Chapter 138

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Ricky POV

Nini excuses herself to go to the bathroom near the end of the group lunch, and Kourtney scoots into Nini's place on the booth, catching my attention. "Nins says you need to get out of the house, you're coming to Trey's party right?" I nod and give her a smile. "Yeah, thanks for inviting us and... I just fucking realized you connected dying to a birthday party." I say in confusion as I replay her invitation to the group. Kourtney laughs and covers her mouth. "Yeah it jogged my memory, Trey and I were talking about how he's a year closer to death, but like a year further away from dying young- it's a whole thing." She laughs and I catch her genuinely happy facial expression. "He's treating you right? You're happy?" I ask and she looks a little shocked before pushing on my arm. "Woah there Mr. Hopeless Romantic, you feelin okay?" I laugh and roll my eyes. "Shut up and answer the question." She holds her hands out in defense. "Damn okay, lover boy doesn't like to be ticked off. But yes, he's amazing." I smile and rub her shoulder before turning to the group. "Did Kourtney just call you Mr. Hopeless?" EJ asks loudly and I throw a glare at him. "Yes, that's exactly what I called him, see you've got it EJ." Kourtney says proudly, swinging an arm around my shoulder. I fix my glare on her and I feel a hand on my other shoulder. "Oh my god you guys are so cute." Nini announces, and I start to disagree as she moves back into her seat. "Shut up I love my bestie and my boyfriend being all mushy." She says and I grin. "Yeah well it's short lived because Miss Bitchy over there-" Kourtney throws her hands in my direction. "EXCUSE YOU, Mr. Hopeless can't-" Nini laughs brightly and pushes Kourtney's hand down before resting her head on her shoulder and taking ahold of my hand and squeezing gently. "I'm gonna have to ask you to audition some new boyfriends, this one isn't working for me." Kourtney says and Nini laughs, squeezing my hand a little tighter. "Nah, he and I are pretty stuck together, but it's okay because I know you love each other." Kourtney sarcastically agrees but I see her give me a small genuine smile. 

Nini POV 

Tonight was the night that everyone in the group was going to ask their parents if we could all go to Colorado, to stay at the house Carlos' uncle owned. I was so excited and if all of the parents were okay with it, we would be leaving in just a few short days. I notice in the group chat that EJ, Big Red, and Ashlyn were already allowed to go and they hyped us up, knowing the rest of us had yet to get the courage to do so. I smiled at my phone, glad I wasn't doing this alone and I called my moms into the kitchen. "Hey can I talk to you guys?" My moms nod, entering the kitchen giving me kind smiles as they pull out two chairs. "Okay so, I have to talk to you about a summer thing." Momma D raises her eyebrows. "A summer thing? What, like a trip?" I nod, giving her a little smile. "The group has been invited to Carlos' uncle's house in Colorado. It's like, sorta in the middle of nowhere but it's a really safe property." Momma C thinks for a second and then nods. "Will his uncle be there?" I hesitate and shake my head. "He lives about forty-five minutes away from the house." Momma D nods and looks off into the distance. "How long would you be gone for?" I play with my fingers and think back to the group chat where we all decided on asking for two full weeks together. "Two weeks." I say hesitantly and Momma C sighs. "I hate that you'd be gone that long, and while I trust you, it's still hard to just accept you being there with six other teenagers. I do want to say yes though because you guys are nearing the end of your time together."  My heart beat races in excitement as I wait for their final decision and Momma D gives me a pointed look. "Can you promise that you all will be smart and careful? The world isn't yours yet, in fact you know very little about it. You have to promise us." I nod eagerly. "We'd be so careful. I also don't think we plan on leaving the acreage anyway so we'd be very safe." Momma C nods and hesitates before speaking. "And you guys, well, you guys will all be safe inside the house too right? The bedroom? Birth control, condoms, that's all going with you?" My face heats and I nod. "Oh my god, of course. We don't forget that stuff." I say and Momma C nods again. "I trust you, it's just a necessary reminder because sometimes going away brings a new mindset. Those safety precautions are super important no matter where you are and I expect you to remind the other girls as well." My blush spreads but I nod, telling them I understand. "Then yes, you can go to Colorado." I squeal, jumping up to hug my moms before running out of the kitchen to text the group chat. "GROUP TRIP TO COLORADO" Ricky texts, and the message is liked by everyone, alluding to the fact that everyone's been given permission to go. 

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