Chapter 117

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Nini POV

The next day after school, the entire theater group gathered underneath a tree on the school grounds. We studied and listened to music, just simply enjoying each other's company as we acknowledged our time at East High (with EJ at least) was slowly coming to an end. "Guys" Carlos breaks the peaceful silence and we all look up at him. "Hear me out, I think we should go on a summer trip." Gina tilts her head and smiles. "Like what kind of trip?" Carlos smiles proudly and sits back against a tree. "My uncle owns this house in Colorado. It's in this super excluded area but it's built like a giant cabin sort of mansion, and it's got a beautiful lake." My jaw drops and the group gets excited. "Wait this is actually amazing." EJ says and Ashlyn looks like she's about to burst from excitement. "Wait so we'd get to spend like an entire week together?" Carlos shrugs and brings his arm around Seb. "Yeah, or two? I'm up for anything and I'm sure my uncle is too. I know I'd rather two." He says, turning to Seb and mumbling the last part to him in particular. Seb's face reddens a little and I bite back a smile. "When could we leave?" Red asks and Carlos shrugs again. "Anytime you want! We could go right after school ends, to be honest." The group nods and Kourtney speaks up. "I'm just gonna have to run all this by my parents, because my folks like alllll the details." Ashlyn laughs and nods knowingly. "Details as in, the boys attending the trip?" Kourtney nods and points at her. "Yup" I cut her off and tilt my head. "But you're- we're" I correct myself and roll my eyes with a smile on my face. "We're going on a triple date with Trey, so aren't your parents chill with boys and stuff?" Kourtney opens her mouth to speak but the entire group beats her to it, erupting in disbelief, curiousity and interest. "Trey?" EJ asks and Kourtney glares at him, before making her way to me with her deadly glare. I stifle a laugh as she takes a deep breath before diving into the story of her new *almost* relationship.

I feel Ricky's hand rub my thigh as the group continues to grill Kourtney, and I turn to see his smiling face. "Nice job" he says and I giggle, resting my head against his shoulder. "Hey I didn't mean to, but if she's dragging you and me on a double or triple date with her, karma had to find her eventually. Bestie or not." Ricky's laugh is bright and his arm tightens around my waist. "I guess that's the truth." He says and I smile. "So do you think your dad would let you go to Colorado?" Ricky shrugs and I rub circles into his side as he answers. "Probably, I mean we went to California together and he knows we're sleeping together so it's probably not-" EJ interrupts Ricky loudly and my eyes shoot over to him. "Woah woah, keep it PG guys we're at a high school." I glare at him and Ricky stifles a laugh as Big Red pats me on the arm. "Yeah guys this is his learning environment and you don't want to taint his innocent mind." Seb laughs quietly and I turn my glare towards Red. Across the group I hear Kourtney fake cough "karma" and I can't help but smile, despite my façade of annoyance. "Two whole weeks stuck with you guys in the woods?" I ask and Carlos speaks up. "With a lake!" Ashlyn turns to him. "Okay what is your obsession with the lake?" Carlos laughs and pulls out his phone, opening his photo gallery and showing us the beautiful pictures of the property. "Because this is what we get to see everyday for two weeks." I had to admit, the property was exceptional. "Damn it's so pretty." Kourtney says and EJ nods in agreement. "You know what it's perfect for babe?" He turns to Gina and she shakes her head with a smile, tightening her grip on his waist. "Skinny dipping." He says proudly and her face reddens as the guys agree, pumping their fists up in the air. The girls roll their eyes, trying hard not to smile and my grin breaks through when I feel Ricky's lips on my bare shoulder. "Not a bad plan."

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