Chapter 120

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Nini POV

When Ricky and I get back into the bowling alley, I feel a tug on my arm and I turn to see Kourtney pulling me into a secluded corner. "Babe, what the hell? There was a lack of conversation and I turned to talk you and you weren't there!" She whisper yells and I smile, clasping my hand over hers. "I'm sorry, I had to avoid an argument with Ricky, but is everything okay?" I rush out and she nods, sighing heavily. "I think I have it bad girl. Like, I can't stop staring at him because he's so damn gorgeous, and his thoughts on life are just ugh." I laugh and Kourtney narrows her eyes. "Nuh uh babe there's nothing funny about this. You have to get me out of this. I can't like someone who might like me back because then I have to be in a relationship and-" I cut her off and grip her other hand. "Which is exactly what you want! How many time do you sit in my room asking for a relationship?" She sighs heavily and I nod. "Exactly. You've got this." I remind her and she smiles weakly. "We want the same life too. Like our futures after East High, super similar." She tells me and I knit my eyebrows together. "Wait, you've never really elaborated on what you want to do after high school." I say and she shrugs. "No, I still don't, I just know I want that unknown to be in... New York." She says after hesitating and my jaw drops. "No girl, it's not for sure yet but-" I cut her off and shake my head. "It's not that, you should do what you want, where you want. I'm gonna support you no matter what, it's just crazy that my almost-fight with Ricky was about me possibly going to college in LA." Her jaw drops too, but her shock is replaced by a smile. "Damn, must be something in the air. But look at us taking on the country." I laugh and look over at the group of our dates. "With like the best people ever." I say and she nods. "Okay so I'm just being crazy. I totally got this." She says and I nod slowly. "Go make him want you just as bad as you want him, Kourt." I say with a laugh as she pulls us back towards the group.

When I near Ricky, his arm extends and wraps around my waist, pulling me close to his body. His nose comes up against my ear and I feel his lips turn up in a smile. "God you're so beautiful." He tells me and my face heats. "You've said that a lot tonight." I remind him, and instead of answering I feel his hand rubbing across the fabric of the back of my dress gently. "It's true." He mutters and I swallow hard as his wandering hands get closer to dangerous areas. I straighten my back, standing up tall and clearing my throat in many forms of embarrassment. Ricky smirks down at me and my blush continues to spread across my cheeks. "Don't be embarrassed." He tells me softly and he leans in just a little closer for his next words to come out. "Your cheeks match your dress, and I just have to say, I couldn't want you more." I choke on my air intake and he smiles toothily, as if he's proud of the reaction he can elicit from me. "Yup, I still completely find it adorable that we've been together this long and you're still embarrassed when it comes to talking about stuff like that." He tells me and I shoot him a glare as he tightens his hold on my waist. "I hate you."

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