🎉 Chapter 100 🎉

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100 CHAPTERS YA'LL! Unbelievable. Enjoy this extra long one as a thank you for sticking around for so long. (By the way, your eyes have read about 95,000 words written by me and my gratitude is immeasurable right now.)

Nini POV

"Girl how are you today?" I turn to see Gina catching up with me in the hallway after the long morning, her bag in her hand ready for lunch. "I'm doing better, it turns out last night was the hard day for me." I laugh and she smiles. "You in any type of pain? I've got a locker full of shit that can probably relieve some of it." I laugh again and link her arm with mine. "I'm all good. Ricky gave me enough water and chocolate for a lifetime. Now you have to fill me in." I say referring to the night before. She blushes and her voice lowers significantly. "We talked... he said that he wanted me to be the one to draw the lines and boundaries. He told me that when I'm ready he'll be too." My smile grows and I squeeze her hand. "Babe that's literally the sweetest. Now it's all up to you, you're in control." She breathes out and nods. "When it feels right, it'll be right." She says and we see a body shoot in front of us. "What's right babe?" I bring my hand to my heart as EJ wraps his arm around Gina's shoulders. "Oh my god, you have to stop doing that." I laugh and he smiles. "So what's right?" EJ asks, looking down at Gina. Her face screams, "get me out of this" and I speak up. "I'm right about making sure Ricky has the best birthday ever this week. His mom's not going to be around for the first time, and I want to make sure he has zero time and zero need to think about that." EJ nods and looks like he's thinking. "What's your plan?" I shrug. "I have enough things planned to get us through the week, but I want it all to lead up to something big. Next Thursday is really gonna have to top it all off." Gina nods and then points. "Wait don't we have off next Thursday?" I look at her confused. "Wait no school?" EJ nods. "No yeah she's right. We're off." I smile and clap my hands together. "That makes it easier. Ricky's never celebrated with a big group of friends, so I think we should do two parties. One for the group and then I'll plan something special for just me and him." EJ wiggles his eyebrows. "Oooh something special..." Gina slaps him and I laugh, trying to hide the blush. "You guys up to help me?" Gina beams and pulls out her phone. "I'm sending a mass text. You bet we're going to make that boy feel like the most loved person in the universe." I smile thinking about how perfect the day will be. "Alright I'm gonna head to the bathroom real quick and I'll meet you guys at lunch." I tell them, waving as I walk towards the restroom.

As I watch my hands, my reflection catches my eye. I stand back a little and look at myself from different angles and I frown. Do I look a little bigger than usual? My thoughts are interrupted by the bathroom door opening. "Girlie, you need to fix me up." I hear and I turn to see Kourtney walking in, in a complete frenzy. "What's happening Kourt?" She shakes her head and take a dramatic deep breath. "There's a boy out there who wants to make a complete fool out of me." I laugh and wrap my arm around her shoulders. "Oh my god is that your way of saying-" She cuts me off. "Yes. Yes. He's hot, y'know, like that spicy kinda hot and he's smart and-" I laugh and stop her rambling by putting my hands on her shoulders. "Okay one, who is it? And two, you look amazing. We don't have to fix anything up." She sighs, nodding and turning to the mirror. "That damn Trey." My eyes widen, along with my smile and I shake her shoulders. "Woah woah, we're talking transfer student, dark hair, super tall-" She nods and huffs. "Dreamy, gorgeous, intelligent." I bring my hand to my mouth in excitement. "We've gone to school with him for an entire semester, babe what's taken you so long?" She smiles sheepishly. "Well he talked to me today." I burst into laughter. "You've been admiring from afar for how long?" She sighs. "Too long. I'm an independent, almost grown, strong ass woman. It's time to start acting like one." I beam and hug her. "Oh my gosh yes. Go for it." I say and she's silent for a second. "Imma go for it tomorrow after you hype me up tonight so that I can text him and make it seem all casual. Yes, that's what I'm going to do." I laugh and grab her hand so that we can go to lunch that we've missed almost half of. "That sounds like a major plan."

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