Chapter 59

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Nini POV

I stayed at the hospital over night. I was lucky that visiting hours prohibited people from being in my room, and I was grateful for school today which kept my friends away. To be more specific, Ricky. For two hours yesterday, Ricky had tried to remain by my side. At one point my moms caught him trying to bribe doctors to let him stay with me. He was being extremely sweet and caring, but none of that could replace Gina's words that I could still hear in my mind. Worrying about that situation is difficult when truly, I feel like I've been hit by a car. My body feels exhausted and painful and my mind feels confused and depressed. I just want to go home and sleep, warding away this persistent headache and nausea taking over my body.

When I get home, I sleep for most of the day. My head hurts when I look at screens and I get dizzy when I'm up and moving too long so I've made a cozy home in my bed. My moms reluctantly went to work after they brought me home from the hospital, I had practically forced them out the door. They were one call away they had ensured me but I said no matter what, no injuries are worth days off of work for them. So, it was just me and this bed. I hadn't checked my phone since the accident yesterday, but truthfully I didn't want to. I could already imagine the anxiety taking over when I read all of the mixed texts and messages and right now I didn't want to feel that. I didn't want to have to question Ricky, or the word of my friend, and I didn't want to get into arguments with anyone right now. I could barely handle a conversation. That is why I lay in my bed without any technology letting peace take over my body. That peace was soon interrupted though when I was awakened by knocking at my door. I didn't even think for it to be anyone other than my moms so I called for them to come in. Instead of my moms though, Gina, Ashlyn, Kourtney and Ricky come through my door. Shocked, I sit up too quickly and my head spins. "Careful baby" Ricky says running over to my place on my bed and holding my back and shoulders up. I smile at him slightly and turn to the group. "Hey" is all I say and the girls smile. "How are you holding up girlie?" Kourtney asks and I sigh, without even realizing it, relaxing into Ricky's arms. "I'm okay, tired and I have a massive headache." Gina comes over to me on the bed and brings her arms around me while Ashlyn tries to move my hair away from my face. "We're sorry for just barging in, everyone wanted to see you and you weren't answering your phone." Gina says to me quietly. "Oh? Everyone?" Ricky laughs. "Yeah babe. Seb, Carlos, EJ and Big Red are downstairs." I force out a laugh. This was already too much. "Okay... well then girls could you help me get dressed? Then I'll go meet everyone downstairs." I say. "No Nins they can come up here." I shake my head and plead with him through a facial expression and he nods and kisses my cheek. I try not to pull away from him but he definitely looks confused as he walks away. My affection towards him was next to zero and I think he's catching on. I let out a breath when the door closes behind him and all three of the girls turn to me at once. "How are you really feeling boo?" Kourtney asks coming over to my bed. "Horrible, you guys are the sweetest but I wasn't expecting a" and I gesture with my hands, forgetting the word I wanted to use. "It's okay Nini we'll get the boys out the second they see you're okay. Ricky though... all day at school he was just lost. That boy ain't leavin for anything." Gina says. I put my head down. Gina places her arms around my neck again and I swear I see the girls exchange looks. "We know you Nini, what's going on?" Gina asks. There's no use hiding it from them anymore. "Uh, I heard you and Ashlyn talking. When you were in my hospital room." The color leaves Ashlyn's face and Gina's arms tighten around me. Kourtney looks confused for a second. "What you told me?" She asks. They nod reluctantly. Gina looks guilty. "Fuck no Nini. I'm so damn sorry. That's literally the worst thing to have to deal with. Damnit I'm such a-" i cut her off and smile. "It's not your fault G, I'm glad I know I guess." I say with my voice getting softer. "Look we don't know who it was, the girl could've been family for all we know!" Gina says trying to soften the blow. I look doubtful at the group and they all sigh. "I know it's hard Nini, but you have to get Ricky's point of view. If he's up front of about it and he tells you who the girl was then you don't have anything to worry about." Ashlyn finally says. I nod and Kourtney chimes in. "Yeah and if he doesn't, then that boy will be the one in the hospital bed." I smile at the girls and open my arms for a hug. "Alright I'll change and then we can go say hi to everyone." They nod. "Yes and then we'll get the guys out and you can talk with Ricky." I nod and rub my temples. "If you're up for it?" Gina asks. I nod. Sooner rather than later is always good in these situations.

Ricky POV

"No I swear she's barely even looked at me since they separated us when we first got to the hospital." I tell the group. EJ looks up from his popcorn that he got from the Salazar-Roberts' kitchen. "Maybe she hit the part of her brain that was in love with you." I glare at him. "Fuck off." I say and he shrugs returning to his popcorn. "Maybe she thinks it was sabotage. Like you pushed her off the bike from behind?" Red says. Carlos gets up and points at him. "TRUE." He says. I turn my glare to the entire room. "None of you are helping." I say gesturing my hands up in frustration. All of the guys sit up when we see the girls come downstairs. If something is really wrong, I'm gonna figure out what it is.

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