Chapter 36

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Nini POV

The next morning, I wake up to a stiff neck and my legs intertwined with Ricky's. He's sleeping peacefully, and his arms are wrapped around me like his life depends on it. I move out of his grasp carefully and quietly, knowing Ricky needs the sleep after yesterday, whereas I just really need some pants and to brush my teeth. I quietly search through Ricky's drawer and pull out a pair of sweatpants, throwing on my underwear and the sweats, tying them as tight around my waist as they could go. I then threw on one of his sweatshirts and made my way to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth and leaving the restroom, I'm stopped in the hallway by Mr. Bowen. "Oh hey!" I say shyly. He smiles as he looks down at me noting the fact that I'm completely dressed in his son's clothes. "How is he?" Mr. Bowen asks. "He's okay. He's getting through." I say to him. He nods and smiles sadly. "I hate all of this for him. But we need to talk. Do you think you could accompany us to a late lunch whenever he gets up?" I nod. "Only if he wants me there." Mr. Bowen runs his hand through his hair, a habit I've seen Ricky pick up. "Alright. Let me know when you guys are ready, in the meantime I'll be in my room downstairs." I nod and walk by him, back to Ricky.

I walk in to see Ricky in the same sleeping position as he was when I left. I laugh to myself and walk over to him on the bed. "Hey baby" I say, shaking him softly. He groans and rolls over, signaling to me that he's awake. "Babeee" I say to him. "Not yet" he says as I shake his shoulders a bit more. I brush back his curls and start to rub his scalp softly. I see the hint of a smile play on his lips but he's not getting up. He wants to play games, so I'll play a game too. I grab his face and smash my lips against his. I feel the shock move through his body, but he kisses back in an instant, kissing hard and grabbing the back of my neck, tilting my face so that he has better access. His legs move up and wrap around my waist, so that I'm pulled down onto him and he kisses me with more passion as our bodies start to move with each kiss. I can feel how hard he is through all of my layers of clothes, his morning erection on top of the activities we're doing, and I know he's more turned on with each movement of our bodies. What started as a way to wake Ricky up was escalating fast and I wasn't comfortable undressing knowing his dad was downstairs but I still felt the urge to take care of Ricky. "G'morning baby" he says with a smirk when we pull back. "You're an idiot" I say to him smiling. "There's less drama when I'm asleep" he whispers. I nod, kissing every part of his face, his eyelids, his nose and his cheeks. My hands travel between our bodies and I grip his erection in one of my hands. "What are you-" my eyes meet his. "Shh Ricky you have to be quiet your dad's downstairs." He nods eagerly and I smile at his adorable behavior. He's watching me carefully, his chest moving up and down fast as his breathing escalates. I take him in my hand, stroking it back and forth and watching as Ricky closes his eyes. I kiss his chest, down to his toned stomach and eventually, I take him into my mouth. Ricky's fighting the urge to make a sound and within a minute he's telling me to pull away or I'll have to swallow the evidence of his climax. I continue, sucking harder and he throws his head back, coming into my mouth. I'm happy that it didn't taste as bad as I thought it did and I look up to see Ricky breathing heavily. I move up, sitting on his lap and running my hands through his curls. "What can I do for you?" He whispers to me, his head lowered so that he can look in my eyes. "Nothing right now. I'm here for you." He leans in and kisses my cheek softly. "Thank you baby, fuck I love you so much. Not because you do this, but because you're just there for me. You make everything else disappear. And do you know how sexy you look in my clothes?" He whispers, the last part. His fingers grazing the hem of his sweatshirt. I pull back and laugh. "Hands to yourself mister we've got a lunch to attend with your dad" he groans. "I should've seen that coming. And excuse you, someone couldn't keep her hands to herself this morning." Immediately I blush a few shades of red and laugh nervously. He pulls me in, hugging me tightly. "Don't be shy Nini, that goes down as my favorite wake up call." I jump up and out of bed. "Alright alright!! I'm getting dressed for lunch." I say, facing the other direction to hide my slight embarrassment. I hear the bed creak and a chuckle coming from behind me before two warm arms engulf me. Ricky nuzzles into my neck. "Why did my dad want to take us out?" I close my eyes and wrap my hands around Ricky's arm. "He asked if I could come because he had something he wants to talk to you about." He groans. "That doesn't sound good, especially after yesterday. But yes please come." He says as he kisses my neck. I sigh into his body, but then decide to move away and grab my clothes and he does the same. I speak up. "Whatever happens Ricky, I'm here. Whatever he has to talk to you about, you don't have to handle any of it alone." He looks up from his drawer, and I see an overwhelming amount of vulnerability and sadness in his eyes. "I'm so tired of all of this." He admits quietly. I move over and grab his arm firmly, grabbing his neck and forcing him to make eye contact with me. "I'm right here." I say. He nods and clears his throat. "Let's get this over with." He says. "Let's do it." I say with an encouraging smile. He returns the smile with everything he can.

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