🍋Pervert girl friend Part 2

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Requested by lazyboikat

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Since the day you popped the sextuplets cherry and they yours as well, you seven are in a relationship. Of course sex is something important, but the brothers tried to show you they love you for who you are and not your body. Their parents were surprised when they told them you were their girlfriend, but Matsuzou and Matsuyo are just happy that their sons finally found someone.

But then they told Totoko.

She wanted to go with the brothers shopping (theirusually dates), but when the brothers turned her down she was shocked to hear you are the sextuplets girlfriend now. And that they payed more attention to you was something Totoko couldn't really handle.

Since then, Totoko came to your working place almost every day and insult you.

Being the secret sadist (masochist only when your boyfriends asking for) you had a talk with Totoko at her home for one time. The sextuplets found out you punished her and they got jealous. After all, they are the only one who are allowed to get (sometimes) punished from you. So to make you remind this, the six got a plan to make you beg for their dicks inside you.

You are in the kitchen from the Matsuno household. Matsuzou and Matsuyo are out for a date and will not return for three days. What a long date.

But perfect for the sextuplets.

While you make dinner you look embarrassed down into the pot with curry. The brothers told you they always wanted their girlfriend to wear an apron by cooking, with nothing under it. You couldn't resist their begs and pleads on their knees while hugging your legs. These six know how to make you give in.

'It's so breezy here, but ... their begging faces were just too cute~.' You press one hand against your cheek with a dreamy smile. You drift off so much, that you don't notice the presence from someone behind you.

"?!" You flinch when two arms going from behind around your waist and a body gets pressed against yours. "How long do you still need, (y/n)-chan?" Osomatsu ask with a friendly smile. You are relieved it's not a murderer, but Osomatsu caught you really much off guard. Especially when he starts to slip his hands under the apron and let his fingers slide slowly around your stomach and up to your chest. "O-Only a f-few ... minutes, Osomatsu." A shaky breath escapes your lips when Osomatsu cups your breasts and gives them a gentle squeeze.

Osomatsu hums and kiss your neck from behind. You moan softly, what makes Osomatsu smirk. He leans up to your ear and when you feel his warm breath against your shell, a shiver runs down your spine. You shut your eyes tightly and grip the edge from the working plate. "You think I can fuck you before lunch is ready~?" Your legs shaking a bit and you start to pant softly. Another moan escapes your lips when Osomatsu's one hand slides down your hip and he press his middle finger against your pussy. "(Y/n)-chaaan~ I want an answer~. Or else I'll stop~."

Osomatsu pulls his hands away, but you say quickly: "Pl-Please don't stop." Osomatsu smirks and zips his pants open. You lean forward and press your hips against Osomatsu's dick. He held your hips back before you can push his tip inside. "Who said I'll let you fuck me, (y/n)-chan, hmmm~?" "Ah~" You moan softly when Osomatsu kiss your sweet spot on your neck and starts to leave a hickey. Osomatsu let with one hand go of your hips, only to rub his thumb over your clitoris. You moan a bit louder from the feeling, but it's not enough.

"Osomatsuuu~ please don't tease and-ahh~!" Before you could ask for it, Osomatsu thrust inside your pussy. But he isn't moving a single inch. "C'mon (y/n)-chan~ say my name and beg for it~." "Please, Osomatsu-sama~. Please fuck me until you're satisfied and cum as much as you want~." You whimper desperately and want to push your hips back, but Osomatsu has a tight grip with just one arm around you. Osomatsu runs a shiver down his spine and his smirk grew even more. Since you brought the sextuplets closer to the SM scene, the six started to develop both. Being a sadist and masochist. Just like by you, they are masochists if you ask for it, but often take the lead when it comes to sex. Seeing your begging face is such a turn on for them that they need to see this face at least one time in the week.

Osomatsu-san x reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now