Chapter 53

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Nini POV 

"I know it wasn't originally planned, but can you stay with me tonight?" Ricky asks in a quiet voice. I nod and pull him to my body. "I'm going to call my moms and explain. Give me a few minutes." I say to him and I walk outside the room and call my parents. My moms understood right away, I even swear I could hear a sniffle from the other end. "That boy doesn't deserve this." Momma D had whispered into the receiver and I nodded in sadness even though she couldn't see me. After I had hung up I walked down to the kitchen to grab him something to eat. I looked around for anything that might be appetizing and I settled on fruit to bring him. It was refreshing and always what we'd have for a late night snack. As I cut apples and oranges, Mr. Bowen walks into the kitchen and I jump back in surprise. He chuckles, and rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry Nini. Didn't mean to scare you, this is basically your house now." I smile and I shake my head. "It's all good." I laugh and I begin to place some cut fruit on a plate. "How is he?" He asks after a second of silence. I look up to and I sigh. "He's really freakin hurt." Mr. Bowen nods and a sad expression comes across his face. "None of this was meant to screw with his life so much. Lynn originally just wanted a relationship with him. The wedding invitation though, that was just cruel." I shake my head and resume cutting fruit. "Well it did and it just keeps affecting him more and more." I try not to let a tear fall as I remember his beaten hand and his angered expression when I first walked in tonight. "This isn't fair to him." I say below a whisper. I know Mr. Bowen hears me though and he says "technically I'm entitled to sue her for sending that mail." I nod. "That's what I thought." I tell him. "I just don't want Ricky to be pulled in even more. I'm just going to finalize the restraining order and let this all go to rest." I grab the plate of fruit that I cut. "And I'm going to make sure that Ricky's okay." I say with a smile. Mr. Bowen smiles and shakes his head. "Lucky dad I am, for you to be my son's girlfriend." I blush and thank him, walking upstairs to Ricky. 

I wait a second, and then I open the door. Ricky's sitting on the bed, his head is in his hands and I hear muffled sniffling. I put the fruit down on the top of his dresser and I walk over to the bed slowly. I sit down in front of him, my hands coming around his wrists, and I gently tug his hands away from his face. His body feels weak and he gives in to me immediately, his tear-stained face breaking my heart again. "I know I'm being overdramatic." He says quietly and defensively. I gasp and scoot closer to him. "Oh my god! No you're not at all." I say and I rub his shoulders down to his arms. His head falls forward against my chest and I feel him take a few deep breaths. "Nini?" His already weak voice is trembling. "Yes love?" I ask back softly. "Why weren't we good enough for her to stay?" That breaks me down, the tears springing to my eyes and falling down my cheeks. It feels like we're ten again, and his parents have just begun to fight, prompting him to ask me questions that no ten year old could answer. It feels similar, me not knowing how to answer his heartbreaking questions. His hands are wrapped around my waist and I feel them moving up my back, his head still against my chest. I don't know if he expected an answer, but I try my best. "Nothing. And I mean nothing is better than this incredible man in my arms right now." I whisper and shake his body lightly. "She'll realize that sooner or later, and if she doesn't, she's too blinded by something to see right. You've got a whole hell of a lot of people who'd never leave you for anything baby." I say close to his ear. His head comes up and he looks me in the eyes. "I hope." He whispers just as quietly. "You're crying." He says, his thumbs coming up to wipe my eyes. I laugh through my tears. "You selfless boy." I say while pushing back his curls. His smile peaks through and he leans forward, kissing my tears off my face. "I'm sorry I just really needed to be emotional." He says. "Don't apologize. Im going to be here through it all." He nods and his lips meet mine, and then I see him look past me. "Is that fruit?" He asks excitedly, as if the past 20 minutes didn't happen. "Oh yeah I cut apples and oranges!" I say laughing. I get up and bring them over to the bed. As always, we start with the oranges but we don't get the chance to finish the apples. He leans in and kisses me, and I involuntarily open my mouth into the kiss. He bites down on my lower lip gently and I shiver, prompting him to pull me closer. My mouth opens up a bit more and he slips his tongue in gently. I'm lost in his taste and his movements and when we pull back for air I smile. "You taste like tangerines." I giggle. "Well your mouth is cold and it's driving me insane." He whispers seductively. I laugh and grab a pillow, smacking his head. His laughter echoes off the wall. "What was that for?!" He exclaims, trying to pull me closer. "Get a handle on those boy hormones you need rest." I say laughing. "BOY hormones?" He says with a twinkle in his eye. "Yeah control all that" I say, gesturing dramatically to his crotch. He grabs my finger and laughs, moving to take hold of my entire body. "Hey hey put me down!" I squeal, and he manuvers us so that I'm underneath him. "Have I thanked you for being here tonight?" I smile. "I think so." I tell him. "Good so those boy hormones aren't distracting me too much." "RICKY" I yell, and we burst into another round of laughter. 

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