Chapter 89

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Nini POV

Right after mine and Ricky's little bathroom excursion, we decided it was a good time to head back to our hotel. Personally, I didn't want to see Jason EVER again and I could tell Ricky was fed up with the entire day too. "Hey why don't you wait outside babe?" He asks me as we make our way to the hotel entrance. I look confused for a second and he shakes his head. "It's nothing, I just have to take care of a few things before we leave. Closure and shit." He says. I raise my eyebrows and he kisses me swiftly, assuring me everything was fine and that I should just wait in the lobby. Reluctantly I let him leave, knowing that if he's good going by himself then I should encourage him and hang back.

Ricky POV

I walk back into the ballroom, something I didn't expect myself to do ever. Why would I walk back in to a dreadful situation? But I needed to get a few things straight before I left Chicago and I knew that it'd just stew in my mind if I didn't do something about it now. The first thing I do is walk straight over to Jason. He's alone at the table and I walk right up to him. He smirks at me and I ball my fist at my side, secretly wishing I brought Nini along so that I wouldn't murder him at my mom's wedding reception. "What's up brother?" He asks and I clench my fist tighter. "Was she good?" He asks with his growing smirk. I stare at him, my eyes giving away my anger. "You fucking knew. Why the fuck would you walk in?" I ask, low and threatening and he shrugs. "I don't know what you mean. But if I did, I'd say boredom does wonderful things." He says and he smiles. "Plus the view that I got wasn't necessarily bad-" I cut him off by gripping his jacket and pulling him up. "Shut the fuck up." I say, still trying to be quiet and he brings his hands up in surrender. "Just saying. Though I do have a quick question, is she that shy when you-" I push him back. "What the fuck is wrong with you. Like ACTUALLY what the fuck is wrong with you?" I ask him angrily and he smirks, making me want to punch him. I feel two soft hands on my back though, and I turn to see Nini staring up at me, concern very evident in her eyes. "Hey, what's going on?" She whispers and Jason steps towards me. I shoot him a warning glare and he looks down at Nini. "Your boyfriend's mad that I accidentally walked in on you two." He says and her eyebrows shoot up, looking between the two of us. "Yeah because you're disgusting. You clearly knew what you were doing, what we were doing. And even if you didn't, why would you walk in without knocking?" She says very obviously, but I can't help but take notice of the fact that her body hides behind mine just a little bit, and her hand rests on my back. "Wow you two got me all figured out." Jason says, smirking again and his cocky demeanor makes me want to slap him again. Nini steps forward, clearly feeling the anger radiating off of me and she stands a little taller. "You're a disgusting human being for doing that. I don't care if you volunteer at a veterinarian's office and help elderly every week, that made you disgusting." She says, pointing at him. She puffs her chest out a little bit with confidence but I see Jason look down at her neckline though and she pulls up the fabric to cover her chest. "Talking to him is like talking to a wall." She mutters, turning back to me and I grab her hand. Jason opens his mouth to respond, no doubt with something snarky, right as my mom and Todd make their way over to the table. "Ricky baby! Oh, what's going on over here? Little brotherly tension?" She asks with a laugh and I almost want to throw up. "No, mom. The opposite actually. But Nini and I were just about to head. We've got an early flight in the morning." I say and she looks into my eyes, no doubt seeing the anger that they've held since I walked back into the ballroom. "Already Ricky? We haven't even cut the cake. And I know Todd and Jason-" I cut her off at the mention of Jason's name and I push my hair back in frustration. "Look, enjoy the rest of the evening. Nini and I have to go." I say and I grab Nini's hand, starting to make our way out of the room. "No formal goodbye?" I hear from behind me and I turn to see my mom just steps away from me. I shrug. "Bye?" Nini brings her hand to my back and rubs gently. I sigh. "Sorry. Bye mom, congratulations" I say and I move towards her to give her a hug. "I love you" she says and she wraps her arms around me, bringing her hand to the back of my head and petting my hair like she did when I was a kid. "Can I walk you out?" She whispers into my ear and I nod, not wanting to let her down too much. She hooks her arm around my waist and reaches for Nini's hand also, the three of us walking together. When we get to the hotel entrance she pulls me into another hug. "I love you my sweet boy." She whispers again and I start to feel the tears form. The scent of her perfume that she's worn since I could talk, the way her hands grip my shoulders when she pulls back, it all starts to bring my emotion to the edge. "I love you too, mom" I tell her and she brings her hands to my cheeks. "You've grown into an incredible man. I'm so proud of you and I can't thank you enough for coming." She says and I nod, completely mute. "I hope we can be a family, even from afar. I've screwed up so much, but you deserve so much. Baby I'm going to try and fix all this. If I can give you a family dynamic with Todd and Jason-" I cut her off by shaking my head. "Stop" I mumble and her eyes hold hurt and sadness. Nini, who was watching from afar, steps over to us and places a hand on my mom's shoulder. She turns to face Nini and Nini looks uncomfortable but she looks like she wants to say something. "Look, this is kinda uncomfortable Mrs... Lynne, but well, Jason kinda walked in on me and Ricky in the bathroom. On purpose." My mom looks a little shocked. "Kissing?" She asks and Nini's face flushes a deep red. "Oh" my mom says and Nini looks down, nodding. "On purpose?" She asks, looking between us and I nod. Bringing her hands back to my cheeks, she strokes her thumbs over my cheek bones. "I get that baby. You don't have to be a family with him. Even Todd if you don't want. But me?" She asks hopefully and I pull her into a hug, wrapping her tightly in my arms. "Always" I whisper and I close my eyes, letting my guard down, letting myself just memorize the feeling of hugging my mom. When I pull back my mom smiles through her tears. "Now you call me if you need anything. I mean anything." I laugh and look at Nini. "I will mom." She nods and moves to give Nini a hug. I hear her whisper something and Nini looks up with tears in her eyes, nodding. "One more" my mom says, moving back to hold me in her arms again. I laugh and she kisses my cheek. "I love you, my sweet boy. Safe travels." She tells me and I squeeze her shoulders one last time before moving to grab Nini's hand. "And use protection!" she calls out as we begin to leave the hotel. I groan and look down, hoping she didn't catch anyone's attention in the hotel. Turning back, I grant her one more wave and I realize that for the first time she's come through. She was there for me and she made me feel like everything would be okay. I have to say, it was an incredible feeling and I let the tears continue to fall as we leave the building.

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