Chapter 133

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Nini POV

"So he'll be coming out of the anesthesia for the next few hours, the pain might start to kick in later on tonight and that's when I'd recommend the Tylenol. Otherwise, just keep making sure his gauze is changed and that he's very cautious." The surgeon tells me and Mr. Bowen as Ricky is placed in the recovery section of the dentist office. Ricky's dad thanks the surgeon and leans down to wrap a blanket over his sleeping son. I smile and snap a few pictures as we wait for him to come out of the anesthesia, admiring his puffy cheeks and his messy hair as he clutched the blanket his dad had just put over him. Before I know it, Ricky is muttering softly and beginning to open his eyes. I move to sit next to him, pressing the two ice packs he was given to his cheeks. "Hey there baby." I say and Ricky seems to fully wake up. "Hiiii where's the baby?" He asks, his voice muffled by the gauze stuffed in his cheeks. I stifle a laugh and put one ice pack down to run my fingers through his hair. "You're the baby" I say and he huffs, his eyebrows knitting together. "How old am I? Wait." He says and he pats his hand across his body, checking himself out. "I'm grown." He says and I watch as Mike turns around, letting out a laugh. "No Ricky, 'baby' is just my name for you." I tell him and Ricky grins. "Oh okay. WHERES MY CHIN?" Ricky flips like a light switch, his fingers frantically searching across his numb face. I stifle a laugh and take his hand gently. "Babe, your chin is right here." I say, moving my hand across it and his eyes narrow. "You liar, you said your name for me was baby. And I don't have a chin anymore." He huffs out and Mike leans in. "Yeah the surgeons took your chin too." He says and Ricky's eyes widen so much they look like they're gonna pop from his head. "WHAT? I KNEW IT. Can we get it back?" He asks, trying to push his body up so that he could stand. I glare at Mike who had turned around again to laugh and I press my thumb to Ricky's chin. "Your chin is right here Ricky, it's just a little numb right now." I tell him softly and Ricky looks like a kicked puppy. "Are my lips gone too?" He asks, his hands patting his face. I take his hands away, holding them in mine. "No love, your lips are there I promise. We're gonna get you home so that you can rest, pretty soon you'll be able to feel everything again." I tell Ricky and he slumps back. "Atshdbduc" he says and I full on laugh, unable to keep my amusement hidden. "What?" I ask and he huffs. "Atshdbduc!" He says again and Mike pats my shoulder. "Just nod and smile and let's get him home." He says and I nod in agreement. Ricky starts to tug at my shirt though and I look over with a smile. "What is it baby?" He motions for me to come closer and I do, smiling at his playfulness. "Cwoser." He mumbles and I laugh, moving so that there's just a little space between our faces. "You're pwetty. I hope God isn't pissed at me for saying that." He says and I giggle, brushing his hair back. "He won't be mad at you." I say and Ricky gasps. "What if he is? What if he doesn't let me kiss you again?" I smile and shrug. "You can take it back if you want." I tell him like its a secret. He shakes his head and reaches forward to tangle his hands in my hair. "No" he simply says and I laugh, pressing a kiss to his temple. "Let's go home baby."

"Hey hey, hands to yourself!" I tell Ricky as he leans into me on our drive home. His hands started inching closer and closer to the dip in my shirt and he's startled by my voice. "Aren't we dating though?" He whispers in my ear, as if he's worried that we weren't and he did the wrong thing. "Yes but we're in the car with your dad, and all that action goes hand and hand with kissing. Your mouth is sorta out of commission." I say and he nods knowingly, reaching into his mouth. "Wait wait wait!" I say, but not quick enough. He pulls out his bloody gauze and holds them out for me. "Do you want them? So we can kiss?" He asks and I can't help but laugh. "No I'm actually good, but thanks for asking baby." He shrugs and sticks them back into his mouth before wiping his fingertips on his shirt. "Wait babe, okay." I say in defeat and he grins. "You're mean for not kissing me." I laugh and shake my head. "No I think it's a little justified." I tell him and he glares at me. "Fine, if you don't like me I'll just leave." And right as Mike pulls up to a stop sign by the park near his house, Ricky unbuckles his seatbelt and opens the car door, bolting out of the vehicle and stumbling down the street. I can't react quick enough and before I know it, I'm chasing him down and calling his name. When I finally reach him, I'm out of breath. "Baby, oh my god please don't do that again." I say and he beams. "Kiss me then." I huff and press my lips to his cheek before wrapping my arm securely around his waist. He leans into me, his head resting on top of mine and his body feels heavier, more exhausted. I carefully lead him back to the car where Mike stood, completely shocked and concerned. "His energy is insane." Mr. Bowen says and I nod, my eyes wide in that same shock.

Two hours later, Ricky's crying and moaning in his bed.

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