Chapter 114

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Ricky POV 

Nini's lips dance across my skin gently, her arms pulling me closer to her body. I press kisses across her collar bone and her chest rises and falls a little heavier. When my hands wrap around her waist though, her breathing hitches and she pulls away a little. "You good?" I whisper and she nods, connecting our lips again. I'm completely immersed in the way she feels under me and I rub my hands up and down her sides as she lets my tongue slip into her mouth. I don't notice right away that her face is starting to feel slightly wet though. I pull back to check on her again and her watery eyes make me shoot up immediately. "Nini, baby are you okay? Did I hurt you?" I whisper and she shakes her head frantically, wiping at the tears that were falling from her eyes. "I'm totally fine." She says, trying to laugh a little but I cup my hands around her cheeks and stroke her skin softly with my thumbs. Crying while making out doesn't usually entail "totally fine" and I start to get concerned. "Nini?" I ask her and she bites her lip. "I just don't feel good." She admit and I crawl off her completely, helping her sit up so that we can face each other. "Physically? emotionally?" I ask her quietly. Her vagueness was making me anxious. "Tell me why Nins." She ducks her head and I rub her arms carefully. "I just feel like I've gotten bigger lately and I know that birth control can sometimes do that, but I feel like I've been feeling this for a couple weeks now. I just want to crawl out of my skin I'm so uncomfortable." She tells me softly and I almost have to pick my jaw up off the bed. "What?" I breathe out. "No. Nins you're beautiful and that hasn't changed. I've been holding and touching you for weeks and you haven't changed one bit." I tell her and she leans forward, her head resting on my chest as if she's defeated. I rub her back and I hear her sniff, making me want to start crying with her. Nothing hurts me more than when she underestimates how incredible she is, and to know she's been battling with the feeling for a few weeks breaks my heart even more. "If you're mentally not great then we can fix that, but I promise you that you haven't changed one bit." She nods a little and clutches onto my body a little tighter. "Hey, why didn't you tell me?" I ask gently and her body shrugs. "I thought it wasn't important, maybe the feeling would go away if I ignored it. But when you started touching me just now, I felt gross." My eyes well up at the sound of her horrible words and I push her shoulder so that she can look me in the eyes. "Look at me." I beg her and her wide eyes meet mine. "Every inch of you is perfect. Your entire body is perfect." She looks down, like she doesn't believe me and I have an idea. "Lay back." I whisper and she looks at me confused but she does it anyway. "Do you trust me?" I ask her quietly and she lets out a deep breath. "Of course" she tells me, and her fingers move to thread into my hair. "Okay, then close your eyes." I instruct her and she does just that, her hands dropping to her sides, holding onto her bed sheets a little tighter. I move my fingertips to the hem of her shirt, lifting it a little but not enough to make her uncomfortable. "You're so special." I remind her and I press my lips to her cheek before moving my mouth down her body. My thumbs rub against the little bit of bare skin on her stomach and she shudders under my touch. I hover over her as my lips connect with every bit of skin possible and I trail my fingertips carefully across her arms, her stomach and even past her chest. I continue to move her shirt up so that my lips can touch more of her and she sighs quietly. I feel her hands move back into my hair and I watch her carefully as I continue to touch her body, moving my hands across her thighs and back up her sides. After a few minutes, I let my voice interrupt the sweet silence. "Every part of you is perfect Nins. When there's a physical part about yourself that you hate, remember that I kissed it and that I think it's exceptional." Nini's eyes flutter open and her eyes hold so much emotion. "I love you" she chokes out and she pulls me down so that I can kiss her lips. Her hands tug at my hair gently and I return her eagerness before pulling back and pressing my forehead against hers. "And I know I've said this before, but every one of your feelings is valid." I remind her quietly and she keeps her eyes closed but her hands rub my back in response. "You're always enough." I whisper and she holds me tighter, her hand coming to the base of my neck and rubbing gently. "Thank you." She whispers and I smile, pressing a little kiss to her nose. 


This extremely sensitive topic was requested weeks ago and I'm just now following through with the idea. It's something that we all go through (sometimes at the worst moments) and I hope I handled it delicately enough for all of you beautiful people. :) ❤️✨

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