Met you in an emergency (Rescue Team!Osomatsu x Reader)

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I was never really the type of person who likes to leave the house. My comfort zone is my bed or my couch, playing video games after work and eating. Sometimes even taking a nap in my breaks at work or at home when I don't have work the whole day. Even my parents gave their hopes up from their precious daughter to turn not into a couch potato.

But my friend was dragging me out of my apartment and pulled me to the mountains, so we can hiking. After five meters I wanted to go back home, but (Friend/name) showed no mercy. Keep dragging me up while I followed her like a sack potato's.

When we were almost at the top I saw how an red panda stuck with his tail between two stones. I walked quickly up to him and removed the stones without thinking twice about it.

Why didn't I do this carefully again?

Let's make it short. A rock fall suddenly started and out of instinct I hugged the small animal close to my body while huddling myself to a ball together. (F/n) screamed my name before I couldn't heard the voice anymore. Now I sit in a small room under much stones and I can't see enough to find a way out of here.

I still lay on the ground, but I were able to turn myself to the side, so at least the red panda has a little freedom. Still, he licks at my cheek to check if I'm alive. I laugh softly and lay a hand down onto his head. "I'm okay. Really." I smile weakly.

Warm blood runs down my head, my arms and legs. I can't really move my left foot since a stone lays on it, but I doesn't feel like it's broken. I hope.

The red panda gives a small, cute sound to me what sounded almost like he is about to cry. I chuckle and lay my hand down onto the ground. "Hey, it's okay. I don't really know if you can understand me, but you would really help me if you snuggle your small body close to mine. I feel a bit cold, you know." Not a second later, the red panda snuggles close to my stomach while shaking a bit.

'Aaaah ... this is bad. The oxygen get's thinner here and if this goes on for a while both of us will die here. If I could at least save this animals life that would be enough for me. But if I move just one wrong stone everything could break down and onto us. ... I don't wanna die.' Tears welling up in my eyes and my lips quivering. "Please. Somebody. ... Help me." I mumble to myself while hugging the small animal closer to my body. Shutting my eyes tightly while the warm blood starts to feel cold.

"We're almost through it!" "(Y/n)! (Y/n) say something!" I open my eyes hardly and look slowly up. My vision is blurry and the voices starting to get lower. Before everything turns black, I hear this: "Hey, are you okay?!"




I hum and open my eyes slightly. The first thing I can see ... is darkness. "Eh?! I'm blind?!" I quickly sat up, but something falls down from my face. When I look onto my lap, it's the red panda. Seems like he was sleeping on my face and now he woke up. I see now that I sit in a hospital bed. "Ah! You're awake!"

I flinch from the sudden voice next to me and look hesitating to the side. A man I've never saw before sits on a chair next to me and smiles at me happy with an cheeky grin plastered on his lips. The man had dark brown hair, onyx colored eyes, he wears a black t-shirt who sits a bit too tight and shows his abs more off. Along with that, he wears an orange overall, but the zipper is by his end and his sleeves just hanging down with the rest from the upper half of the overall.

I feel my cheeks heating up slowly.

"Uh ... and you are...?" I ask with a quirked brow. "Oh, I'm the one who pulled you out from the stones with the others. Man, you're really lucky." He laughs suddenly slightly. He put his right elbow down onto his leg while laying his chin down into his palm of the hand. I just look really confused at him and he seems to notice.

"I mean, not everyone can make it out like you did. You only sprained your foot, broke one rip and got a small cut on your temple." The man chuckles with this cheeky grin again. I feel my blood rising up into my cheeks, but I glance away from him. "Still sounds bad. I'll never leave the house if it's isn't for work or food." I pout and look down to the red panda. He smiles really happy at me while I play with his little paws.

"Hey." I hum and look back to the man. "My name is Matsuno Osomatsu and you're really cute." I flinch and feel my blood rise up into my face. "A-Ah uh ... I-I'm (l/n) (y/n). N-Nice to m-meet you, M-Matsu-" "Call me Osomatsu, 'kay, (y/n)-chan?"

Osomatsu holds a hand out to me with a smile, while my face feels like you could fry a egg on it.

~Two months later~
After the last check up were done I were able to leave finally the hospital. I gave Osomatsu my spare apartment key so he can at least check if my post did had anything important in it. But when I came back, I saw he made this apartment his home as well.

I still have an bandage around my head, because the injuries bleed a week ago again and they took care of it. I look pissed at Osomatsu while he sits on his knees and looks innocent to the side. "I just asked you to take care of the post and didn't gave you permission to move in, Oso." "To my defend (y/n)-chan ... your apartment is much bigger than mine and it smelled like you in here~. So I quit my apartment and moved in~." Osomatsu said with a dreamy smile.

"Woah!" I grab Osomatsu's leg, lifted it quickly up and want to drag him out of the living room/kitchen. But he isn't moving at all, just laying on his back while holding with his arms the balance on the floor. "Uuuh ... what are you doing, (y/n)-chan?" Osomatsu ask with a soft laugh. "I'm trying to throw you out of my apartment! Hnnnngh~!!"

After pulling for a while I huff, sit down on my butt and lay down on my back. I let go of Osomatsu's leg of course. "Guh! Fine, stay here then. I don't have the energy for that anyways." Suddenly, Osomatsu has his hands next to my head while he is now over me. I feel my blood rise up into my head pretty fast.

I flinch slightly when Osomatsu touch my forehead suddenly with one hand. "You're already sweating, (y/n)-chan? Are you that weak?" Osomatsu ask surprised. "I-I don't train like you every day, Oso." I say a bit shyly while glancing to the side.

"?!" Suddenly something falls onto my face. I don't move any inch because I'm afraid it will hurt me if I do. "Hey, it's your little pet." "E-Eh?" The thing on my face gets lifted up and Osomatsu sits down on the ground. I get hesitating up, only to see Osomatsu hold the small red panda back from jumping at me again. "He always sneaked back into your apartment no matter what I tried (y/n)-chan. Should I set him out in the for...est ... do you want-" But I quickly nod my head while staring at the small animal.

Osomatsu let go and the red panda runs over to me, only to jump at me and snuggling close to my stomach. I smile a little nervous, but lift him carefully up and nuzzle my face against his. "You're so cute and thanks for watching over my apartment." "Heeey~! I took care of your apartment (y/n)-chan~! Your pet was just destroying things~!" Osomatsu tugs at my sleeve from his red sweater. Honestly he gave it to me when I were in hospital and started to freeze. He never get it back, obviously.

"Hm, yeah, thanks Oso." I say with an deadpan expression while the red panda crawls onto my shoulder. Osomatsu pouts and suddenly pinch my cheeks. "Be a little more nicer to your roommate now, (y/n)-chan. Always remember I'm much stronger than you." I push the hands from Osomatsu away and say with small tears in my eyes: "But I know you would never harm me when I'm mean to you, Oso. You're too nice for that."

Suddenly, Osomatsu has a huge blush across his face. Before I could even ask or tease him, Osomatsu hugs me out of nowhere really tightly. My face heat up, but I hug him carefully back. "You're just ... gosh, please don't ever change (y/n)-chan." "E-Eh? What do you mean?"

I flinch when Osomatsu nuzzled his face in my neck and let his hot breath hit my skin. "Oh yeah, I slept the whole time in your bed (y/n)-chan. And since the couch is too small for me I'll sleep tonight with you in your four meter bed." "E-Eh?! M-My bed isn't four meters and why did you slept in my bed?! I have a spare futon for guests, Oso! You'll sleep-hieh!"

I squeak when Osomatsu put his hand under the sweater and traced his fingers slowly up and down my spine. "Hmmm ... ah! Now I knew why your breasts feeling much softer! You don't wear a bra (y/n)-chan."

"Out of my apartment! Now!"

Osomatsu-san x reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now