Demon Or Human?: Human choose

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Requested by @remachanoffical

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"Yeah ... let's go on a date." You smile softly at the Matsuno brothers. They start to cheer and jumping happy around. The six demons looking at you seven, before smirking.

"?!" You flinch when an arm goes from behind around your neck and pulls you gently closer. Causing the sextuplets to stop immediately and looking at you. "But what if we don't want to give her away, hm~?" Itchy ask with a smirk. Orson squeeze your cheeks from the side together and nears your face.

"You see, we really love (y/n)-chan~. And such a cute face is rare to find by us~." "Hieh!" You squeak when he suddenly licks your ear. "Besides ... (y/n)-chan is the first one who were nice to us~." Charlie pulls your shirt slowly up.

But the three demon quickly let go of you and stepping away. Osomatsu, Choromatsu and Ichimatsu wanted to punch them for touching you, but they were too fast for them. Karamatsu and Jyushimatsu stepping to the side from you while Todomatsu hugs you from behind close to him.

"Eeek!" But when Todomatsu feels suddenly something sharp poking him from behind into his back he let go of you and steps to the side. Todd hugs your now and pulls you with him away. "Oi! Let her go!" Karamatsu and Jyushimatsu wanting to get you back, but Karla and Juicy holding them back.

"Todomatsu! Why did you let (y/n)-chan go?!" Choromatsu ask angry. "He poke something sharp at my back! I was scared, okay?!" Todomatsu said with tears in his eyes. Orson steps in front of you and put one hand under your shirt. Laying it down on your stomach where their print is.

You hiss in pain and want to clutch your stomach. But Todd press his arms at your body so you can't move them. "Oi! What're you doing?!" Osomatsu wants to punch Orson, but he takes his hand away and jumps back. "Ah! Ouch!"

Orson hold his one foot a bit out. What caused Osomatsu to trip over it and falling down to the ground. Since he hit nothing but emptiness it was hard for him to hold the balance probably. Todd let go of you and you fall down on your knees. Clutching your arms around your stomach and whining in pain.

"(Y/n)-chan!!" The other five quickly rushing over to you. "See it as a little present!" Juicy said happy. "What did you do to her?!" Ichimatsu ask angry. "We just removed something. See you again (y/n)-chan~!" The six demon princes waving with a smile before walking away.

The sextuplets wanting to kill them, but you hold them back with saying: "Please ... don't leave."

~At the Matsuno household~
"Are you feeling better now, (y/n)-chan?" Choromatsu ask worried. You hum with a small smile and sitting slowly up. Karamatsu picked you up from the ground and carried you to their home. He laid you down on the futon, Todomatsu put a pillow under your head and Jyushimatsu throw the blanket over your body.

Ichimatsu holds a glass water out to you. You smile softly and take it. "Thank you, Ichimatsu." He only hums in response. "Ah!" But Osomatsu quickly snatch the glass out of your hands. He starts to drink some of the water. "Oi! What are you do-?!" "Mpf?!"

Before you knew it Osomatsu smashed his lips onto yours. You gasp from his sudden action in shock and surprise. The others gasping in pure shock. You squeak when the water Osomatsu drunk suddenly flows into your open mouth.

You shut your eyes tightly and try to swallow it down. But a bit water runs down your chin while Osomatsu kiss you deeper. Pushing you down onto the futon back. "?!" But before Osomatsu can unzip with his free hand his pants the others quickly ripping him away from you.

You gasp for air and start to cough a little. "You can't just-Jyushimatsu-niisan!!"When Todomastu wanted to yell at Osomatsu he saw that Jyushimatsu leaned down to kiss you now. You just whine while your body starts to tremble.

Now Jyushimatsu gets ripped away from you. "Honestly! Don't just kiss (y/n)-chan! At least let her breathe for a few minutes!" Choromatsu said angry. But Ichimatsu kiss you now and licks every spot in your mouth. You moan when he press his tongue against yours.

"Ichimatsu! Not you too!" Ichimatsu pulls away and sticks his tongue out to Choromatsu. "At least Karamatsu-niisan can-STOP IT ALREADY!!!" Karamatsu pulls away after he get his kiss and smiles with a light blush on his cheeks.

You whimper and roll yourself together. Just wanting to fall asleep or at least eating something. "Admit it Fappymatsu. You want to kiss (y/n)-chan too." Osomatsu sighs and push his little brother forward. "Oi!"

Choromatsu sighs. Now it's already too late anyways. So he get down on his knees, turns your head to him and gives you a kiss on the lips as well. But not for too long. Choromatsu doesn't want you to run out of air that you pass out.

When he pulls away Todomatsu take you in his arms to help you sit up again. "I'm sorry for my idiotic brothers, (y/n)-chan. But you know them." Todomatsu gives you a kiss too and cuddles you know close to him. You only sniff while tears collecting in the corner of your eyes.

"Oi! Don't claim (y/n)-chan all to yourself, you sly monster!"

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