Chapter 42

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Ricky POV

Nini and I are making out on her bed. Despite our heated morning, our kisses are soft and gentle, our lips moving together sweetly. My mind is racing from everything that had happened in the past hour. I just knew that something was wrong when Nini abruptly left the coffee shop this morning without telling me. I had a bad feeling. When I walked into her room to find her crying I could tell that something was severely bothering her which deepened that feeling. Truthfully, I had no idea that Vanessa made her that upset but when I think back on it, it must've looked pretty bad from outside. To top it all off, Nini's reaction to me bringing my hand up during out argument is still fresh in my mind. The way she flinched back against the wall scared the crap out of me, was that familiar to her? I know that things got pretty heated but it just bothered me so much, the way she kept backing away from me and the way her body seemed to think I might physically hurt her. I needed to know more. I pulled back from the kisses, and look Nini in the eyes. She smiles gently and I trace my thumb around her swollen lips. "What are you thinking about?" She asks me. I trace my hands over her cheeks carefully and she waits for my answer. "Why did you react that way baby?" I ask her gently. She looks a little confused but answers anyway. "I don't know. I just felt so jealous, seeing her touch you and grasp your attention like that." She says. I'm confused for a second and I realized I had to elaborate. I shake my head. "No no, Nins when I raise my hand." I say the last part quietly, scared the memory would be too loud for the two of us. She looks at me sadly. "I just panicked." She says frowning. My hands keep tracing her cheeks and one moves back to hold her neck. "You're not scared of me, right?" I ask carefully. Her head moves slowly back and forth but she looks unsure. "Nini?" I question further. I need the truth, I need to know how to be around her to make sure she's comfortable and okay. "No" she says, but it still sounds unsure. "The truth?" I question again. She takes a deep breath. "No I'm not really. I mean yeah I'm smaller than you, well smaller than a lot of people. When I'm dominated physically it scares me a little because I lose control. And in the heat of a moment, we never know what we'll do. But I'm sure a lot of people feel that way." She finishes quietly. I nod and bring her face up to mine so that we make eye contact. "I will never hurt you. I will never lay a hand on your body in any other manner but lovingly." I tell her firmly. She nods and her hands come up to my face. I feel her hands move across hair and then her lips attach themselves to my jaw. She kisses along it and when she reaches my lips, they part involuntarily. She whispers into my mouth. "What did I do to get so lucky?" And then she kisses me hard, her tongue slipping into my separated lips. I kiss her back just as hard. And she lays us both down, by pulling me on top of her. I'm lost in her, in the way her body moves and in the way her lips move against mine. I've memorized the movement I need to make for her hips to buck up and meet mine and I've memorized the spot on her neck that makes her grip onto me just a little more. I've got this beautiful woman wired, and yet I'm still learning things about her.

We pull away for air and Nini looks into my eyes. "What do you want to do today?" She asks. It's already around 1 in the afternoon and we have school tomorrow, but I suggested a movie. She beams up at me and pecks my lips. "A dark cinema for 2 hours with you? Yes." Is all she says, and her hips meet mine to grind against me. My head falls into her shoulder and she giggles softly before moving out from underneath me. "I love you" she says, kissing my cheek. This woman is my everything.

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