Chapter 106

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Nini POV

"Moms can Ricky stay over tonight? Since we don't have school tomorrow and it's his birthday?" I ask my moms after dinner. They smile at each other and nod happily. "I feel like you're nine again." Momma C says and I laugh, reaching under the table to hold Ricky's hand. His thumb rubs over my skin gently and my heart flutters at his gentle touch. "But of course he can. Ricky, I'm sure Nini now owns all of your clothes, so you've got pjs. We'll bring you an extra toothbrush as well." Ricky laughs brightly and he squeezes my hand. "That's so untrue!" I say in defense, and instead of saying anything, Ricky tugs at the bottom of my T-shirt. I blush and turn away, because of course I had to be wearing his clothes at the time of this debate. "Thanks so much though, I'm just gonna run home quickly to grab clothes for tomorrow. I'm probably expected by this girl to look nice." Ricky says, pointing at me with a smile on his face. My moms smile and nod, moving to embrace him and he drops my hand, wrapping his arms around Momma C and then Momma D. "Just lock the door when you come back." Momma D says, and Ricky nods, walking back over to kiss my forehead. "I'll be right back babe." He says, and he grabs his skateboard by the front door and gives us a little wave.

Ricky POV

"Hey dad! I'm staying with Nini tonight, I just have to grab some clothes!" I yell, sprinting through my house and up into my room, before flying back down the steps with a bag of my belongings. "Okay, bud! But can you come here for a second?" My dad yells out after me and I walk into the kitchen to greet him. "What's up? I really have to run, I told Nini I'd be right back." I say and he nods. "I just want to talk to you about something. Obviously staying the night with your girlfriend is a big thing, especially when you're about to turn seventeen but here's the thing-" I cut him off by waving my hand. "Wait hear me out." He says and I raise my eyebrows. "It's important that if you two do it..." I cut him off again and I grimace. "Look dad I know." I say and he sighs. "But you have to be extremely careful, not only with protection but with her. It's a special thing-" I grimace again and try to get him to stop talking. "Dad, she and I have already... well we've done it before." I say and he opens his mouth but doesn't say anything. " I sorta figured, but I just had to bring up." He says after a second and I nod. "Okay well I gotta-" He stops me again. "I trust that you're being careful but if either one of her mothers comes to hunt me down because of something you've done to Nini then-" I laugh (sorta uncomfortably) and I shake my head. "I'd never hurt her dad." I tell him very firmly and he nods. "Alright, go have a good time Rick." He says and he pulls me into a hug. "I love you" I say with a laugh and he pats me on the shoulder. "I love you too bud. And happy early birthday." He says as if it's a secret between us. I laugh and point at him excitedly. "I'll see you in the morning." I tell him with a smile.

When I get back to Nini's house, I tap on her door and I smile when I hear her quiet answer. "Hey, next time don't let me leave this house. I was dragged into the talk with my dad when I got home." I say when I walk into her room. She's sitting on her bed and she puts her phone down. Her mouth drops but there's a little smile playing on her lips and I point at her. "Not funny" I say and she giggles. "It's a little funny" she says and I shake my head, walking over to sit on her bed. "Well what'd he say?" She asks curiously and I flush. "He told me you're special, and to be careful with you. But I already knew that." I say, leaning over to kiss her lips. Her hand comes to my cheek and she feels like she's deepening the kiss before she pulls back. "Go shower and change, I'll be right here." She says and I nod against her forehead.

After my shower I walk back to Nini's bed and I see her wrapped around a pillow, dozing lightly. I smile, grabbing my phone and I snap a picture of her, she was just too beautiful and peaceful to resist. I then scoot into bed next to her and she stirs, whimpering quietly. "Hey I'm right here" I say, and her entire body shifts into mine. I rub her back soothingly and I wrap my arms around her waist, her head snuggling into my chest. "I love you Ricky" she whispers and our legs intertwine. "I love you too Nini" I whisper, drawing my fingertips along her skin delicately. I think she's falling asleep, but I hear her shift again and she looks up at me. "I can't believe you're going to be seventeen tomorrow." She says, and her fingers come up to draw across my cheeks lightly. I smile and look down at her. "Thanks for sticking with me this long." I say and she laughs despite her tired demeanor. "We've only got the rest of our lives."

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