Chapter 122

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Nini POV

I groan as Ricky pulls into our neighborhood. "I don't want to leave yet." I laugh and he smiles, reaching over to hold my hand. "Do you think your moms would mind if I stayed over? Or vice versa?" He asks, pulling up to my house, parking on the side of the road. I shrug and squeeze his hand. "I mean, it's a Friday night so maybe they won't mind? I can go in and ask." I tell him, taking off my seatbelt. "I should probably go in with you." He says, giving me a sweet smile and I tilt my head in confusion. "Why?" He looks me up and down and gives me a pointed look. "You're soaked to the bone, Nins." I blush and smooth out my dress, which earns a longer glance from him. I smile shyly and turn to hop out of the car, shivering involuntarily as the cold air hits me. "Not my best idea." I admit as Ricky comes around from his side of the car. He laughs but watches me shiver, and his facial expression turns concerned as he takes his own leather jacket off and places it around my shoulders. One of his arms wraps around me too and I bring my hand up to rub his gently. "Thanks" I say quietly and his eyes sparkle a little bit as he looks down at me. "Anytime babe, but you're grabbing a sweatshirt when we go in." I laugh, agreeing with him.

"Hey guys did you have a nice- oh, goodness what happened?" Momma C asks as we walk into the kitchen. I laugh nervously, knowing I didn't want to explain that pulling Ricky into the rain to kiss him was what caused our current state. Ricky's hand touches my back and he speaks up. "We were all hanging outside in the back of the karaoke club and Kourtney found it fun to run around in the pouring rain." He says with a smile and my face heats at the little lie but I lean into him gratefully. I love my moms with everything in me and they do understand who I am and what I do most of the time, but I really didn't want to allude to another part of me that they don't know very well. I don't dance in the rain, I'm supposed to be concerned about keeping my clothes nice and my appearance up. "Oh, well that sounds fun but Nini hon, your makeup is running a little." Momma D says, her smile giving way and reminding me she's just being kind. "I figured, I'm gonna go clean up." I say, gesturing to my face and my moms nod. "Ricky you should probably go and get out of those clothes." Momma C speaks up right as Ricky begins. "I was gonna ask if I could... oh, yeah I will." He says and Momma D laughs. "Of course you can stay over hon, just please go take warm showers and change before either of you catch something." She says and Ricky's arm loops around my waist. "You got it." He laughs and Momma C gets up from her chair. "We're heading to bed, but just a reminder Nini, your wisdom teeth check up is tomorrow morning so don't stay up too late." I groan and throw my head back. "Right, thanks." I say unenthused, and Momma D smiles. "Hey, don't fret. If you have to get them out you've got everyone in this room to help you." She tells me gently and I groan. "Or video tape me." I mumble and Ricky holds back a laugh as he squeezes my side. "Alright showers and bed you two." Momma C says, pointing to the stairs. I nod and hug my moms before running up into my room, Ricky close behind. Before I can even form a though though, Ricky's pushed himself up against me, looking down with a smile. "Hey, momma says." He shrugs, pulling at my dress fabric and I push it back down, laughing. "What are you doing?" I giggle and his fingers move to tug at the stuck fabric at my waist. "Getting ready for a shower." My eyes widen and my hand moves to play with his fingers. "With them downstairs?" I whisper out in a hushed tone, as if they could hear us. He smiles and kisses my lips. "You heard them, they're going to bed. It's just me and you up here."

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