Chapter 50

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Ricky POV 

Nini's kisses are frantic and hungry. Her hands are moving across my body like she hasn't touched me in months and I'm in complete euphoria. Tonight I had been shocked to the say the least. I never would've imagined that a new bra would be the center of her worries and her uncomfortableness. I had been so stressed that I did something to make her feel uncomfortable around me. I was so worried that she wasn't into our relationship anymore, which sounds stupid now but the feeling of her tense body as I kissed her ran through my head while I was in the kitchen. I had come back upstairs to "grab my phone" but really I wanted to make make sure she was okay. When I saw her in the new lingerie I almost head a heart attack. She was so fucking gorgeous and I swear my mouth actually went dry looking at her. Even though we've been together for a while, it still shocks me that she lacks confidence. She's the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on. My mission was to convince her. As Nini begins to kiss my body, her lips attaching to my neck, I become extremely glad I decided to come up those stairs. 

I suppress a groan as Nini's legs wrap around mine, pulling me closer to her body. Her skin feels like fire against mine and I move to remove my hoodie. She pulls away. "I love you" she whispers against my chest as she moves to kiss across my bare skin. I groan as her hands run down my chest and I push her back so that I have control. I move on top of her and her eyes meet mine, frantically trying to figure out what I'm going to do. My arms frame her head in and she smiles softly as I lean down and kiss her. She opens her mouth immediately and I pull away with a smirk on my face. "You're mea-" she begins to say but I grind against her and she gasps, her entire body jerking up. Her mouth is open and her hands tighten around my body as I repeat my movement. "Ricky" she whimpers and the sound she makes turns something on in my brain. My dick is throbbing at the thought of being inside her and suddenly I can't take the barriers. I move to pull off her leggings. She nods and assists me, moving to undo my own pants. Regardless of being desperate,  I decide I'm going to make things last a little longer tonight though, hoping that she feels cherished. Before I take off her bra, I run my hands over the cups, playing with the lace and tracing my fingers over the area where her breasts push up slightly. She's panting and I don't break eye contact as I continue my movements, letting her know she's so beautiful just through this slight contact. I reach behind her and clasp off the bra and I pull it off slowly. She blushes as I kiss her chest, kissing down her stomach and making my way to the area below her belly button. I kiss her waist, sucking on her skin slightly, looking up to see her completely lost in the pleasure I'm giving her. When I make it to her thighs, her eyes open up and she watches me carefully. Her hands are laced through my hair and they keep moving gently as I make eye contact with her. I kiss her inner thigh and she tenses up, feeling how close I've gotten to her center. I look up to gauge what she's thinking. She doesn't say anything so I move my fingers over her center, and I can feel how aroused she is through the material of her underwear. She closes her eyes as I move my thumb over her clit but when I move to kiss the inside of her thigh again, she tenses. I pull away completely, looking into her eyes. "I'm just not ready for that yet." She says quietly, trying to look away. I smile and make my way back over her. "That is completely okay Nins." I kiss her lips and she relaxes into the bed again, her hands coming up at my head and running her fingers through my hair, driving me to a weak place I didn't know I had. I feel her move her hips up to try and grind against me and I've decided we've had enough torture. I pull down her panties as we kiss deeper, and her hands move to my boxers to pull them down. After she's slid on a condom and i push into her, she and I are completely lost in pleasure and love and I know with everything thrust and every kiss that this girl will be mine forever. 

After we've both finished, Nini lays on my chest and I play with her hair. "Your hearts beating fast." She says softly, her fingers tracing over my skin. "Yours is too" I say chuckling as I move to place my fingertips on the pulse point of her neck. I feel her smile against my chest. "I think buying that bra was a good thing." She says after a second of silence. I laugh and tighten my grip on her. "It looked fucking incredible on you. But believe me, you're just as perfect without it." She doesn't respond, she just kisses my chest and I sigh happily. "Well good, because I bought two others." I look down at her shocked. "What?" She smiles. "Yeah they're in my closet." Her smile is daring as she looks into my eyes. "Can I see them?" I finally ask. She looks as if she's pondering my question. "Maybe." She finally says with a smile and a shrug. "Maybe?" I repeat. "Yeah, I don't know you said I look good without them so..." I pretend to look offended. "Yeah but that doesn't mean I don't want to see-" she cuts me off with a kiss against my lips. I feel a smile form and she begins to laugh. I smile and shake my head. "I love you so much Nini." 

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