Pervert vs Bookworm Part 2 (High schooler!Osomatsu x Reader)

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Requested by FWPlacencia623

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In a week, the year from Osomatsu has the prom night and he really wants to get the girl who always keeps her straight face when he tries to flirt with her.

Without noticing, Osomatsu fall in love with you and keeps trying to make you blush or at least to make you laugh. The only thing he gains from you is your straight face, that you make him blush and sometimes you give him a one second, small smile. Osomatsu is trying now to ask you out to go to the prom with him, not wanting to let anyone else have you.

"Eh?! You don't wanna go with me?! Why?!" Osomatsu ask shocked in the middle of the hallway. You sigh and push your glasses up, keeping your eyes to the book in your hand. "Because I don't want to go to the prom, Osomatsu-san." "B-But why?! I promise not to do anything to you if you don't want to, (y/n)-chan!" You only sigh again and shut your book, stopping to walk. Osomatsu place himself quickly in front of you. "Listen Osomatsu-san, I'm not interested in going to this prom, because I have better things to do." "What could be so important?!" Osomatsu ask whining.

"Reading a book I ordered by a store yesterday." You say calm, pushing your glasses by this up. Osomatsu lays his hands on your shoulders and shakes you. "Please (y/n)-chan~! You can read this book after prom~! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease~!!" You hold a hand up, making Osomatsu stop to shake you. "When I say yes, will you leave me alone?" Osomatsu's eyes starting to widen and a really happy smile makes his way up his lips. You tense a bit up when you see his happy face.

"YAHOOOO!!!" Osomatsu let go of you, only to jump in pure happiness up. He jumped a bit to high and hit his head against the ceiling, causing him to whine when he lands back on his feet. You only stare at him while your glasses reflecting, making it impossible for Osomatsu to see what expression you have. "I'll wait by the school gate for you, okay?! See ya later, (y/n)-chan!" With that, Osomatsu runs quickly off to rub it in his brothers faces.

If Osomatsu would had wait and would had looked closer at your face, he would had seen a bright red blush who goes over your face.

~At the prom~
Osomatsu waits by the school gate with an nervous smile for you. He were still talking with you the whole week, but bothered you more than often. Wherever you were, Osomatsu stood right next to you. He was keep asking you what you will wear for him and he even showed you dresses he wanted from you to wear. Most of them showed really much naked skin, but you were ignoring Osomatsu and didn't stopped to read.

Most of the students are surprised how determined Osomatsu is with you and that you didn't punched him one time. Most girls are glad that Osomatsu had stopped with flipping skirts up.


Waiting ten minutes more, Osomatsu feels someone tapping his shoulder from behind. He hums and looks over his shoulder. "?!" Osomatsu almost choked on his saliva when he sees you. You wear a simple red dress who goes down to your knees, you braid your hair up to a messy bun and you wear a different pair of glasses. For Osomatsu, you look even more beautiful than before.

"So?" You suddenly speak up, making Osomatsu flinch. "Can we go inside now and bring it over us?" "A-Ah ... y-yeah." You two walk inside the school building, but Osomatsu can't look away from you. Since a few strands hanging down and covering your face from the side a bit, Osomatsu can't see the blush on your cheeks.

You both walk inside the gym hall and a few students are already there. Eating snacks, drinking juice and a few are already dancing. The brothers from Osomatsu standing by Totoko, wanting her to dance with them. But she always decline it for some reason.

Now, you two just sit on two chairs. Osomatsu looks nervous down to his legs while you look bored forward. "So? What are we doing now? If we keep sitting here around, I'll go-" "I-I'll grab us some drinks!" Osomatsu stands quickly up and walks to the tables with snacks and juice. You sigh softly, but a small smile makes his way up your lips. 'I guess I'll see him in a few minutes blushing deep red.'

Osomatsu pours some juice in two cups, feeling his hands shaking slightly. 'Shit. I never thought (y/n)-chan looks so hot. I don't know if I can hold back when she-' "Osomatsu-kun?" "Hm? Ah, hey Totoko-chan." He gives his friend a small smile before placing the bottle down again.

"Say, do you want to dance with me?" "Eh?" Osomatsu stares now at Totoko a bit startled. " ... But I'm already here with (y/n)-chan." "But she doesn't even look like she enjoys spending time with you, Osomatsu-kun. And I'm sure if we two-" But a finger taps Osomatsu's shoulder, making him look to the side with the two cups in his hands.

"?!" Before he knew it, you pull him down into a soft kiss. Osomatsu's eyes widen and he let go of the cups, spilling the whole juice. Totoko quickly stepped back. You pull away and smile softly at Osomatsu, causing his blood to rise up into his head pretty fast.

"I love you, Osomatdu-san. Can I be your girlfriend?" At first, Osomatsu's brain needs a few moments to realize what you did, said and asked. But when he seems to understand, Osomatsu pulls you quickly into a tight embrace. "Yes! I love you too, (y/n)-chan!" You flinch when he kiss you a bit too rough, but relax a bit and kiss him back. Osomatsu opens his eyes half way and feels his heart beating like crazy.

He made you blush.

On the next day, you two had the same relationship like always, but you started to shut your book and listened to Osomatsu whenever he came over to talk with you.

All in all, Osomatsu were able to make the straight-faced girl smile.

Osomatsu-san x reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now