Happy song (Karamatsu x Little sister!reader)

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It's really early in the morning. Karamatsu wears his suit and looks down on the envelope he made. Inside is a letter he wrote. Karamatsu stands by the front door. He thinks of what to do next. 'No one ... will notice it ... right? If I just ... disappear?' Karamatsu's lips quivering while his grip on the envelope tightens.

"Kara-niichan?" Karamatsu tense up when he hears the voice from his little sister. From you.

You woke up because you were hungry. But when he walked down the stairs tired you saw Karamatsu standing by the door. "Do you want to go somewhere special? It's really early." You yawn and walk over to him. Karamatsu quickly put the envelope in his pockets from the inside from his blazer before turning around to you.

"Heh. I just thought of going to job hunting, my dearest sister." You rub your eyes sleepy before smiling slightly. "Really? Can I go with you, Kara-niichan? I have holidays anyways and sitting around isn't healthy. Or whatever Choro-niichan is calling it." Since you are still in middle school you don't need to go for job hunting, but you never really saw your brothers doing it. So you got curious.

"E-Eh? A-Ah um ... I-I don't think..." But when Karamatsu sees your puppy dog eyes he can't say no. He sighs quietly before saying: "W-Well, if you really want to see-" "I-I'll be right back! Wait here for me, Kara-niichan!" You smile happy before walking the stairs quickly up. Karamatsu smiles slightly before turning back to the door. 'At leasts ... I can spend my last day with (y/n).'

~Time skip~
Karamatsu was walking around with you. You completely forgot why you two walked outside, so you just dragged Karamatsu with you to every direction you wanted. To places you really like and maybe your big brothers as well. Karamatsu was following you the whole time, but was really quiet. He rarely said a word and just smiled at you from time to time when you looked at him.

Now you two sit together in a park, but nobody is around for some reason. Means you two eat alone ice cream Karamatsu bought. Somehow you forgot your wallet at home and Karamatsu was the one he paid everything.

Karamatsu looks down at his ice cream while you already chew on the rest from the waffle. You're pretty fast. 'I should send (y/n) back home. If I stay longer with her I might-' But before Karamatsu can think more your voice rips him out of his thoughts. "Kara-niichan? Why do you look so sad?" Karamatsu's eyes widen. "W-What?" Now he looks at you.

"I know you since I was a baby, Nii-chan. And I can tell when one of my brothers feels sad. So tell me, Kara-niichan." You smile happy at Karamatsu. His eyes starting to shimmer. He can't believe how innocent you still are, even if you already knew where babies coming from. Maybe it's because you aren't a real adult yet?

"I ... don't think you want to hear it, (y/n)." Your eyes widen when you hear Karamatsu saying your name. It's unusual for him and if he does this you know he has something on his heart, but don't know how to put in words. You take a quiet, big breathe in before saying: "Kara-niichan, I'll sing you a song." "Eh?" Now Karamatsu looks really caught out off guard. Before he can say one word you clear your throat and start to sing. (A/N: Now play the song - w- ... or not. It's your free decision)

"You spend all day lying on the couch

Walk in your boxers 'round the house.

Look at your pale ugly face

Enough to make a mirror break

More half-asleep than half-awake

Complaining that your body aches.

Feeling sorry for yourself won't get you anywhere

So I'm singing you a happy song,

Just to cheer you up, when you got it rough,

So I'm singing you a happy song,

Just to cheer you up, I know how it sucks!

Yeah I'm singing you a happy song,

But it can't be that bad,

Why you look so sad?

There's better times ahead.

Whoo who whoo who whoo...

Your room smells like bad Mexican

Pull up those blinds let air come in

Your promises and blah-blah-blah

Won't fix the strings on my guitar.

We've been friends for much too long

For me to watch you carry on like this

I miss the you I knew you'd do the same to me,

So I'm singing you a happy song,

Just to cheer you up, I know how it sucks!

Yeah I'm singing you a happy song,

But it can't be that bad,

There's better times ahead,

So I'm singing you a happy song,

But it can't be that bad,

Why you look so sad?

Watching shapes in the clouds all day,

It's ok sometimes to make mistakes,

Let it go-o-o if it's out your control

Shrug it off, like it's silly joke.

So I'm singing you a happy song,

Just to cheer you up, I know hot it sucks!

Yeah I'm singing you a happy song,

But it can't be that bad,

There's better times ahead,

Yeah I'm singing you a happy song,

But it can't be that bad,

Why you look so sad?

There's better times ahead.

Oh... better times ahead.

Oh... better times ahead.

Whoo who whoo who whoo... better times ahead."

When you end the song you sigh quietly. You look to your brother, before laughing softly. "Do you feel better now, Kara-niichan?"

Warm tears falling down from Karamatsu's face. Within a second he quickly hugs you and buries his face in your shoulder. You smile happy and hug him back. "Thank you, (y/n). You really..." "Kara-niichan, if you ever feel sad again or anything, talk to me. It's important to talk about his feelings before they aaall flow out one day and you can't handle it anymore. And I don't want to see my Nii-chan suffering all alone. At least share it with your little sissy~."

Karamatsu laughs softly and sighs quietly in relieve. "I am ... really grateful that you ... are here with me, (y/n)." You don't really know what he means, but you are happy that Karamatsu feels better now. But if you would had found the letter Karamatsu wrote ... your brothers wouldn't be able to leave your side until he tells you everything.

Why he wanted to die if you wouldn't had woke up this early in the morning.

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