Chapter 84

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Nini POV

As I lay in Ricky's arms I feel his breathing start to slow and I wonder if he's falling asleep. I trace the ridges along his chest though and I feel his arms tighten around me. "I love you" he mumbles and I flush, turning my face to kiss his chest. "I love you too bubs" I whisper. I feel him move slightly and I look up to see a smile on his face. "Bubs?" He asks with his signature smile and I blush, closing my eyes against his chest. "I don't know it's just cute" I say with a laugh and I feel his lips against my forehead. "I love it Nins." Sighing in content, I intertwine our legs and I close my eyes, listening to the relaxing sound of Ricky's breathing. "I'm a little scared for tomorrow." I hear Ricky admit quietly. I open my eyes in surprise and I push myself up to look at him. "What?" I ask quietly, bringing my hand up to his cheek. "I don't know, I'm just really unsettled about this whole thing." He says, pushing himself up as well and moving to get a better look at me. "Why are you scared baby?" I ask, combing back his messy curls and stroking his cheek. "It just might be... I could, I don't know." He tries to get out, and instead of pushing him I nod and bring our foreheads together. I know his history with struggling to get out how he's feeling and something as strong as this makes me want to tiptoe around it. "I'm going to be with you the entire time. I'm not leaving your side Ricky." He nods but his hands tighten on my waist. "My mom and Jason, it's just a lot." He mumbles and I shake my head. "You don't have to be alone with your mom." I say quietly. Without even knowing her plans to talk to him, he's already worried which is beginning to worry me. "And Jason... well one more day and we won't have to worry about him." I tell him firmly. Ricky breathes in heavily. "Yeah, look it's not that I don't love my mom. I just don't really want to be alone and around her. It's just too soon and small talk is bullshit." He says and I lean forward to kiss him. His eyes linger closed and I bring my nose to his cheek. "I get it. You don't have to explain it to me." He nods and brings a hand to my cheek. "As for Jason..." he starts and I wait for his response. "Something about him just fucking bugs me. He can't take my life." I press my lips against his again and I feel one of his hands move to the back of my head. "He's not. Who's bed am I in?" I ask him, blushing slightly as his eyes twinkle. "Now you make a very good point." He says with a slight smirk and I roll my eyes, laughing. "I know I do" I whisper and I bring my hands to his chest. "Plus he has as much personality as a raisin and I'd never trade this for anyone." I tell him against his cheek, running my fingertips up and down his bare chest. I see him smile, his eyes darting down. "My eyes are up here buddy" I say and he laughs loudly. "Oh, I'm your buddy again?" He asks slyly, though something in his tone has changed slightly and my lack of clothes becomes apparent to me as he runs his hands over my skin. I don't answer and Ricky takes note of that, smiling before pulling me into a kiss. When we pull back his eyes twinkle again. "I don't think buddies can do this." He says and he pulls me on top of him. I laugh loudly but I try to keep most of my weight off of him, just so that I don't put any unwanted pressure on his member. Ricky's not having it though and he pulls me down completely, getting me to laugh again. His eyes meet mine and he places both of his hands on the sides of my cheeks, pulling me into a deep kiss. His body moves against mine, mimicking the directions of our kiss and the intensity. When we pull back, I perch myself on his chest. "You know, bringing you along was a pretty good decision of mine" he says smiling. I fake a glare and bring my hands to his neck. "Oh you were thinking about bringing someone else?" I ask, trying to contain my smile. He nods. "Yeah, Big Red. But I guess you make a better bed partner." Ricky says, rolling his eyes and shrugging his shoulders. Instead of answering, I press my lips against his again and when I feel his strong arms come around my waist I pull back smiling. "I get points for fitting against your body" I smile smugly. He tries to hide his bright smile, but it slips through. "I don't know you'd be surprised, Red can-" I cup my hand against his mouth. "This is the last thing I want to hear." I say and his laughter rings throughout the hotel room. "This is one of my favorite things about you" he says quietly, his smile still lingering on his lips. "What is?" I ask softly. "I don't know, it just sometimes feels like my world is chaos and slipping into hell and then you do this." He says, his hand rubbing my back. "What do I do?" I ask quietly and he smiles against my forehead. "You make me feel less alone I guess." He tells me. "You're not alone, ever. It's you and me bubs." I tell him and his eyes gleam a little bit. "And Big Red." I burst into laughter and push myself off of him. "Oh my god no." I say and the sound of his laughter fills me up. "Um yes." He says and he lifts my body back onto his and he rocks us gently. "Fine. You and me I guess." He finally says and we burst into laughter as we forget the upsetting day that we had.

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