Chapter 126

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Ricky POV

That night, Nini and I strolled hand and hand up Ashlyn's driveway, heading to the group hangout. Our parents somehow individually agreed that they didn't want us sleeping over on a Sunday night into a Monday, so we all pulled strings and decided a very last minute hangout would be best. Nini tugs on my arm and laughs. "I love how we always come here to hangout with the group." She says and I smile, bumping our shoulders together. "Some of my very favorite memories with you have happened here so I don't mind." I say and she blushes. "You're so cheesy." She tells me and I laugh, pulling her close "That's completely what you love about me so don't even start." Nini's smile could light up the whole damn neighborhood. "You're right about that."

"Guys we should play Twister!" Gina announces an hour into hanging out and eating dinner together. Nini jumps up clapping, and Kourtney joins. "I'm so good at this game." She tells Nini and Nini nods excitedly. I smile but I turn when I hear EJ groan. "Not this game. I can't play this game." He says and Ashlyn gets up, slapping him on the back of the head before leaving the room and coming back with Twister. "Suck it up please because this game is amazing." Seb says and Carlos leans into him, smiling at the group. "I love how he can't be rude to save his life." He says and we all laugh, agreeing with Carlos and standing up to clear the coffee table. "If I twist anything before graduation-"EJ starts to say and Gina hops over to him, putting her arm around his waist. "Come on babe, you're not going to get hurt, it's gonna be so much fun." She says and EJ looks down at her, his smile returning to his face and his facial expression softening. "Alright" he says to her, leaning down to kiss her forehead. "Of course, lover boy agrees when she's involved." Kourtney says and Nini nods knowingly which makes me turn to hide my smile.

"Oh for the love of god EJ, LEFT HAND GREEN!" Carlos says for the fourth time as our game of Twister begins. Nini and Gina are already on the mat in awkward positions and EJ looks up, glaring at Carlos. "I'm not doing that!" He says. "Why the hell not?" I speak up and EJ looks like he wants to say something but he's mute. "Because... because..." He sputters and the room waits for him to spit it out. "She's my ex girlfriend right next to my current girlfriend, I'm not hovering over her like that!" He says and Nini's face flushes when she realizes the way he would actually have to position himself in order to complete the task. My head snaps to attention and I see Nini's already watching me for a reaction and the rest of the room is quiet with shock. "Mmm fresh awkwardness and a tinge of drama, it's what we crave!" Carlos says and the group laughs as the tension begins to slip away. EJ mutters something to himself and I see Gina touch his hand encouragingly which makes him soften up again. "Ricky can do left hand green then!" Seb announces and I shift my glare to him as the group cheers. Nini's face reddens but she wears her beautiful smile and she watches me carefully as I walk over to my place. As Carlos announces who needs to move next, I lean into Nini. "I kinda like this." I admit and she laughs shyly. "Dude, right here." EJ says and I shrug, smacking the back of his head as Ashlyn did before the game. "Why are you so grumpy?" Big Red asks from the other side of the room and I nod in agreement. "Yeah what the fuck is up your ass?" I ask and EJ glares at me, then to Big Red. "Nothing, drop it." He says and Carlos puts down the spinner, prompting an unspoken end to the game. "Hey what's wrong?" He asks and Gina, Nini and I sit up on the mat normally, turning to EJ. "Guys seriously, it's nothing just please fucking drop it." He says and we watch as Gina places a hand on his arm, giving him a little look that we can't quite decipher. "Ugh, fuck fine alright. I just, I just can't help but think that this could be one of the last times we hang out, like I know we have the whole damn summer so it's fucking weird but it's making me really depressed." He says and I watch as Nini moves over to place a hand on EJ's shoulder in support. The group scoots a little closer and Gina rests her head on his shoulder. "Look I don't mean to be a downer, I mean I rather talk about Ricky getting his wisdom teeth out." I shoot a glare at him. "Hey!" I say and Nini turns to me, laughing quietly. "You're not being a downer. Change is the worst." Red says and Kourtney nods. "We've got the whole summer, it just feels weird because school is ending." She says and EJ shrugs. "I guess you're right, look, you guys are gonna have to be fine with seeing me every fucking day." He says and we laugh, everyone reaching out in some way to either pat his back, squeeze his shoulders or hold onto his hand. "I think that's fine with all of us." I tell him and Nini nods, her body leaning into mine as we all sit in a comfortable much needed silence.

"Boys down here, girls upstairs!" Ashlyn announces as it nears one in the morning, all of us getting way too tired to keep up the games and the movie watching. Nini shifts in my lap, yawning and holding onto me a little tighter. "Tell my cute little monkey that. She doesn't seem like she's moving." I say as she tangles our limbs further and holds onto my arm securely. She opens her eyes and smiles, kissing my cheek gently. "I'd stay if there wasn't tea to spill." She says and I raise my eyebrows. "Wow, can we be in on it?" I ask and I watch as all of the guys perk their heads up. Kourtney walks over to us, holding out her hand for Nini to take. "Classified information." Ashlyn says, leaning over the couch and I pretend to mock offense before pulling Nini in for one more kiss before she's pulled upstairs by the girls.

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