Chapter 92

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Ricky POV

"I'm guessing she didn't tell you?" EJ asks and I scoff. "No, I normally make this face when I completely understand something." He glares at me and raises his hands in defense. "Chill, you were just lecturing me about my communication." I roll my eyes in annoyance. "What the fuck is everyone not telling me?" I ask and he sits at the counter top and looks as if he's phrasing his words carefully. "I don't really know what happened but she and I were on the phone and she said she was being approached by a creepy dude and she didn't want me to hang up. I stayed on the line with her until your mom basically saved her." My mouth drops open. "My MOM? Wait this all happened when?" EJ shrugs. "It was like 5 here? So like 8 ish in Chicago?" I rub my eyes in disbelief. "Why wouldn't Nini tell me? Wait who was the fucking guy? Was his name Jason?" EJ thinks for a second. "That sounds familiar yeah. But look Ricky, nothing happened to her. She's fine. It seems like it was no big deal." I clench my jaw. "If it was no big deal why didn't she tell me?" EJ looks at a loss for words and hangs his head. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause anything between you two-" I cut him off harshly. "It's whatever, look I'm clearly not in the position to give you relationship advice. It's not like mine is great." EJ eyes widen. "What the fuck are you talking about? First of all, maybe Nini just didn't want to overwhelm you? It's not like she hung up the phone to go fuck him. Also how many times have you screwed up and kept things from her and she's been there to go back to you? Give her a chance." I clench my fist. "She doesn't trust me." EJ grabs his phone and his keys off the counter. "MAKE her then. Because there's a reason why she didn't tell you." I look down and then back up at the senior. "Why do you need relationship advice? You're doing fine." I say and he smiles. "I'm gonna go use my own advice and get my girl back. I suggest you give Nini a chance." I nod and look at the time. "I might run over and see her now. Just to get it all cleared up. Hopefully she'll bring it up to me." EJ nods and points to me as he leaves. "Don't fuck up man."

When I get to Nini's house I attempt to work out my game plan on the front porch. Before I have a chance though, the front door swings open and Nini jumps in my arms. "Woah" I say laughing, completely forgetting the reason why I came to her in the first place. "Hey" she says giggling and my arms tighten around her involuntarily. "What's up Nins?" I ask and she smiles, sliding down my body to stand. "Not much, I heard your skate board on the side walk and got excited. Whatcha up to?" She asks with a smile and I look away and back to her, nodding a little. "I just wanted to make sure that after everything happened in Chicago, you know I'm good and that you don't have to worry." She smiles and pecks my jaw. "I do know because you're crazy strong. But it's good to hear that from you." She says softly and I feel guilt come over me as her hands run over my arms. I feel the butterflies start in my stomach, the gentle way she's touching me causing me to feel peaceful but at the same time feeling like it's wrong. "About Chicago though..." My heart flutters in hope, just praying that she feel comfortable enough to tell me what happened. "...remember when we like did it and we forgot the condom at first?" Disappointment floods through me and I nod. She eyes me carefully. "I looked it up, there's a rare chance that anything happened but the Internet says I should monitor my period and stuff and make sure everything's good." I nod again slowly. "Okay, just keep me updated?" I ask and she smiles. "Since when do I keep anything from you?" My heart beats faster and I look down at her. "You good?" She asks when I'm silent for a second. "Uh, yeah no I'm totally fine." I say and her eyes narrow just slightly in confusion. "You sure? It looks like you want to say something." I swallow hard realizing how well she knows me and her gaze makes me a little nervous. "Babe, what's going on?" She asks, her hands coming up to my cheeks and her fingers moving to thread through my hair. I look down at her and I wage the internal war of whether or not I should bring it up. I was truly hoping she'd be the one to bring it up first and I hold onto that as I shake my head. "Nothing, I'm just glad to be home." I say with a sigh and she smiles, seeming to let it go. "I'm glad we're home too. I missed being a normal high school girl." She says with a laugh. Nodding, I kiss her forehead. "I'm pretty sure we're far from normal." I say and she laughs again, looking up at me. "We get to be abnormal together." She shrugs and I smile as best as I can. I sure hope we do.

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