Chapter 76

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Nini POV

It was just one of those days. Every move that Ricky made, every lip bite or quick kiss in the hallway sends me tingling. In other words, I was majorly turned on and it was getting way too hard to focus. "What?" Ricky asks with an adorable smile after we come out of our last class of the day. "Oh uh nothing" I stutter and he looks at me again, and then turns away smiling. "Alright I'm gonna head home and spend some grueling hours with my dad." Ricky says referring to our after school plans. And damnit did I hate them. I didn't want to allude to anything though and it's super awkward to just ask for him to come over because I'm turned on so I nod. "You'll be fine babe. Plus maybe he's not even home from work yet. Then he'll have to leave for his date. All in all, it's a quick time." I say, smiling and he thanks me with a kiss on the lips. "It better be. I'll come over if he's not home." I nod and he pecks my lips again. I stop every bone in my body from pulling him closer and making out with him in the parking lot. "Call me if you need anything Nins." He says and i just nod, too consumed with my thoughts.

When I get home I wander around my room, folding some clothes to put into my suitcase and throwing stuff into my toiletry bag. I pick out a nice dress for the wedding and then I pack my backpack. I'm nervous for next weekend to say the least. The last time we saw Lynne things didn't go very well and I know Ricky's up for moving on but those feelings don't just disappear over night. My biggest fear is something happening to him emotionally. I hope that Ricky's thought hard about this though and that the weekend will go smoothly. Throughout my packing and my thinking, I wonder what Ricky's doing. I walk over to my phone and shoot him a text, asking if he's thinking about coming over. When I'm about to close my phone, I look closely at my phone background picture of him from this summer. He's shirtless and smiling at the camera as I hang over his legs laughing. I bite my lip and I feel that feeling returning and all I can think of is some sort of relief.

I lay on my bed, spreading my legs just slightly. I had never done this to myself just because it always felt embarrassing. For some reason though, today I don't think twice about it and I slip my hand down the front of my leggings and I allow myself to pretend that Ricky's the one doing it. I pretend that he's rubbing that spot like he always does and that he's kissing right below my belly button. For the first time, I even start to imagine him using his mouth, sucking and licking at my most sensitive area. I'm so lost in my imagination and the feeling taking over my body that I didn't hear the guy that I'm dreaming about walk through my bedroom door. The click of a lock jolts me out of my fantasy and i pull my hand out of my leggings, embarrassed. Ricky's eyes meet mine, but his eyes are wide and full of a look of hunger. He's not shy about looking me up and down on the bed and what he does next further intensifies the feeling in my stomach. He brings his hand down to the front of his pants and he rubs himself slowly, prompting me to notice that he's already extremely hard through his sweatpants. I try to get a word out but he walks over and sits down on the bed pulling me into a kiss. "I.." I try to say but he shakes his head. "Don't be embarrassed baby" he says quietly and he moves to palm himself again, sending that electrifying feeling through my body.

Ricky POV

I was already halfway to Nini's house when I get her text. I smile at the thought of surprising her and I decided to just go in because it's practically a routine now. I was surprised to see her door shut though and I tapped lightly but I didn't get an answer. I slipped my head in and the last thing I expected to see was her spread out on her bed, touching herself. The image was just a direct line to my dick and I was hardening quickly as she moved her fingers against herself. When she heard me click the lock, her eyes popped open and she met mine, embarrassment flooding through her face. To make her feel better, I brought my own hand to my erection and I palmed myself in front of her. She looked shocked and lust filled her eyes, so I moved closer to her and pulled her into a deep kiss. When I pull back I move my hand hand over to her center. The contact of my hand to her sensitive area makes her jump and I smirk up at her. I rub my thumb against her center and she jolts again, prompting me to pull her leggings down slowly. "What do you want baby?" I ask her as she closes her eyes at my touch. She shrugs shyly and I kiss her hip bone, moving over to her thighs. She doesn't stop me as I kiss the inside of her thighs, even as I get closer to her center. I move my thumb over her sensitive bud of nerves and she clenches her eyes together as pleasure takes over her body. "Ricky" she whispers and I decide to try something new. I bring my lips back to her thigh and when she realizes how close I'm getting to her aroused area, her eyes pop open. She doesn't stop me though, she just watches me carefully.

Nini POV

I don't want him to stop, but I don't want to tell him what I want so I let him just keep going as I squeeze my eyes shut. My hands thread through his hair and when he pulls down my underwear and he looks up at me. "Can I?" He asks and I simply nod, knowing exactly what he wants to do. He lays down and spreads my legs a little more. I fight embarrassment, by tensing up slightly and his hand comes up to my hip. "Relax Nins." He whispers and I nod, closing my eyes and just feeling his touch. Without warning, Ricky presses his tongue up against my center and I gasp, looking desperately for something to grab. The sensation continues, unlike anything I've ever felt. I feel my climax building up and I clench my eyes together even more as I begin to come undone. Ricky doesn't stop his movements until I'm completely finished and he brings his body up next to mine. "How was that?" he whispers and I look up at him with adoration, leaning into kiss him and to take his member in my hand. "Amazing" I whisper back, his head already falling onto my shoulder as I begin to pleasure him. "Good" he whispers breathless, but he's too preoccupied to say anything more.

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