Chapter 149

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Gina POV

"You ready for bed babe?" EJ's voice cuts through the quiet, dimly lit room and I nod from my place over by my duffle bag. "Yeah sorry, I just had to grab a scrunchie." I say and he smiles, nodding and slipping underneath the covers. The truth was, I could feel my heart racing at the thought of slipping underneath the covers with him. Stalling was really my only choice and the even then, that had to end too. I make my way over to the bed and slip under the sheets, lining myself up with the very edge of the bed and ignoring the sound of my pounding heart in my ears. I do however hear what sounds like EJ is stifling a laugh and I turn to look at him, amusement very clear on his face. "You good?" He asks and I laugh, feeling my face heat up. "Yeah it's just, no it's nothing, I'm all good." I say and he studies me for a second. "I don't bite." He says finally. "Well, I mean I do, but only when-" I reach back and cup my hand over his mouth to get him to stop talking which earns a laugh. "Gi, you okay though?" He asks after I've slipped my hand from his lips and I nod. "Just... overthinking." I say and very carefully, I start to move my body closer to his. He notices because he watches me carefully and only when our shoulders touch does he reach around my waist and hold me close to him. "Tell me if you're uncomfortable." He says and his kindness gives me a boost of confidence. I press myself even closer to him and rest my head in his neck. I feel his fingertips grazing my back and I fall asleep to his steady breathing. What do you know, Nini was right.

Nini POV

I'm sitting in the bay window when I feel Ricky's gentle hand press firmly against my shoulder. "You good over here?" I smile and give him a little nod before looking back out at the pitch blackness. "It's peaceful." I say quietly and he nods, sliding in next to me on the seat. "It's weird here, no cars driving by late at night, no lights from neighbors. I love it though." I nod and looks him in the eyes. His facial expression is curious and he plays with my fingers as we hold eye contact. "I hope Gina's okay." I say and he raises his eyebrows. "Was she not?" I shake my head and look towards the door. "She hasn't slept in a bed with EJ before, so she was a little nervous about that." Ricky nods and kisses the back of my palm. "Well I'm sure they probably wouldn't appreciate you barging in there to make sure she's comfortable sleeping with her boyfriend, but if something goes badly, you know she'd come to you." I laugh lightly, leaning back and feeling my eyelids droop. "Yeah, you're right." I say and I hear him stand up. "You're falling asleep baby, let's get you to bed." I nod but I keep my eyes closed and the next thing I know, I feel Ricky reaching underneath me and picking me up so that I'm cradled in his arms. He presses a kiss to my forehead before nuzzling his nose in my neck. His nose brushes against the sensitive mark that he created just hours earlier during our game of truth or dare and I flinch away from him which makes him laugh a little. "Sorry Nins, that's a habit." He says and I smile. "You know, you could've just like, not have sucked a mark into my skin." He laughs, placing me on the bed and tucking me underneath the covers. "Can't pass up an opportunity to have my lips on you baby." He whispers as he joins me under the covers, pulling me close to him and pressing his lips to my forehead. "Goodnight princess." I hum and open my eyes just a little. "What did you call me?" Ricky takes a deep breath and rubs my shoulders. "What you are." His voice comes out quiet and exhausted, his tone lulling me into a peaceful, happy sleep.

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