Chapter 83

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Ricky POV

When Nini and I get back to the hotel she pulls me into another hug. "What baby?" I whisper and she hums, rocking our bodies in the middle of the room. "Nothing, I just want to hold you." She mumbles into my shoulder and I chuckle. "That's fine by me." I say and I press on her back, bringing her body even closer to mine. I rest my head on top of hers and I feel her breathe out calmly. "Let's sit." She says into my shoulder and I nod, carefully leading her over to the bed. We're sitting barely a second before her arms are back around my neck. I welcome it desperately, her arms feeling like an escape from the day. "You okay?" She asks, checking in with me as I feel her nose nuzzle against my neck. "I'm just fine. One more day and then we can go home." I tell her, assuring her by rubbing her back and running my fingers through her hair. "Good" she breathes out and I feel her hands move up into my hair. "How about you? Nins are you okay too?" She shakes her head and pulls back. "This isn't about me, Ricky." She says and my eyes widen at her kindness and she runs her thumbs over my cheeks. "But you're going through all of this with me Nins." She nods slowly. "But right now, you're most important." She tells me and I open my mouth to respond but before I can, her lips are on mine and I smile into the kiss. "Ricky it's impossible to kiss you while you're smiling." She half groans, half laughs. "I'm sorry you're just adorable and make me ridiculously happy." I say and she pulls back, her fingers on my chin. "That's my job" she giggles and I smile. "I have a secret." She whispers and I lean closer as if I'm urging her to tell me. "You're my favorite." She says, giggling happily. I roll my eyes and press my forehead against hers. "You're being super mushy and cute." I say and instead of responding she leans forward and presses her lips against mine. Her lips slowly work against my lips and it's almost torturous so I bring her face closer to mine and I add a little more force. She gasps when I slip my tongue into her mouth I feel her entire body shift closer to mine, her hands resting on my waist. Her small hands rub my sides gently and she tries to get closer to me. "Come here" I groan and I lift her body up onto me. She runs her hands through my hair and situates her body so that she's sitting comfortably on my lap, resting her hands on my chest. "What do you want, Nini?" I whisper and her eyes fill with adoration and lust. She shakes her head though, looking slightly shy and worried to say something. I rub my hands across her back and she combs back my curls from my forehead. "What?" I whisper, trying to see if she'll answer me this time. Instead of answering me though, she grinds herself against my lap and my mouth falls open in either shock or pleasure. She maintains eye contact with me and makes the same movement again. "Nins" I groan and when she moves her hips a third time, I can't take it anymore. I place my hands at her waist and I flip us over so that I'm hovering over her on the bed. "Is this what you want?" I ask quietly and I push myself up against her center. She flushes and I smile at her slight embarrassment as I bring my lips to her neck. "Ricky" she breathes out and I know that she needs relief as much as I do. "Mm" I mumble against her and she pulls my neck down to kiss my lips. Our kisses become desperate and she begins to reach for my shirt, pulling it up and attaching her lips to my chest. It was a new movement of hers and I felt electricity move through my body. I push her back down, and I begin to lift up her dress. She tries to help me, but I smirk and push her hands away, knowing that I want to do it myself. She breathes out heavily but her smile begins to grow and when her dress is off she reaches for my pants, undoing them and bringing them down in one swift motion. After I've discarded her underwear and her bra, she pulls down my boxers and grasps me in her hands. Her hand moves tightly against me teasingly and it's hard not to push her back and take her. "Nini that feels so good" I groan as she continues to move her hand up and down my length. She squirms underneath me as I get closer to her center, finally thinking I've had enough, and when i press my thumb up against her wetness she bucks her hips. "Please" she just says and in one quick movement, I pull her hand away and push into her slowly. Her head falls back onto the pillow and she grips my arm, her eyes closing automatically at the movement that she wasn't expecting. My face rests in the crook of her neck and I suck and kiss at her skin as I move. It feels different, maybe it's the fact that we're in a hotel after a stressful day, but as I continue to slowly stroke in and out of her I feel like we've never been closer. "Ricky that feels so-" she stops and her body stills. I groan but she begins to push at my chest. "What? What is it Nini?" I ask frantically and our eyes meet as we say it at the same time. "Condom." She nods and I move out of her, getting up to grab the little package. "It's fine, thank god we remembered before you know." She whispers frantically as I climb back onto her. I fence her head in and kiss her slowly. "Is there a risk? I didn't-" she cuts me off and shakes her head. "I don't think so but I'll look it up. Just come here." She pleads and she pulls my body down against hers, taking the package from my hand and rolling it onto me. Her movements are rushed, almost as if she can't take it anymore and to spare us both the torture, I push into her again as she brings my neck down to kiss her. We get lost in each other yet again and we both reach out highs how we started, completely together.

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