Chapter 116

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Nini POV

"Double date." Kourtney says into the phone as an opening line. "You're going on one?" I ask with a laugh and she gives me a little smile. "No we are." She says weakly. My eyes narrow a little. "Kourtney..." I say and she sighs loud enough to hear through the FaceTime. "Hear me out, gimme a sec girlie." She rushes out and I wait as she attempts to get herself together. "So obviously things were going really well with Trey, and he seemed to really like me which is always a nice thing." I laugh, giving her an obligatory thumbs up and Kourtney beams. "Yeah but the deal was, I asked him out for Friday night and he already had plans with his brother and his brother's girlfriend." I raise my eyebrows. "Yeah, so you coulda just made it for Saturday night." Kourtney gives me a weak smile. "That would've been a good idea had I thought about it at the time, but instead I suggested I bring my best friend and her boyfriend along, and make it into a triple date night party." I give her a pointed look and she throws her hands in the air. "I'm sorry I got so nervous, and I was looking at the fact that he could say no about the date, and when he didn't I just jumped." My eyes narrow. "Yeah into crazy land babe. I don't even know Trey, it might be really awkward." Kourtney shakes her head. "Ricky knows his brother though, apparently they skated together at some nerd skater fest thing and Mark his brother, not really a cute name like Trey... just saying thinks Ricky is totally cool. His girlfriend goes to the UC Thornton school of music so I figured you two would-" I cut her off. "Woah woah, she goes to my dream college?" Kourtney nods eagerly. "So everyone can all get along nicely while I talk to my gorgeous almost-boyfriend." I can't help but smile as Kourtney looks at me hopefully. "What would the date be?" She shrugs excitedly. "Movie? Bowling? Dinner? Your choice girlie." I laugh and sprawl out on my bed. "It's my choice because my boyfriend and I are being forced-" Kourtney makes a sound. "Persuaded" She says confidently. "Persuaded into going on a potentially awkward date?" Kourtney smiles. "I bet it's times like these that you're super glad I'm your best friend." I laugh and shake my head. "Look I'll do anything for you Kourt, I just have to run all of this by Ricky." She nods happily and I turn when I hear my bedroom door open. "Speak of the devil." She says and I wave her off, turning to greet Ricky. "One sec I'm on the phone with Kourt." I tell him and he nods. "Okay no problem. But just a little heads up, I built a little home out of grass for Arnald in the backyard, but he didn't really like it and he bit me." Ricky holds his finger up and I raise my eyebrows, a small smile spreading across my face. The smile stops though and it's replaced by my jaw dropping as I fully take notice of Ricky's body. His knee is completely split open and bleeding. "What the-" Ricky notices where my gaze is and smiles sheepishly. "Yeah so after he bit me I flipped out and fell back, which made me trip on my shoelace and then skid across your cement patio." I bring my hand up to my mouth and Ricky pushes his hair back with a smile playing on his lips. "So ouch." He gestures to his knee and I can't help but laugh just a little. "Jesus babe." I mutter and he looks a little sheepish, but definitely in slight pain as he shifts his weight. "Kourtney, I have to head and take care of my five year old. I'll call you back later." I say and she giggles. I don't have to turn to see Ricky's offended facial expression.

"Hey hold still." I say softly as Ricky tries to pull his leg away from me. "I'm trying." He says hostily and I stop dabbing the antiseptic across his skin. "Sorry it really stings." He says and I look at him sympathetically. He's never been good with pain, let alone the uncomfortable feeling of cleaning up wounds. I remember all the times he would badly hurt himself in skating accidents, his tears always indicating the pain he was in even if he didn't verbalize it. "I know." I say gently. "One last thing." I say before putting a moisturizing lotion on his skin. I wince as I see his facial expression constrict, the essential oils in the cream no doubt making the feeling worse. His leg shoots out in response and it kicks my thigh which sends me back, holding my own leg. Ricky's eyes flit open and he looks shocked. "Oh my god I'm so sorry baby." I laugh and brush him off, but I do move back to him and pull his body down against the bath tub next to me. "No worries bubs." I laugh brightly. "But I'm off that job from now on." Ricky's deep laugh moves through my body as he presses himself closer to me and his curls tickle my cheek as his face rests against my cheek. "Thanks for cleaning me up." He says and I smile, moving to push my hand through his hair. "Of course. But this just goes to show, nothing good can come from spiders."

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