Chapter 136

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‼️ This chapter is considered mature. Please skip if uncomfortable!

Ricky POV

If my jaw could drop, it would. "Are you sure?" I ask Nini as she moves to straddle me on the bed. She nods, threading her fingers through my hair, carefully and thoughtfully. "I'm so tired of seeing you in pain." She says and I frown but it's quickly wiped off my face when I feel her nibble gently on the edge of my ear. "Mm it's been a while." She whispers against my skin and I shudder, nodding in agreement. What I really wanted to do was pick her up and pin her on the bed, kissing every inch of her making her the one feel all of the pleasure, after everything she's been doing to help me. I was still in pain though and really unable to kiss like I usually do so I opted for just sitting still as she pressed herself against me. "I love you so you have to promise you'll keep your jaw shut and that you'll stay quiet." She tells me with a soft smile. "I like how loving me is tied into those two things." I say and she gives me a look that I can't quite decipher and just as quickly, I feel a hand move to the front of my sweatpants. "Nini" I groan and she rubs me through my fabric, watching me for a reaction. "Promise me or I'm not doing any of this." She says and I huff, my head falling back as she continues her slow movements on my growing erection. I don't answer her and she takes her hand away from me, eliciting a small groan of annoyance from me. "Okay, fuck okay I promise." I say and she bites her lip. "Pinky promise?" She asks, moving her hand back towards my hardness. I bite my lip, pressing a hand to her cheek. "How can you be so fucking adorable and so fucking hot at the same time?" I ask and her face reddens, looking down. "Jaw closed." She says, completely embarrassed, and before I can answer her, her hand slips under the waistband of both my sweatpants and my underwear and she tightens her grip on my bare skin. I suck in a breath, jerking up into her hand and she watches me carefully before dipping her head down and taking me in her mouth. Her movements are painfully slow and teasing, my head filling with pure bliss and complete fog as she continues. She pushes her mouth a little deeper around me and I my hands fly up to her hair, my eyes squeezing shut. She's playing the part, groaning a little and making eye contact with me and it feels like I could come just from that but the more her tongue swirls around me and the more her hand moves on the part that doesn't fit in her mouth, the more I don't want to come undone. "Fuck. How'd you get so good at this." I groan, my mouth only open a little bit as she continues. She stops, looking up at me to see if im abiding by her rules and when she sees my jaw shut (and presumably my eyes closed) her mouth finds me again and I toss my head back. "Fuck just like that." I groan out and her pace quickens. "Don't. Stop." I say between heavy breaths, the words barely coming out of my mouth at all. I feel a smile on her lips though and I pull her off of me, pressing my fingertips to the corner of her swollen mouth. "What do you want Ricky?" She asks me carefully and I meet her lust-filled, wide, brown eye. My lips part as she stares at me and I know the only way she'll continue is if I answer so I thread my fingers through her hair and whisper it out. "Let me come in that perfect mouth of yours." If I didn't know Nini so well, I would've missed her blush, maybe even the shock in her eyes from my answer. But I didn't and it only fuels the intense pleasure taking over my body. Her mouth is back on me in an instant and I feel myself starting to fall apart. "Come on baby." She whispers and it's all it takes for me to be pushed over the edge. She takes all of me in, swallowing the evidence of my organism, holding my waist in place and keeping me inside her mouth until I'm done. Afterwards, she tucks me back into my pants. "Fuck. Thank you baby, thank you." I tell her, my chest still rising and falling fast as I come down from my orgasm. She smiles shyly and pecks my cheek. "Are you relaxed?" I close my eyes as her fingers thread through my hair. "God yes. I wish I could-" she cuts me off by placing a firm hand against my still-swollen cheek. "You're always making sure I'm taken care of. This week is a week for you." She says and I kiss her forehead gently. "Fine, then get ready for next week."

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