Chapter 135

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Nini POV

Ricky had a rough night of sleep, unable to rest on his side like he usually does. Every few hours he'd wake up and attempt to stay quiet to keep me asleep but I'd hear him sniffling and I'd wake up, turning to hold him close to me. We wouldn't talk, I'd just run my fingertips through his hair and press my thumbs to his jaw in order to relax him. He always relaxed immediately and it calmed me down right away too, knowing that he was okay. The next morning, Ricky stirs underneath my arms and I wake up first, knowing that he needed someone to be around for him first. "Good morning cutie." I say when he finally opens his eyes, and I rub my fingertip down his jaw gently. "Mornin angel." He mumbles and I ruffle his hair, kissing his cheek. "Do you want breakfast?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Right now I just want you to wrap your legs around mine and hold me." He says and I nod, doing just that. "How do you feel this morning?" I ask him and he groans in response. "Okay." I giggle lightly and if he could smile, I know he would because his eyes light up. "I miss kissing you." He admits and I frown, sitting up and taking his cheeks as gently as I could in my hands. "You don't have to miss that." I say, pressing my lips against his gently. His hand finds the back of my head and he tries to pull me closer but I pull away. "Now that's something you have to miss for a while." I say and his eyes light up in amusement. "Sucks that even that small bit of intensity made me hard." He says I gasp, swatting his arm and putting my hands up to my flushed face. "Did the anesthesia turn off the part of your brain THAT HAS A FILTER." I say and he laughs gently, his face lighting up for the first time since the surgery. He pulls me on top of him and I can in fact confirm that he's aroused which makes me blush more. "Your neck's warm." He says, amusement evident in his voice because he knew he could get a reaction out of me. "Shut up and heal so that I can kiss you properly." I tell him and he hugs me tightly. "I can do that."

Ricky POV

Nini drags me into the bathroom at noon, right on time for my salt water cleaning and she sits up on the counter, pulling me between her legs. "Open." She demands and I try, but my jaw locks and I can barely part my lips. She frowns and I huff. "I'm not being difficult, it just really hurts." I tell her and she nods, stroking my cheek gently. "I know babe, but I also know we can do this real quick and you can go back to resting. "So that I can kiss you properly?" I ask and she smiles warmly, tracing her fingertips up and through my hair. "Exactly. Now tell me when you're ready and I'll do it real quick." She says, holding up the syringe of salt water. I nod, immaturely counting down in my head before opening up quickly and baring the pain while she shoots the cleaner in my mouth. She touches my chin, directing me to close my mouth and she tells me to swish it around before she moves off the counter, rubbing my back while I spit it out. "That stuff stings like crazy and it's gross." I say and her eyes hold sympathy as she continues to rub my back. "Do you want to eat anything now baby?" I shrug and move to wrap my arms around her small frame. I sigh when I feel her lips touch my neck and I feel how gentle she's being, making sure she doesn't jerk too much as she holds me. "Can you please eat?" She asks me and I pull back, frowning as she holds my waist. Her hands very obviously move over my stomach and I can tell she's worried about me starving myself. "Fine" I groan and she leans up, kissing my lips carefully before pulling me out of the room and down to the kitchen. "I'm making soup babe."

Ricky POV

It had been about four or five days since my surgery and I was starting to lose it. Nini has been allowed to stay at my place almost every night and she's part of the reason I'm still coping, but even with her presence I can't stand the recovery. My jaw still won't open all the way and I still tend to forget I can't chew in the back of my mouth, or eat hard things. Nini's always frowning and taking things away from me, pressing ice to my face or helping me clean my mouth. While I love her with everything I am, it feels like I'm crawling in my skin. I just want to kiss her like I used to, eat pizza with her and shout songs at the top of my lungs. I was fed up and Nini happened to walk in on me during that annoyance. "Babe! I told you your jaw would open when it's ready. Please stop trying to pry it open." She begs, walking over to sit next to me on the bed. I frown at her and she takes my face in her palms. "You have to relax chipmunk." I sigh but my heart flutters at her new nickname for me. On the third day of my recovery, my mouth swelled up to twice its normal size and while Nini tried not to find humor in it, she kept glancing over and smiling and by the end of the day she was calling me "chipmunk." I feel Nini's hands move to my shoulders and she squeezes which makes my head drop forward. "Oh my god you're so tense. Babe you have to relax." She says and I look up at her with big eyes. She bites her lips and leans forward tentatively. "Remember what you said at graduation?"

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