Sweet Villain vs Mahou shoujo

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A/N: To know who is who from our sweet villains up there, I'll tell you their names - w-

Osomatsu = Mr. Simply

Karamatsu = Mr. Shocking

Choromatsu = Mr. Day

Ichimatsu = Mr. Deep

Jyushimatsu = Mr. Mo

Todomatsu = Mr. Floyd

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"(L/n) (y/n)! For saving me from this danger I'll make you a magical girl!"


~Five years later~
The monster made out of light disappears and I sigh exhausted. 'This is the fourth time today. When will this stop?' "The magical girl Sunstone!" I flinch when I hear my name and look behind me. "Thank you for saving us!" "Can I get a autograph?!" I laugh flustered when I see the people who came out of their hiding spots. I turn my sword into a an bow with an arrow together. "M-Maybe next time." I shoot the arrow into a random direction, when he hit something I pull at the rope from the arrow and get pulled into the direction fast.

When my feet touch the ground from the rooftop I let out a sigh and my weapon disappears. "As always a great work from my favorite magical girl~!" The cat who goes me on the nerves for almost five years coos happy next to me. "I'm the only magical girl, because I'm the only girl who wears this stuff on her free will." I say a bit annoyed while tugging at the short, orange skirt.

After my first day of high school I walked home pretty bored, until I saw a cat getting harassed from three middle school boys. I got pissed and chased them away. That's when the cat suddenly started to talk to me. It turned out this cat is a fairy who got eaten from this fluff ball and lives now in this form. The fairy said his name is Totoko and that she need a magical girl anyways. So from that day on, I've became the magical girl Sunstone in orange and five years later I do the same thing every day. Beating down monsters with my magic and hoping that this monster stop one day. But as long as this isn't happening I have to take them down.

I sigh and my uniform disappears. It's a simple sailor uniform, just with an orange skirt who ends by my thigs and a top who shows my belly off. My hair also turns orange, gets really long and is braided up into three thin ponytails. One on my right and left side of my head and on my back head. It looks better than it sounds like.

I'm for a few seconds naked before my normal clothes puffing up into white smoke again. Wearing a simple shirt, light blue shorts and sneakers. My hair turns back into his normal color again. But I wear an orange hair clip to hold my bangs up, so I can still see something. Since my bangs were always covering my eyes, Totoko gave me the hair clip as my magical item, so I can transform whenever I need to.

"If you keep transforming (y/n)-chan, your magical girl energy will be run out. I think with that who's left, you can only transform one more time this day." Totoko says worried and jumps onto my head. I turn to the door and make my way over to it, so I can leave this building. "I know, but when I-?!" Totoko gets suddenly grabbed away from my head. I look up and see a black cat with glasses(?!) flying with an rocket on his back up in the sky. "You must be kidding me." I groan and turn into my magical form. My clothes disappear before I jump up onto the fence and have my uniform back on. With my magic, I put wings on my back and fly quickly after the cat.

~And then...~
The chase was for a while, until the cat let go of Totoko. I quickly fly down and catch her, before I crush down into a rooftop and break the wood apart. Crushing down onto the ground with a groan, before the orange bubble pops who protected my body as good as it can from the damage. "Are you okay, Totoko-chan?" I ask panting slightly. "Yeah, I think-?! Sunstone, watch out!"

Before I knew it, something hard hit my back head and everything turns black.



I open my eyes slightly, only to hear voices ringing in my ears. "I told you, you hit her too much!" "Ehhh~? But didn't you said I should knock her out?" "Not in this way! How do you think we can touch her like that?! This is rape when we-" "She's waking up."

Different colors appearing over me, but I can only see them blurry. Red, blue, green, purple, yellow and pink. Suddenly, someone pinch my cheek. I shut my eyes and slap the hand away. "What the...?" I sit up and- "Mpf?!" Out of nowhere, someone press his lips onto mine.

"The hell?!" "Boeh!" I pulled away and punched the person as hard as I can with my fist. "I knew this will happen." I quickly stand up, but my one foot isn't hitting the floor. "Uah!" I fall down, but get caught from someone. "Heh. No need to fall in my arms, sweetheart~." I look now up to the person who caught me and- "Eh?! Aren't you Mr. Shocking?!" Now he looks really surprised. "You heard from me?" "You were in the news. Of course I know you." I say with a carefree smile. Mr. Shocking let me down on my feet again. Now I see the rest of the group.

But I remember something.

"Hold on a damn sec. Aren't you six the reason for the monsters?" I ask now a bit pissed. "You can't use your magical girl power anymore, so-?!" I wanted to punch Mr. Deep, but he dodged my attack. I stumble a bit forward before kicking him into his butt. "Ouch!" "Because of you I didn't got any free time the last few weeks! Do you know tiring it is to fight against four monster at the day?!" I scold the six pretty angry. Mr Simply, who has a red bruise on his cheek, clears his throats. "Because of you we can't graduating from being a virgin."

I stare at him now disgusted. "So you want to tell me, you only send these monsters over to the town, to kidnap girls, so they can have sex with you?" The six nodding their heads with determination. " ... A reason more for why I should kill these things." "Y-You get it maybe a bit wrong." Mr. Day says a little nervous, with a light red dusted on his cheeks. I hum and cross my arms over my chest. "We would n-never force a girl to have s-sex with us." "We would ask her and if she says no we would bring her back!" Mr. Mo beams with an open mouth smile. "We just feel lonely so all alone here." Mr. Floyd sighs sadly.

I stare at the six men with an blanked expression. " ... Oh, look at the time. I really should go to do this thing I need to do. It's so important I shouldn't miss it." I want to leave, but the six standing themselves quickly in my way. "Yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait! Isn't that the part where you should feel sorry for us and have sex with us?!" Mr. Simply ask shocked. "I don't know why I should do this." I say with an deadpan expression. "Please! We would do everything!" Now the six are on the floor, down on their knees and bowing down.

That's when I spot Totoko by the open door. She hold with her one paw an chocolate bar up while waving it at me. I smirk slightly and get an idea.

I zip my shorts open, earning the attention from the six back. They flinch when they see I take my clothes off. A huge blush across their face and blood runs out of their nose. I remove my (f/c) panty and stand now completely naked in front of them. The six getting quickly up and fiddling with the zipper from their pants. "Hold on a second." I laugh softly, causing them to stop.

"Could you please close your eyes? I would like to surprise you~." You smile slightly while looking at them with half lidded eyes. "O-Okay!" The six shutting their eyes and waiting. I tip toes as quiet as I can around them and make my way to Totoko. I pick her up and she hold the open chocolate out to me. I take a bite and earn a bit magical girl energy back. I transform and when I get my uniform back, I have wings again on my back and fly up through the hole n the rooftop.

I quickly eat the rest from the chocolate and gain my full magical girl energy back. "You really are mean (y/n)-chan~! But that's why I choose you as my magical girl~!" Totoko coos happy while making herself comfortable in my arms. "You choose me, because I'm the only girl who can deal with being naked in front of others." I smile dumbfounded.

~The next day~
I kill the next monster and it disappears. Suddenly, on the big TV screen in the middle of the town the show starts to change. But instead of a show, I see the six men who kidnapped me yesterday.

>>That's a massage to Sunstone!<<

The six yelling before stepping back. I feel my face heating up when they show their bulge in their pants off, in the front of the camera.

>>This is your fault!! So take care of that and come over to us!!<<

Oh boy, this will be a really troublesome time from now on.

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