Chapter 21

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Ricky POV

Nini and I spent our entire Saturday making out, eating and watching movies. It was amazing, and we were about to make dinner. As Nini stood in the kitchen cooking eggs and bacon, I stood in the doorway admiring her. "Stop" I hear her mutter. "Hmm?" I say back. "I know you're looking at me." She giggles. I chuckle back and walk over to get drinks. One of my hands grazes her hip as I walk by her and I see her turn slightly to look at me with a shy smile on her face. A little while later as we finish dinner, Nini gets up from her seat and walks over to mine, leaning down to kiss me and running her fingertips through my hair. I'd never get tired of that. "Thanks for making dinner baby" I tell her as she pulls away. She smiles brightly and just as I think she's going to move away, she comes a bit closer, and sits on my lap. She deepens our kiss and shivers as my fingertips reach under her shirt. She presses closer to me, applying pressure directly on my crotch and I let out an involuntary groan. Nini pulls back, afraid that she hurt me but when she sees my look of pleasure she crashes our lips together and moves her hips to collide with mine. "Fuck Nini" is all I can say as she repeats the movement, and I feel my pants begin to tighten. Her persistent kisses move to my neck and she finds my pulse point. She sucks hard and I feel my cock twitch. Suddenly, I can't take it anymore and pick her up off my lap and growl in her ear, "let's go" carrying her up the stairs and into her room. I put her on the bed, and she crawls on top of me again, pulling my shirt off and attacking my lips. I'm kissing every part of her, and when I find a spot she likes, she sucks harder on my skin. Now it's my turn to find her pulse point and as I suck I feel her jolt back in my arms, crying out in pleasure. Nini's losing the control that she started with, and as we continue I realize we need to slow our pace soon. I look to her for permission to pull off her shirt, and she nods shyly. I can tell she's ready to slow our pace too. Her hands move immediately to the waist band of my jeans and I admit, I'm glad to be gone of the constricting fabric. I change our positions, and I move to lay Nini underneath me. I move to Nini's leggings, dipping a finger underneath the waist band to get her comfortable. She kisses me harder and she helps me pull her leggings down which I take as a good sign. Nini is squeamish under me and I don't know if it's her insecurities or her anxiousness but I kiss her and I touch her to try and make her forget. I kiss every inch of her body, dipping my mouth below the cups of her bra. Her pupils are dilated and she allows me to reach back and unclasp her bra. I touch every one of her scars and she watches me carefully. I move my fingers gently across her skin and she seems comfortable enough because she reaches between us and starts palming me through my boxers. My head falls into her chest, but I'm still supporting my weight and I feel her pull me all the way down on top of her. "Move against me" she whispers in my ear. I nod, my mouth slightly open as I begin to grind against her panty-clad center. Her hips buck up and she wraps her legs around my waist. I'm in complete euphoria, the pleasure is taking over my body and I can tell she feels the same. She's visibly ready for me, and I'm scanning her for her mental state. She pulls down my boxers slowly though, and I can tell she's ready. I eye her as I pull down her underwear and I place my arms by her head. "Condom" we both say at the same time. I smile and reach over to th nightstand, pulling one out and letting her put it on me. As she rolls it on my fingers graze her center. She's ready. I'm positioned at her entrance and I look at her, taking in the extreme amount of trust. I tuck a piece of her hair back and remind her slowly "it's me and you." She nods and takes a deep breath. "You ready?" I ask her. "Yes Ricky" she tells me with extreme positivity. I nod and without hesitation, I push into her. She cries out and I don't know if it's from pain or pleasure which is scary as fuck. I don't care move until I have a sign. "Baby" I say. "I just need to get used to-" I cut her off and tell her to take her time. I'm throbbing inside her, but my pleasure is never more important than her comfort. "Move" she says. As I thrust in, I catch her lips. Her entire body relaxes after only a couple thrusts and I can tell she's feeling the pleasure. My moans and her whimpers mix together and we're catching each other's sounds. I can tell she's getting closer, because her eyes start to screw shut. I feel the feeling in the pit of my stomach as well and I tell Nini "open your eyes baby." Her eyes open to meet mine and i feel her tightening around me, which brings me to the edge as well. We're both out of breath and sedated but she immediately pulls me into her as I toss the condom and she rests on my chest. I'm certain she can hear my pounding heart as her fingers move up to my hair, then down to my chest. "Holy shit" I say quietly after I'm able to speak again. "You're amazing babe." she looks up at me and blushes. "I love you so much" she says quietly, "thank you." I look into her eyes. "Thank YOU for trusting me like you do Nins. I love you" she kisses my bare chest and I feel her nuzzle into me. As her breathing slows I know that she's fallen asleep. I pull a blanket on our bodies and lay next to her, holding her close.

Nini POV

I wake up to the sun streaming through my windows and arm wrapped around my body. I'm pressed into the front of Ricky Bowen and I smile remembering our night. I snuggle further into him, and without meaning to I rub my bum against his member. I hear him groan softly and he comes into consciousness, kissing the back of my neck. "Morning Nins" he says in a raspy voice. I smile and squeeze further into him, once again eliciting another groan. "Babe" he says and I turn to face him slightly. "That is so not helping" he says, addressing my movements against his morning hard-on. I giggle and say "I was just getting closer to you" as I lay my head back down on the pillow. I feel him move shift slightly iThen I feel his hardness slip between my legs, moving just slightly against my naked center. I jolt up right away. "Nope! Nope! Not before breakfast baby." I tell him. He gives me one of his beautiful wide smiles. "I was just getting closer Nins, I don't know what you're talking about." And just like that, he's up and walking into the bathroom. Shit, that guy can make me lose my mind.

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