Chapter 69

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Nini POV

I was already stressed out hearing that Ricky had to talk to me about something. The past few days have given me no reason to assume it's something good, so my nerves were through the roof. That's truly why I wish I could've avoided the next hour of my life too. School was finally over for the day and I was leaning against a pole outside, waiting for Ricky (per his request of course). That is, until a guy crashes into my body while trying to catch a football. I wince and bend over to try and stop the pain that was spreading through my midsection. "Watch it" the boy says and I assume he's talking to the person that threw the football. "What, did I break your fragile body even more?" The guy talks again and I look up in shock, realizing he's talking to me. "What?" I say and I recognize the guy from my AP calculus class. "I don't know, you'd think the only junior in the AP calculus class wouldn't be stupid enough to fall off her bike and get injured in the first place, but I guess you can use this to just keep getting passes in our class." I open and close my mouth in shock, but I don't say anything. "Come on, where's your Don Juan to keep you out of trouble?" I shake my head. "I thought you were intelligent." The guy says, egging me on with sarcasm completely laced through his tone. "Why is Ricky Don Juan?" I finally ask and the guy rolls his eyes. "Guess you really do just try to get by in life." I look shocked and he stares at me up and down. "Not fair that you can just cruise through calculus because you had a little bike accident. What would happen if you had a real accident? No work at all?" I don't know what to say, but I know what he's referring to. My moms had called the school telling them about my injuries. The teachers were kind enough to go easier on me for the week as I recovered from my concussion and it sounds like this guy heard the teacher talking to me in class. "I'd love to see that" he says and he glares at me, looking at my ankle that is hovering above the ground. What I don't see coming is him picking his foot off the ground and kicking it hard. I don't react quick enough and I cry out, falling to the ground in pain. I try to hold back the tears that are already forming because I know he'll come at me for that too. I see his shadow raise his hand up with the football in his hand, and I can only imagine what's coming. I close my eyes tightly and wait for the blow against my hurting body. What I couldn't have prepared for was the bully of a senior to go falling back onto the cement.

I open my eyes when I hear the grunt and Ricky is by my side, kneeling down and bringing his arms around my shoulders. "Hey, hey, baby I'm right here. Are you hurt?" I laugh through my tears that are welling up at the irony. "Yes" I say and he nods, about to say something before he got cut off. "Had to protect your princess?" We hear the guy say, getting up and spitting out the words with malice. Ricky rises up and looks at the senior. The two guys stare at each other and then Ricky finally speaks. "Don't fucking touch her again." He says slowly and angrily. The guy looks at him and scoffs but Ricky moves toward him slowly. You can see the slight panic in the senior's eyes and he shrinks away from Ricky. As Ricky moves toward him, he continues to move back and it's like I'm watching everything in slow motion. "If you touch her again I swear to fucking god I will-" He's cut off. "You will what?" The senior asks, trying to gain a little more confidence. Ricky squares his chest and looks like he's going to attack him but I pull on his leg. "Oh. You'll find out" Ricky says and his glare becomes almost deadly, as he cracks his knuckles. "Ricky no" I say quietly and Ricky looks like he's broken from a trance. "What are you going to do, beat me up?" The guy asks and Ricky looks back to him. His chest is rising and falling quickly and I can almost feel the anger radiate off of him. "Not if my girl doesn't want me to." He says, his voice low and threatening. "Ricky" I whisper and he turns away from the guy completely, coming to hold me. "We didn't even draw a crowd, what fucking school do we go to?" He mumbles as he holds me and rubs my ankle gently. He moves his fingers carefully over the swollen area and he presses the perfect amount of pressure against it to stop the throbbing. The senior takes one more look at us and walks away. I finally let a few tears slip and Ricky reaches up to wipe at my face. "Don't cry baby, I'm not gonna let anything else happen to you." he whispers. I nod and lean into him and we just sit on the concrete together. Only a few minutes go by and we're soon surrounded by our group of friends. They all rush forward to try and hold me just like Ricky is, and they're saying encouraging things as the girls brush my hair back from my face. "Boo I hate that this happened, but I would've paid to see Ricky beat the senior up." Carlos whispers in my ear and I laugh. Ricky looks at me questioningly and I smile and shake my head. "Wait who was the guy Nins?" EJ asks. I shrug, glad that my tears were no longer visible. "Tall, blonde hair parted in a stupid way." Ricky laughs and rubs my back. "Oh fuck that's Nate. He's on the water polo team." EJ whispers and his facial expression hardens. "What are you gonna do, captain of the water polo team?" Gina asks mischievously. He nods and smiles, grabbing her hand and telling us they'll see us tomorrow. I look at them as they leave, wondering what they're up to, but I'm brought back to reality by Ricky's caring hands. As the group disperses when I promise that I'm okay, Ricky helps me to the car, practically carrying me. As he helps me with the seatbelt, I can't stop picturing the way he looked when he stood up for me. My face gets hot when he leans over me and when he gets in his side of the car, he looks at me. "You good?" he asks me and I nod, completely mute. "Alri-" but then I grab his face and press my lips against his. He's shocked but only takes seconds to respond, matching my hungry pace of my lips. He pulls away and stares at me, his eyes dark with lust. "Your home?" I whisper and he nods, placing his hand on my thigh as we drive back.

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