Apologize Part 2 (Mafia!Osomatsu x Reader)

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You leave your working place with a tired groan and make your way home. After your father is still looking for a job, you quit your apartment to live by your father again. He was one time really drunk and slapped you by accidence, but on the next day he apologized to you without a break that he even started to cry. You weren't mad at him and you told him this, but he still didn't stopped to apologized.

While you walk home you get lost in your thoughts. 'Just because of these damn Don. Without him, my father would still have his job. And he even promised me to give my father a job. Tch! I knew I couldn't trust him at all. He is lucky that I didn't go to the police after he tried to-'

"Mpfh?!" A hand goes over your mouth and nose while and arm around your stomach, pressing by this your arms against your body. You get pulled back with the person behind you. You struggle around and try to scream for help, but nothing is working. "I don't think this is working at all." "Heh. He's our boss, so we shouldn't upset him." "Pfuah!" When the hand gets removed, you gasp quickly for fresh air, but a sack gets pulled over your head. Before you can scream for help, you hear how a trunk gets opened and the next thing you knew, you get lay down onto something. You flinch when the trunk gets shut and it was so near that you figured you are the one who lays now in this trunk. "He-Hey! Let me out!" You kick and punch against the door, but nothing helps. The car starts to drive and tears rolling down your cheeks. Since now nothing can bring you out here not until you arrive the end, you huddle yourself together and cry to yourself.

After some time, you got lifted out of the trunk and got carried somewhere. You didn't really tried to fight back, because you were afraid they will hurt you in any way if you do something.

You get sat down on something soft, the sack get removed from your head and you open carefully one eye slowly. "So we meet a-boeh!" But when you see Osomatsu's face right on front of you, you punch him straight into his face. He stumbles to the side and press one hand against his cheek. His two brothers trying hard not to laugh. "The hell is wrong with you?!" You yell angry and stand up from the bed.

"You're so mean, (y/n)-chan~." Osomatsu whines and rubs his cheek. "Why did you kidnapped me?!" "Because I want you here~." Osomatsu walks over to you, but stops when you raise your fist a bit. "Bring me back home! I need to go to my father!" Osomatsu hums and walks closer to you, but when you want to punch him again he only blocks your attack with his hand and grabs your fist. "?!" He pulls you closer and lays an arm around your waist. "You better play along with me, (y/n)-chan~. Who knows~? Your father might just fall from a building, and we wouldn't want you losing your father, would we~?" Your eyes widen and you look down, not knowing what you should feel right now.

Osomatsu smirks when he sees you aren't reacting and hugs you now. "Such a good girl~. Now, you better call your father that you will not come home anymore~." You push Osomatsu harshly away and walk over to the door. He hums and ask: "Did you forget-" "Shut up! I only want to use the bathroom!" You yell angry with tears in your eyes, storming out of the room. Karamatsu follows you to make sure you aren't running away. "And you really think this is working?" Choromatsu ask with a quirked brow. "Sooner or later, (y/n)-chan will realize how good I am. She will beg for my attention." Osomatsu says with a smug smile. Choromatsu sighs and can't believe his oldest brother is really a mafia don.

~Two weeks later~
Since you are in the mansion from the Matsuno mafia, you started to talk with the others slowly. From what you heard, the sextuplets are really violent and even talking with them can lead do death. But you were surprised to see them to carefree when they are at home. The best you can talk with is Karamatsu, Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu. These three are the one who are the most honest with you. Choromatsu and Todomatsu making you sometimes confused, but you can talk with them pretty well. But the only one you ignored since you are here is Osomatsu.

Whenever Osomatsu shows up and wants to talk with you, you hiss at him and walk away. Osomatsu always tried to stop you from walking away, but when he got you locked into a corner he only earned a punch in his stomach or a kick into his crotch from you. For him, who is really popular with every woman, is this really a mystery.

But Osomatsu's patience is wearing thin.

"Put me down!" You try to kick and to punch Osomatsu, while he has you over his shoulder and carries you to a room. Osomatsu just walked over to you and without a word, he throw you over his shoulder and started to walk. "I said put me down!" You start to feel afraid, since you realized you weren't the nicest to Osomatsu lately. Maybe now he wants to harm you for being so unfriendly to him. Tears welling up in your eyes when Osomatsu walks into his office and shut the door with a loud slam.

Osomatsu walks over to his desk and sit down in his boss chair, placing you down on his lap so you have to face him. Being scared of what will happen, you look down and try to hold back the tears. Osomatsu looks at you for a while, having his arms loosen around your waist. "?!" You flinch when his one hand touch your cheek, but you get confused when he wipes your tear with his thumb gently away.

"Why are you crying now? I didn't do anything to you." Osomatsu sighs quietly and wipes on your other side the tear away. You don't answer, because you aren't sure what he wants. Osomatsu sighs again, but pulls you suddenly into a gentle embrace, laying his forehead down onto your shoulder. "I just kidnapped you, because I love you, (y/n)-chan." Osomatsu says calm, hugging you a bit tighter. "E-Eh?" "Not a single woman ever tried to fight back against me like you did, (y/n)-chan. After you left the car with the key, I only thought about getting you into my bed. I started to look for a few information about you and I was surprised when you brought back the key to Chibita and even told him that he should apologize for you for being so rude. The more I thought about you ... I notice I fall in love with you. I just ... wanted to make sure you won't fall in love with someone else."

You are really surprised and shocked about Osomatsu's confession. You push yourself back, making Osomatsu a bit scared you still hate him "Ouch!" But you flick suddenly Osomatsu's forehead, making him really perplexed. He touch the spot with one hand and stares at you, not knowing what face he should make. You sigh quietly, but smile a little. "Normally, a man ask a woman out to drink a coffee together and isn't kidnapping her."

Osomatsu's eyes widen. " ... So that means you love me too, (y/n)-chan!?" Before Osomatsu can kiss you, you press your index finger onto his lips. "How about we start as friends at first?" You ask with a smile, but flinch when Osomatsu takes your hand gently, pulls it aside and leans more to your face. "But I want more than being friends with you, (y/n)-chan~." Your blood rise up into your cheeks, making your face feeling a bit warmer. "B-But..." You try to lean back, but the other arm from Osomatsu is only pulling you closer to him. "Don't worry, I have much time to wait for you answer, (y/n)-chan~. But from now on, you are my woman, understand~?"

You glance nervously away, not wanting to see his smirking face. "B-But I w-won't sl-sleep or ki-kiss with you." Osomatsu chuckles and hugs you now softly, letting you hide your face in his neck. "You will beg for it anyways~."

Little did you know, Osomatsu was giving your father a new job after he kidnapped you.

He doesn't wanted to see you sad all the time.

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