Chapter 141

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‼️ Mature scenes.

Ricky POV

Nini releases a breath that she's holding and she looks at me, very unsure. "What are you doing?" She asks breathily. I smile and pull her waist closer to mine, pressing my hand firmly to her back. "Just hanging out." I say, leaning my head forward to catch her lips. She leans forward too and right as our lips are going to touch I pull back. She huffs in annoyance and glares at me. "No need to spread your annoying attitude." I raise my eyebrows and smirk. "Oh I'm still annoying?" She nods slowly but her facial expression still hold uncertainty and I shrug. "Guess that's all part of the fun." Her face twists in confusion and I move against her just a little bit, partly to help release some of the tension that was building up in my shorts. Nini gasps and her hold tightens on my arms which makes me smile and press my lips to her neck. She shudders and I nibble on her neck a little more which makes her breathe out heavily and push at my shoulders. "What are you... what are you doing?" She asks and I bite my lip. "I dunno, but do you want me to stop?" Her eyes widen and she looks around. "You're drunk." She says again and I shake my head. "That's what you want to think. But I'm really not." I whisper in her ear and while I'm not lying, my brain is definitely foggy and it's fueling my assertiveness (that Nini didn't seem to mind very much.) She breathes out and looks around her before focusing on me again. "C'mon" I mumble before grabbing her arm gently and pulling her up the stairs, away from the party.

Nini POV

"What are you-" Ricky cuts me off with a sharp look. "If you ask me that one more time." He says in a warning tone and I shudder, his low voice spreading warmth and anxiety through my body at the same time. He pulls me into a room, and I widen my eyes a little to attempt to see in the dark room but it doesn't help much. When Ricky pushes me up against the door though, turning the lock and holding me in place with his hips, I couldn't care less. "Ricky" I whisper and even in the dark I can feel his eyes on me. "Do you want me to stop?" I shake my head, holding my breath and I feel Ricky's hands moving across my body. "Say it Nins. I'm not doing anything until I hear you say it because I know you think I'm drunk but-" I cut him off and grip his shoulders. "Don't stop." I manage to get out and Ricky's lips are back on me, exploring my body before they meet mine with extreme depth and passion. I battle him, fighting back by pulling at the back of his shirt and pressing his lips harder against mine, slipping my tongue into his mouth and sucking gently on his bottom lip before earning a groan. As if the sound he elicited wakes him up, his arms tighten around me and he rubs against me, pressing my arms away from him. "Just a reminder, I'm in control tonight." He says, biting at my ear and continuing to move his hips against mine. My knees feel weak as his movements only increase and I know that whatever's gotten into him is something I don't entirely mind.


"Where's Bowen? I'm completely sobered up and need entertainment." Gina smiles and wraps her arm around my waist. "How is he entertaining?" I shrug and look down at her. "It's interesting because I'm the complete opposite of him... handsome, intelligent, charismatic, it's just entertaining to watch a dude like him attempt life." Gina slaps my stomach and laughs. "My god, alcohol makes you mean." I narrow my eyes. "I'm not mean, what, do you disagree?" Gina shakes her head and nervousness clouds her eyes as I back her closer into the kitchen counter. "You sure? I know you had a thing for him not too long ago?" Gina's eyes widen and she shakes her head. "EJ don't be an idiot you know I'm completely with you." I raise myself eyebrows and nod slowly. "Uh huh, we'll see about that." I mutter before desperately pressing my lips to hers.

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