Sleep over with happy end (4x7x5)

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Request by Irl__Vriska

I'm sorry that I changed a bit, but I hope you like it

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When you were hanging out by the Matsuno brothers in their house, time flew quickly by with playing games and talking about a few random things that crossed your guys mind. It was already 11 pm and dark outside. You wanted to leave so the brothers can finally sleep, but Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu grabbed your hands and hold you back. Saying it would be better if you guys make a sleepover before anything happens to you. Since the others didn't mind and their parents as well, you decided to stay.

Now, you stand in the bathroom and changed into some clothes you can sleep in. But you wear the hoodie from Ichimatsu and the shorts from Jyushimatsu, what makes you all flustered. After all, you just wear the clothes from your crushes. Yes, you have a crush on both brothers. You don't know why, but you just love them. Of course you didn't told anyone beside your cat this. Your cat is already annoyed from your whining around that she even ignores you when you start with that theme.

'Their clothes are so big~! Even their scent gets into my nose~!' You fangirl around and press your hands against your cheeks. Even if they are covered from the sleeves. You jump when someone knocks on the bathroom door. "(Y/n)-chan? Are you done?" When you hear Ichimatsu's voice, your face heat a bit more up. "J-Just one second!" You take a deep breath of oxygen in your lungs, slap your cheeks with your hands and shake your head. 'Calm down! You can do this! Don't be too obvious, (y/n)!' Preparing you mentally for everything, you walk out of the bathroom.

"Ah!" "?!" You flinch when Ichimatsu stands suddenly in front of you. Honestly, you thought he left. Ichimatsu blush a light red when he sees you, while you look nervously away. "Y-You ... look cute." 'Eh?' Now, Ichimatsu caught off guard for the very first time. "Th-Thank you ... I think...?" You two stay there really awkward, not sure what to say next or to do.

Luckily Jyushimatsu jumps between you two.

"You look really pretty like that, (y/n)-chan!" Jyushimatsu beams happy, with his arms up in the air. "E-Eh?! A-Ah um ... th-thank you." You blush even more, feeling inside so happy that you won't mind to die right now. Now, you three stand there. Not saying anything and looking blushing away from each other.

"How long do you wanna stay there?" "?!" You three jump slightly and look to the side. Osomatsu excuse himself and walks into the bathroom, shutting the door with a yawn. "W-We should go to the others." You say quietly with a nervous smile on your lips. "Y-Yeah..." When you start to walk, both brothers following you.

~Time skip~
For some reason, the sextuplets changed their positions to sleep. Karamatsu changed with Jyushimatsu places, so you are now between him and Ichimatsu. But that is the reason why you can't sleep at all. Both boys hugging your arms while you can feel their hot breath against your neck. Whenever they breathe out, a shiver runs down your spine. This goes almost since a whole hour like that and you can't take it anymore. As slow as you can, you try to get your arms out of their grips. When your right arm is free, Ichimatsu hugs you now around your stomach. You leave him at first alone, sliding your left arm slowly out of the grip from Jyushimatsu.

When your left arm is free as well, Jyushimatsu hugs you around your chest. You blush a bright red, but try not to focus on that. Slowly, you push yourself with your arms back. A few minutes later, you are free and the two brothers hugging each other now. You quickly walk out of the room, slide the door quietly open and shut after you left. A quiet sigh in relieve escape your lips before you walk down the stairs to drink a bit water.

Entering the kitchen on your tip toes, you fill a glass with water. 'Maybe I can sleep on the couch? No, this would be really rude. But I'm so nervous between Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu! How am I suppose to sleep when such cute boys laying next to me?! ... Haaah, guess I'll have no sleep tonight.' "You okay?" "Mpfh?!" You choke on the water and start to cough. Ichimatsu hits your back softly. When you calmed down, you look at him. "I-Ichimatsu what...?"

"I notice you were leaving, so I only wanted check if you're okay." Ichimatsu says bored and looks away from you. "Oh, um ... th-thank you, Ichimatsu. B-But I'm fine. I was just thirsty." Ichimatsu hums, but glance over to you. A blush goes over your face now and you feel nervous again. " ... (Y/n)-chan." "Y-Ye-mpf?!" When you looked at Ichimatsu, he suddenly leaned down and kissed you directly onto your lips. You are so surprised and shocked from the kiss, that you don't move a single inch from your spot.

"Eh?! Ichimatsu-niisan, that's not fair!" Ichimatsu pulls away while your face turned bright red. Jyushimatsu walks into the kitchen and over to you two. "You said we ask (y/n)-chan first before any of us kiss her!" Jyushimatsu says with a cute pout. "She was just too cute that I couldn't hold back." Ichimatsu has a light red blush on his cheeks, chuckling slightly. "Then I'll do the same and we ask (y/n)-chan after that!" Jyushimatsu beams happy and suddenly squeeze your cheeks a bit together. "Eh? Mpf?!" Just like by Ichimatsu, Jyushimatsu kiss you without any warning.

When he pulls away, your whole face turned dark red and white steam comes out of your head. "We love you, (y/n)-chan!" Jyushimatsu says suddenly with an happy smile, making your heart beat faster than it already does. "We wanted to tell this the whole day, but we just couldn't fing the right moment. So? Which of us do you like more?" Ichimatsu glance with an rosy red blush at you.

You try to process what the two just said to you, until your brain realize it. "E-Eh? Y-You two...?" Your world spins a bit around, but you try not to pass out. "I-I um ... I-I love ... y-you two. ... Is this weird?" You ask shyly and play nervously with your fingers. Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu exchanging an surprised glance, before looking back to you. "?!"

Jyushimatsu hugs your suddenly from behind around your neck. "I don't mind sharing you with Ichimatsu-niisan, (y/n)-chan!" Ichimatsu takes the sleeve from his hoodie between his thumb and index finger. "Guess we will have an relationship in a threesome." Ichimatsu smirks slightly with an dark expression, making you worry a little bit what he is actually thinking right now. Tears welling up in your eyes and you smile weakly.

"I love you, Ichimatsu, Jyushimatsu."

"I love you too, (y/n)-chan."

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