Chapter 81

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Ricky POV

I feel like shit. The conversations at the table are just too much to listen to at this point, and I'm watching my girlfriend get hit on right in front of me. I want out. After assuring Nini the entire lunch that I wanted to stay though, I'm worried that she'll be annoyed with me for pushing myself to my breaking point. Instead of trying to tell her, instead of facing the table full of people staring at me after my mom made an ill-timed comment, I escape. I escape out of this stuffy, expensive restaurant, walking through the back doors of the establishment into a peaceful garden. I know Nini is right behind me, but in these ten seconds by myself I look around at the flowers and the little bush tunnel that leads to a bench on the other side. I think about the irony, a beautiful garden in the middle of Chicago. Kinda like me and Nini... a beautiful situation in the middle of chaos.

Nini POV

I see Ricky through the glass door and I take a deep breath. He's pacing and even from here I can see how upset he is. His stance is tense, almost as if he's trying to hold it together. I approach calmly, because that's what he needs. "Hey Ricky" I say softly when I step through the glass doors. He turns to me, and he stares at me for a second. "I'm sorry I just had to get out-" he starts to say and I shake my head, walking over and wrapping my arms around him. His body collapses into mine, shaking lightly. "I've got you" I whisper as I rub his back, his body still very much depending on me to hold him up. I feel his face nuzzle into my neck as I whisper soothingly that I'm here for him. When Ricky pulls back, he looks me in the eyes, emotion very evident. "They were talking like... like she wasn't in love enough when she married my dad. Like she didn't care enough about him even though they had ME." Ricky says, the emotion causing his voice to break and his breathing starting to get uneven and heavy. "Okay, okay" I coax him gently and try to get him to come with me to the bench on the other side of the garden. He walks willingly but he looks like he's in a daze. When we sit down, his entire body moves close to mine and he wraps his arms around my shoulders, burying his head against my chest. I rub his back and move my fingers up through his hair. "I'm not trying to be dramatic." He mumbles into my chest and despite the situation, I chuckle lightly. "You are NOT being dramatic. This is a ton to handle." I whisper as I continue to play with his curls. "And that fucking asshole. I was right there! RIGHT THERE!" Ricky yells, pulling back and I jump at his sudden change in mood. "What?" I say soothingly and he looks straight ahead but I see the tears starting to fall from his eyes. "You're MY girlfriend Nins. I'm HER son. I feel like I have nothing." I start to get a little worried when I can't understand what Ricky is trying to get at and I take his hands firmly. "Talk to me baby. What's going through your head?" He turns to me, allowing me to see the tears flowing freely down his cheeks and I reach up to wipe them away. "You're my girlfriend Nini, maybe the only good thing in my life. And Jason wants to steal you away. He's already stolen my mom. I can't remember the last time she looked at me like that, or laughed with me." His voice breaks and I think back to the meal and how Lynne was talking to Jason like they had known each other their entire lives. I think back to the way Jason was acting towards me, even with Ricky sitting right there. I nod and I stroke Ricky's cheek, wiping away the tears. "Your mom made me want to scream too. But here's the thing, I promise you that I'm not going anywhere baby. I'm yours. You don't have to worry about that." Ricky shakes his head as his tears begin to fall harder. "But" I shake my head and I press my lips firmly against Ricky's. He's shocked and takes a second to respond, but when he does, he works against my lips like he hasn't kissed me in months. His hands move up to my hair and he tilts my neck for better access to my mouth. When we pull back I try to control my breathing. Ricky's tears are starting to dry like he didn't even break down and his chest rises and falls at the same pace as mine. "He couldn't kiss you like that." He mumbles and I fight the smile caused by his jealousy. "What?" he asks and I lean into him. "Jealousy just makes you cute." I whisper against his lips and he glares slightly. "I'm not jealous." he says in defense and to stop me from smiling further, he presses his lips firmly against mine again. "Are you feeling better?" I whisper when we pull back. He takes a deep breath and I run my fingers through the top of his curls. "I just really want to go back to the hotel with you and forget all of this. This is all just so intense and I have to mentally prepare for tomorrow." He says with a heavy sigh. I nod and kiss his cheek. "I'm gonna run to the bathroom quickly, you could wait outside for me and we'll call an Uber?" I ask him and he nods, taking another deep breath and standing up. He grasps my hand, and it shakes lightly from the aftermath of his meltdown. "Thank you Nins, this whole day would've been impossible without you." He whispers against my hair.

When Ricky leaves the restaurant, I make my way to the bathroom, breathing a sigh of relief that I know that he's okay. I also begin to brainstorm ways to make him feel better tonight, some exciting me at the very thought. As I enter the restroom, I bump straight into a woman. "Oh I'm so sorry!" I exclaim, but I almost wish I could retract my statement when I see who it is. I can't help but notice that her facial expression isn't pleasant either.

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