Chapter 82

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Nini POV

"Don't be" Lynne says, slightly harsh but she offers me a tight smile. I try and return the smile back, maneuvering around her to get into the bathroom. "Actually Nini, now that we're away from the group, I just want to talk to you about something quickly." Lynne says, turning around and letting the door to the bathroom close. I raise my eyebrows. "Look Ricky's waiting for me..." I say, trying my best to get out of a conversation with a woman that I'M trying to withhold anger from. "It'll just take a second." She says, her facial expression stern. I cross my arms and wait for her to talk. "Now, I know you're Ricky's girlfriend but that doesn't mean you can control him, or sway his beliefs." My mouth opens in shock. "Excuse me?" I ask and she huffs. "My son would never leave a dinner table during a special celebration." I laugh out of anger. "I'm sorry what? How self-centered and selfish could you possibly be? Ricky left because of your's and Todd's heinous relatives. The comments the ENTIRE TIME were beyond insulting to your past marriage and to YOUR son. And just a little refresher, the boy next to you is not your son. It was the boy across the table trying not to cry." Lynne looks shocked, like I took all of the words from her mouth and she fights for a response. "I don't know what you mean." She says and I assume she's referring to the comment about Jason. "The creep sitting next to you? Todd's son who couldn't keep his eyes from my breasts the entire lunch? Yeah that kid isn't your son. But hell, no one would even know. God forbid Ricky gets a little attention and affection from his mother that has done nothing but screw up." She looks shocked again, and she brings her hand to her heart. I don't even realize I'm crying until she steps towards me, reaching out towards my cheek. Maybe it's the mom in her, or maybe it's the fact that she realized she was wrong, but nonetheless, she tries to wipe away my tears. I back away from her. "I love Ricky. I love him so much it hurts." She whispers and I shake my head maliciously. "Then you have a funny way of showing it. Ricky's fighting all of this crap. You didn't even have the decency to tell Ricky about Jason? Ricky tried to look past that but I literally can't believe you. And I know this part isn't your fault, but all of a sudden Ricky's thrown into having to deal with Jason hitting on me? And watching you two be closer than you've ever been with him? That's not fair Mrs. Bow- Lynne." Her eyes soften at the fact that I almost called her Mrs. Bowen and I wipe furiously at my cheeks, trying to stop my tears. I lower my voice, almost to a whisper. "So you don't get to tell me that I'm negatively impacting Ricky. Because I'm fighting for him. I'm fighting WITH him. And seeing him this hurt and torn up is killing me. Because the boy that I know doesn't cry during family gatherings, or squeeze my hand so tight to a point of actual concern. Maybe, the rolls are reversed. It's ironic how you see me as a negative influence, when in reality I've never seen him so torn up over someone. " My voice breaks on the last sentence and I see a tear fall from Lynne's eyes. "I'm sorry" is all she says, but the amount of emotion in her voice almost makes me think it's genuine. I shrug, still letting my tears fall. "That apology isn't supposed to be for me." I say, shaking my head. She nods and wipes her eyes. "I'm going to talk to him tomorrow. Before the wedding." I shrug again. "I shouldn't have had to tell you all of this for you to come to that realization." Her eyes look sad. "I'm sorry for coming at you like that Nini. Your moms should be proud of who you've become. And I can't thank you enough for taking care of my boy." I nod and decide I don't want to be in the bathroom with her anymore. "Look, I'll see you tomorrow. Good luck." I say and I move to leave the restroom. "Wait" she says, grabbing my arm. "Don't you have to go to the bathroom?" She asks and I shake my head. "I'm fine I'm just gonna head back with Ricky." I say, and without another look I leave the restroom.

When I come out of the restaurant I see Ricky smile at me. His brow then furrows and concern takes over his face. I realize I must look like a mess, and self consciously I wipe at my eyes again. Ricky walks over to me and grabs my hands. "Are you okay babe?" He asks and I nod, wrapping my arms around his neck and holding him close to me. His body stills in shock but he wraps his arms around me and holds me tight, kissing my neck slowly. "Just needed a hug Nins?" He asks with a light chuckle and I'm grateful that he doesn't question me further. "Exactly" I laugh and he pulls back. "Our Uber will be here in a few minutes." I nod and pull his neck down so that I can kiss his lips. "Woah I'm loving this affection." He says with a light laugh and it makes me pull him closer to me. "Wait that asshole Jason didn't try anything right?" I shake my head and smile. "No sweet boy" I say and I hold him just a little closer to my body as we wait for our car.

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