What is Christmas?

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A/N: I know it's not Christmas, but I just got this idea and thought: "Why not?"


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It's December the 23th, a day before Christmas. Since you have these days off from work, you hand around by your friends the Matsuno brothers. They all get hyper this year, because you are their friend. You gave them something when it was valentines day and their birthday, so you also will give them something on Christmas.

Or so they thought.

Being curious about what you have for them, Osomatsu walks over to you. "(Y/n)-chan~?" You hum and look up from the book you lend from Choromatsu. Osomatsu sits down next to you with an excited smile and ask: "What is your present for me to Christmas~?" The others quickly looking at you two, wanting to know what he gets so they can ask you right after.

But you only look with an confused smile at the oldest brother. "Eh?" "What is ... Christmas?" The brothers can even see question marks over your head. "Um ... Christmas. The day where people celebrate the birth of Jesus Christus. People give each other presents and the kids waiting for Santa Clause." Choromatsu explains a bit dumbfounded. The brothers think you are joking around right now, but you still look confused.

"Hmmm ... Christmas? Doesn't sound really familiar to me. Hmmm..." The sextuplets exchanging a glance before looking back to you. "(Y/n)-chan, did your family never celebrated Christmas with you?" Jyushimatsu ask a bit worried. "Well, my parents were almost every day working and when they got free time, they spend it with each other. I was the most time alone, so I didn't even celebrated my birthday. Hey, I celebrated a birthday for the very first time this year. ... Cool."

The sextuplets feeling sorry for you, because it's the first time they hear this from you. You never told the brothers something from your childhood, since you said it's not really important for them to know it.

Your phone rings and you stand up. "I'll be right back." You say with a smile and leave the room, sliding the door shut. "Hey, guys, come here for a moment." Osomatsu waves his brothers over and he whispers them his idea over.

When you come back, you notice that the sextuples smiling so happy at you. It made you scared a little bit. "Um ... d-did I missed something?" "How about we make a sleepover, (y/n)-chan!?" Jyushimatsu beams with an happy smile and jumps up from the ground. You hum and think about this idea. "Uh, sure. Couldn't hurt, right?" The sextuplets blushing light red and smiling a bit nervous. "I'll sleep next to (y/n)-chan~!" Osomatsu beams with an happy smile, standing up and running over to you. He hugs you tightly and rubs his cheek against yours with hearts coming from him. "Oi! Who says you can sleep next to her, shitty eldest!" The other five yelling angry. You only laugh sweaty, petting Osomatsu's head softly.

~The next day~
Matsuyo didn't let you sleep with her sons in one room of course. You were sleeping in the guest room while the sextuplets did a few things. You didn't even notice that they were running around. When you woke up in the morning, you where confused to not see a single one of the Matsuno brothers. Matsuyo said they left really early in the morning, so you talked with her for a while until you decided to buy a present for the brothers. They looked like they really want one from you, so you celebrate Christmas for the very first time.

When you bought the presents, you made a few things at home before you called Todomatsu and asked if they are already home. He told you to come over to their place at 8 pm, so here you are. Standing in front of the door from the Matsuno household with a bag in your right hand. You knock on the door and a few seconds later, Jyushimatsu opens the door. "(Y/n)-chan!" He hugs you tightly with an happy smile, while you sigh softly with a small smile and hug him back.

Jyushimatsu let you go and grabs your free hand: "C'mon! You need to see this, (y/n)-chan!" "Uwah!" He quickly pulls you with him, but you were able to take your shoes off before you stepped onto the wooden floor. You want to ask what you should see, but Jyushimatsu already slid the door to the living room open.

Your eyes widen when you see that the room is decorated in Christmas style, that much food stands on, followed by the beloved Christmas cake and that a few presents standing under a Christmas tree.

"Merry Christmas, (y/n)-chan~!" The sextuplets saying happy in their own way and you flinch when they suddenly pull the string from a party popper. You blink a few times while looking at the scene. "What...?" "Well, you said you never celebrated Christmas, (y/n)-chan. So I thought we should celebrate a real Christmas party with you." Osomatsu explains with a proud smile and rubs his index finger under his nose. "Like only you thought about this." Ichimatsu growls slightly. "I was the one who even spoke it out, so it was my idea."

"My sweetheart, may I ask if you want to share these chicken with me~?" Karamatsu holds out a plate with chicken legs to you. "You should really eat the cake, (y/n)-chan~. How about we share it~?" Todomatsu ask with a cute smile and points to the cake with a knife. Ichimatsu only holds out a small bowel with stew while he looks away from you. "You can eat pasta and these sweets, (y/n)-chan!" Jyushimatsu beams with an happy smile and holds the two plates up. "I think it would be better if you eat a salad before." Choromatsu smiles shyly and holds a plate with salad out to you. "Eat a slice pizza before~!"

"Mpfh?!" Osomatsu took one slice from the pizza and shove it inside your mouth without showing mercy. "Oi!!" The five placing everything aside, only to grab their oldest brother and to start fight. You bite a bit from the pizza in your mouth away and pull the rest out, leaving a long string of cheese behind. You chew on the piece in your mouth and swallow it down after cutting the cheese from the pizza with your finger.

" ... ... Pfft! Ahahahahahahaha!" "Eh?" The sextuplets stop when they hear you laughing. You have small tears in your eyes, worrying the six you might hate it. When you calm a bit down, you wipe the tears away and say: "Wow, you six always do things they surprise me everyday." "So ... you don't hate it?" Ichimatsu ask carefully. "I love it." You say with a soft smile, causing the brothers to blush nervously. "Oh, since you said something about presents, I bought for you guys one. It's not really the best, but I didn't really knew what I can give you six in such a short time."

When you hold the bag out, the six quickly taking it and taking out the presents in their color. When they rip the paper off, it's a simple scarf in their color. "Well, when I asked you one day why you don't have a scarf with you because of the cold weather, you said that you don't have one. I know, a scarf isn't really the best Christmas present, but-?!"

The sextuplets quickly hugging you and that really tightly. "We love it!" They beam happy. You are a bit surprised, but smile softly with a blush dusted on your cheeks. "Let's eat before the food gets cold, okay?" "Sure!"

You never celebrated Christmas and your first time celebrating was unforgettable.

And you never thought celebrating it on the next year will make the sextuplets cry.

Well, the Matsuno brothers never thought to finally get a girlfriend and to start a family one day, so no wonder they cried when you gave them the pregnancy test with the plus sign.

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