Chapter 184

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Nini POV

I give Ricky a look as he debates answering the phone. "Babe just let it go to voicemail, it's probably nothing." I shrug and Ricky nods, putting the phone down on the bed. "Yeah you're probably right." He says, placing his free hand on my waist but as the phone rings for the third time he grumbles and picks it up, offering me a look that reads 'whatever.' He presses the phone to his ear. "Ricky here." He greets the caller and I watch as confusion, realization and horror flash through is eyes one by one. My hand immediately finds his arm and I squeeze it gently as his eyes find mine. He seems to be listening carefully and then he laughs in disbelief, malice slightly detectable as anger seeps into his posture. "You're such an asshole." My eyes widen at his words to the caller and he shakes his head. "No shut the fuck up, you don't know me." He says and I squeeze his arm again, hoping to at least figure out who's on the other end. I was praying it wasn't his mom, because while she did deserve some of Ricky's wrath, he was digging himself into a hole that he'd regret later. "I'll meet you at the fucking hospital." He says and I gasp. "Hospital?" I squeak and Ricky looks at me with a guarded expression, reaching his hand to intertwine with mine as he keeps his ear pressed to the phone. "I'm not an idiot, smart ass. I'll figure it the fuck out." He says and I plead with my eyes, hoping he'd give me some information to work with. "No you leave your negative shit at home. You don't know what she needs. I'll see you later." Ricky huffs into the phone and the second he hangs up he gives me a look I can't decipher before he falls back onto the bed, letting out a little sob. "Ricky babe, what was that?" I plead and he covers his eyes. "Mom's in the hospital. She went into this severe stress mode after dealing with me and the dad... and something with the baby and I can't deal with any more of this." I gasp and feel a few tears running down my face. "Did she go into labor? Who was on the phone?" I ask and Ricky wipes at his face. "Jason. That stupid-" I cut him off by placing a hand on his leg. "Ricky, is she in labor?" I plead and his sad eyes meet mine, and they hold the unknown. He has no clue, and I take in a shuddering breath. "We've gotta go to the hospital." I say and he nods, pulling on my hand. "Give me a second." He says and I think he means to get ready, but instead tears start streaming down his face and he looks to the wall. "She's at the hospital right now because.... I shouldn't have... she's 8 months pregnant and-" I cut Ricky off by pressing my lips to his. He sighs against my lips and kisses me back, letting me crawl onto his lap and thread my fingers through his hair. "Listen to me." I whisper against his mouth as I pull back. "You didn't cause this. Your dad didn't cause this. Sure, maybe screaming at him and enduring the stress of telling you about the baby contributed, but this isn't your fault. She keeps so much from you baby, and your feelings are so valid." I say and he breathes out, letting a few more tears silently stream down his face. "I didn't even know Jason was here. Is Todd here? Oh my fucking god, if he isn't we REALLY have to go. Like now. She can't do this alone." He moves to get up, pulling me as well. "Hey. I couldn't agree more. But wait a sec. Give yourself a second please. You have to breathe first. I'm not letting you go into this situation all hyped up on stress and anger. Especially if Jason's there." Ricky stands above where I'm sitting on the edge of the bed and he looks past me, pushing his curls back. "Alright." He says and I slip my arms around his waist, pressing myself against his stomach and closing my eyes. My fingers graze his back gently and I feel his chin rest on top of my head. "10 okay? 10 deep breaths." I say and I feel his chest expanding heavily before he breathes out and repeats the actions. "You can get through this." I remind him, and I just hope it's enough to get him through the next few hours. Because as I get up and grab my bag, and he grabs his keys and his phone, we give each other a look that just simply reads how is this our life. He holds the bedroom door open for me and I feel his hand on the small of my back. "My emotions are gonna be fucking wrecked by the end of today." He says and I turn, giving him a look before grasping his hand in mine. "Amazing how it just means you're uncharacteristically strong." A small smile forms on his face, the first in a while, and he squeezes my hand while shaking his head. "I tried to tell that woman... I just can't do this shit without you." I laugh and press a kiss to the back of his hand. "You never have to, because I'm pretty fond of you. So..." Ricky laughs and squeezes my hand again. "You have no idea Nini. No idea how much I love you."

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