Chapter 58

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Nini POV

If only we hadn't gone bike riding. Ricky and I were bored, sitting around on a beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon wondering what we should do. I suggested riding through the neighborhood and Ricky agreed knowing that we shouldn't pass up these beautiful spring days. It started off great, we were laughing and having the time of our lives. That is, until my tire involuntarily swerves when it hit a rock, and I's tossed off my bike, hitting my unprotected body on the street and rolling off into the grass. The pain catches up to me before Ricky can even get off of his own bike, and I lay in the grass clutching my head and feeling my throbbing ankle. "Nini, baby are you okay?" Ricky asks frantically and I try my best to nod. "Mmm" I say unable to get my real words out. "Nini, where does it hurt?" His questions are loud in my pounding head and I start to think about how nice it would be to close my eyes. "God no Nini open your eyes." Ricky says trying to get a response out of me but I groan and he does the first thing he can think of. He leans forward and kisses my lips and my eyes open automatically. He pulls back and his voice turns softer. "Good, Nini keep your beautiful eyes open I'm going to call for help." I groan and fight the exhaustion trying to take over as I see him dial the phone and have a conversation. Ricky's trying to keep me awake and then all of a sudden a car pulls up on the side of the road. My moms get out and they run over to my spot on the ground. "My sweet Nins are you okay?" One of my moms asks. I groan again and my headache seems to grow. I try to close my eyes but the entire group flips out at once, telling me to keep my eyes open. "Let's get her up" someone says and then I'm being hoisted up into the car. I involuntarily cry out in pain, some part of my body signaling that it hurts and I can hear Ricky plead to be more careful. I'm laid down in a seat, and I feel warm hands hold me tight as a makeshift seat belt is created. "I'm right here Nini we're going to the hospital." Ricky says and that gets me up. "HOSPITAL?" I shout groggily and my head pounds in disagreement. "Ah" I say in pain and slump against the seat and Ricky's hands come over to my body to calm me down. "I'm right here, everything's going to be okay baby." His sweet and calming movements distract me enough from the pain until we get to the hospital and when we get out, I'm immediately taken inside and situated within minutes. "Ricky" I call as our hands separate. "It's okay baby I'll see you soon you're going to be all better." He says frantically and he kisses my forehead.

The next few hours are a blur, doctors come in and out, my headache will start to subside but then it'll grow again, parts of my body are wrapped up in things and I feel pretty nauseous. I'm pulled under by exhaustion, finally allowed to rest myself, no one yelling at me to stay awake or shaking me as I try to close my eyes. I have no sense of time, but at a later point I'm awoken by voices. I open my eyes but immediately shut them because everything feels like it's spinning "Mild concussion, severe sprains in her left wrist and right ankle and bad bruises around her midsection. Othewise, everything else looks fine. Quite a tumble that girl took but she should count herself lucky. When she didn't lose consciousness she really saved herself from things getting worse." I hear murmurs and I feel hands on my arms. Those were my injuries? I was guessing. There are more voices in the room, girls voices that I recognize and a deep male voice which I could guess belongs to my doctor. "Only two of you in here at a time. I'm already breaking rules letting all four of you be in here at once." The male voice says and then I recognize thank yous coming from my moms and Ashlyn and Gina. I can hear my moms dismiss themselves from the room and I can sense one of the girls approaching me. "Damn it could've been much worse." I hear Gina say. "I know. Something as simple as a bike ride can get someone pretty injured." Ashlyn responds with and both girls fall silent. "We should probably get Ricky. He wants to see her." Ashlyn says finally. My heart pounds in excitement, I have wanted to see Ricky and hold his hand since I was taken away from him. My heart stops though at Gina's response. I hear her scoff. "Yeah if he's done talking to his new hospital buddy. I swear I always see Bowen talking to way too many girls when he should be with Nini." Ashlyn responds right away. "You don't know what they were talking about! It could've been their individual issues." Gina makes a sound of disgust again. "Her hand was on his shoulder. For the love of God, even if it was out of friendliness, Bowen should be in this room holding his girl's hand. Or so damn upset that he doesn't want to talk to anyone. I don't give a fuck, but that? Nope, unacceptable." My heart pounding is starting to match the feeling of my headache. What girl was he with? Suddenly I'm pissed at my injuries, the jealousy that I feel making me want to run out of this hospital. "Let's just calm down okay? Ricky has never been unfaithful to Nini. Yeah he thinks everyone has this amazingly good side of them, but he'd never do that to his girlfriend laying in a hospital bed." Ashlyn says. I try to focus on her words. Her words are true. They have to be. Gina just says "we should probably stop talking about this before Nini wakes up. Let's just go get Ricky." The room empties and I sigh. I hear the door open again though and I tense when I feel a hand intertwine with mine. "Hey there Nins, I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm right here." Ricky tells me. I don't know who to believe or what to think, I just know that everything feels complicated and exhausting right now. So, I pretend to turn in my sleep, pulling my hand out of Ricky's. His hand rests on my shoulder, which I allow him to do but I can't help but wonder again, what girl was he with?

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