Chapter 29

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Ricky POV

One would have to be an idiot not to notice that dude Elliot flirting with Nini at the beach today. When we had first gotten to the beach, I had put our stuff on the sand and walked into the beach club to help Nini bring back chairs and towels. That's when I saw Elliot, shirtless, and laughing way too hard at something Nini had said. Something stirred inside me, jealousy I presume, but some of it went away when I had pulled Nini into a passionate make out session after we left the club. The second time that we had seen Elliot that day, he was eyeing Nin's body and another surge of anger and jealousy went through me. Even more so, I was insecure, though I'd never admit it. This beach dude, with his ego, was trying to make a move on Nini and I felt like an idiot standing between them. I had clutched Nini's waist a bit tighter, almost as if I was afraid she'd walk away from me and towards the perfectly sculpted dude. When we left Elliot for the second time that day, I wasn't thinking straight. All I could think about was being with Nini in every way, feeling and seeing her lose control under me, reminding me that she is mine and I am hers. When I kissed her up against the car, I heard her whine and I just knew we both needed relief from the sexual tension of the day. My emotions were high, jealousy and rage still coursing through me, but all of my thoughts were consumed with Nini.

It felt like a lifetime, making it back to the hotel. We rode the elevator up to our room in silence, but Nini's hand was clutching mine. My breathing was heavy and I was certain she could hear my heart beat, but her breathing matched mine and the air was tense. We barely made it into the room before Nini pushed me up against the hotel door, attacking my lips. I groaned as her tongue met mine, and her entire body pressed into mine. She left my mouth and began sucking on my neck. I was growing uncomfortably hard as her hands raked down my chest, resting on my waist and I realized this wasn't how I wanted it to go. I switched our positions, pushing her up against the door. "Ricky" she whimpered as I kissed her neck, sucking on her pulse point making sure to leave behind a mark. I pushed my hips up, so that she was pinned against the door just a bit more and I ran my fingertips along her body as she shuddered beneath me. She made a movement and her hips collided with mine, pressing herself against my hard dick. I groaned against her ear and wrapped my arms around her. "Jump" I told her. She obliged and I carried her over to the bed, leaning over, allowing our centers to rub up against each other as I kissed her hard. Something in me took over, and I held both of her wrists above her head as I moved from sucking her neck to kissing her chest. He breathing was erratic as I reached the cups, moving them just slightly to kiss underneath. I looked into her eyes and she nodded, giving me permission to take off her bathing suit top. When we were rid of the top, I began to play with her right nipple while kissing her left breast. Her hips bucked up and she cried out in pleasure which spurred me on. She reached forward and took off my shirt, and sliding down my swim trunks. Nini didn't waste a second pushing her hips up again to meet my dick, lacing her fingers through my hair as I leaned into her. I looked up for permission to take off the rest of her swimsuit, and she nodded, almost helping me along. I leaned into her, suddenly knowing that we had to slow our pace. This was still new to us and new to Nini and I had to be certain she's okay. I kiss her, but this time tenderly and slowly, my hands resting on her waist. One of my hands trailed down, over to her area as we kissed and I ran my fingertips over her aroused area. She gasped into my mouth and immediately tensed. "Hey, hey" I say into her ear. "Relax Nins" I feel the tension in her body disappear as she nods, and I allow my fingers to run over her center again, this time pressing one finger in. Her head falls back on the pillow as I swallow another one of her gasps. "Ricky" she whispers into my mouth. I pull my finger out, knowing that she's ready for me. For a second we just lock eyes, and I feel her hands tense on my shoulders. I kiss her, and get up to grab a condom. As I walk back to the bed I take in the beautiful woman in front of me, sprawled out and smiling softly at me. This girl is here, trusting me, and every ounce of anger and jealousy I felt earlier slips away as I rejoin her on the bed. I tear open the condom package and I'm surprised when Nini speaks up. "Can I?" she says with a shy smile. I nod and hand her the package as she moves over to where I'm seated. She takes out the condom, but before she can roll it on she leans down and takes me into her mouth. "Fuck. Fuck!" I say as she blows me a little harder. Her tongue circles around my tip and as she starts to use her hands for the rest of me, I feel the burn in my stomach. I push her back, grabbing the condom from her and putting it on myself. She giggles, but it's cut short when I lay on top of her, parting her legs with mine. I'm lining myself up with her center, and I decide to tease her slightly, pushing into her but pulling out. "Rick-" she starts but then I push all the way into her. My name is said as a gasp and I keep pushing into her and pulling out at a steady pace. "Please Ricky" and that's all it takes for me to thrust into her harder, moving so that I catch her lips with mine as she grips my arms. "I love you Nini" I say and she moans, telling me the same. "Look at me" I tell her as I feel her begin to reach her high. That's all it takes for me to come as well, collapsing next to her body. I pull off the condom and throw it out in the trash can next to our bed, and I see Nini's arms reaching out for me. I encircle my arms to pull her into my body and I rest my head on her neck. I can still feel how fast her heart is beating and I kiss the side of her head as she takes deep breaths. "fuck, thank you for everything Nins." I whisper into her ear. She looks up at me curiously and I catch the glimmer in her eyes. "What's everything?" she says softly. "I don't know, for going through life with me, for trusting me enough to do what we just did. For loving me." That part comes out quieter and her body gets closer to mine, her head moving up to kiss my jaw tenderly. "I love you" she says.

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