Chapter 112

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Nini POV

Days pass quickly after Ricky's birthday and life soon becomes about spending as much time as a group together as possible. There was an unspoken sadness throughout everyone because we all felt that fear of getting older. Ricky turning seventeen reminded us of the fact that our time as a group wasn't endless, and that feeling only propelled when EJ announced that he would be attending the University of Utah the following year. Even though he'd be close to home, he was still leaving. Change was happening whether we liked it not and it was a quiet Saturday afternoon as we laid in the park together. Gina was holding onto EJ's hand like he'd vanish before her eyes, and we were all sitting a bit closer than we usually would. "Guys, I promise I'll visit much more than you're thinking." EJ tells us quietly. Seb speaks up softly. "I think we know, it'll just be different." He says and EJ pats his shoulder gently. "One thing is for sure, I would've never guessed that I'd have anything, let alone anyone to miss from high school." Ashlyn laughs and she rests her head against Red's shoulder. "Who knew, EJ Caswell has feelings?" She asks and I laugh in response. "Oh my god, the EJ Caswell? The captain of the water polo team? The-" EJ cuts us off with a laugh. "Uh huh, amazing isn't it." Everyone laughs, but it's a soft, nostalgic laugh. "Well one thing is for sure guys, I'm not ready to break down yet. That happens at graduation. So let's talk about what we're going to do when summer comes around." Gina says and EJ looks at her sadly. His arm comes around her shoulders and he pulls her closer to his side. "Yeah, I'm not going anywhere yet." He mumbles and I think it's more to her than to anyone else. Carlos speaks up. "Gina honey, he's gotta actually pass senior year first. That means not failing his exams." The group bursts into laughter and EJ glares at Carlos. "Thanks for the clarification and the reminder." He says, a small smile on his lips. Carlos nods proudly as EJ turns back to Gina. "But for real though, I've still got a month until graduation and like three months of summer." He says to her and I get the feeling that he just wants to talk to her softly, so I turn to Ricky. "I hate change." I admit and he nods, rubbing my back. "It's the worst. But I'm here with you." He tells me and I wrap my arms around him, leaning my head against his shoulder. Ricky's fingers trail up the hem of my shirt carefully, rubbing the bare skin below soothingly. "I love you guys." I tell them softly and Kourtney's eyes catch mine. "This group is always and forever." She says and Big Red laughs. "Yeah, no matter what, this is our team." He says, earning nods and tearful smiles. "Since that's settled, how about we stay here for the next few hours? I don't think I'm ready to separate for the night." EJ says and we laugh but nod, knowing what he means. "I don't have anywhere to be." Ricky says softly and the group scoots a little closer, laying back and grasping the hands that they could.


Little bit of a shorter chapter today, sorta like a filler! It's that time of year again where I'm juggling an end to an academic school year and a musical studies year so I've got a lot going on but I still wanted to give you a little something to read. Hope you all are well and safe. :)

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