onto your lap. Your face turned fifty shades of red and your boyfriends starting to chuckle from your cuteness. "I-I'm going t-to the b-b-bathroom f-for a m-moment." You stand up and quickly leave the room. "Aaaah, man~ (y/n)-chan's so cute~. I want to have sex with her so badly~." Osomatsu smiles a bit dreamy, but doesn't get hit this time. Looks like the others thinking the same way.

Suddenly, they hear thud sounds and a groan in pain. " ... (Y/n)-chan!?" Choromatsu yells out of the living room. The brothers not moving an inch. " ... Yeah!?" You yell a bit weakly back. " ... Did you fell down the stairs!?" " ... ... No!?" You yell confused back.

The sextuplets are glad you are in the "Never-Broke-A-Bone-Club".

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