Chapter 71

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Nini POV

"Alright babe lets get up and run to CVS" Ricky whispers into my hair after a while. I groan and shake my head as I snuggle into his body a bit deeper. "Please no" I whisper and he laughs, rubbing my back and kissing my head. "It's early, so when we get back I can resume holding you." He says with a chuckle and I shake my head, holding onto him a bit tighter. "Please" he whispers to me, trying to get me to break. I groan again and pull my head up. "But I'm tired." I say with a laugh and he joins. "Yeah I'd guess after what we just did-" I cut him off with a swat to the arm. "Okay okay" I say before he can finish and he smiles brightly, moving in to kiss me slowly. "You know, you can stay if you want." He says quietly and I bring my hand up to his face. I think it over for a second and he presses his forehead against mine while I think. "Honestly I don't think I could get through the front door if I tried." I say with a laugh and he nods, moving to get up and put on his clothes. "That's okay! I'll run out for you, you can stay here." My eyes widen at his kindness and he laughs, bringing his hands back to my face. "You're adorable." He tells me and I shake my head. "You're just saving my ass from going through a lot of pain." I say lightly and he smiles. "Well I mean you did just-" I cut him off again and throw a pillow at his head. "RICHARD BOWEN if you mention it again..." His laughter echoes throughout his bedroom and he kisses my forehead before swiftly slipping out the door.

When Ricky leaves, I lay on his bed and close my eyes in peace. His sheets smell like his cologne and I bring my head further into the mass of comfort until I hear my phone ring. I absentmindedly search for it with my hand and when I find it, I pick it up before checking the contact. "Hey Nini!" I hear from the other end, EJ's voice loud in the receiver. "Hey! Take it down a notch." I say, matching his enthusiasm but lowering my voice. I hear him laugh. "Sorry sorry. I just wanted to ask if you could meet me outside the school tomorrow morning? You can bring Ricky." I'm confused and I ask him to elaborate. "I can't tell you right now, but trust me everything's going to be fine." I rub my temples and I begin to try and decipher what he means. "Trust me?" He asks into the receiver. "Uh sure. Fine, we'll be there early tomorrow." I finally tell EJ and he thanks me, hanging up. I could start to guess that it had something to do with the bully of a senior that hurt me today, but I wasn't certain and to be honest it didn't excite me to face the guy. I'm still physically weak and until I can put both of my feet on the ground, I'm at a severe disadvantage. Even knowing EJ and Ricky would be there still made me a little uncertain. I had all night to back out though, and just as my thoughts begin to wander the bedroom door opens.

Ricky walks in, holding a CVS bag, heading straight over to kiss me swiftly. After he pulls away he starts to talk. "Alright I got you a small, but if you need anything bigger-" I pull Ricky's head back down and he drops the bag to wrap me into a deep kiss. "Hey" he whispers and I shiver at the tone of his voice. We look at each other for a second and he smiles, stepping back and clearing his throat. "So the brace" he says and he opens up a box and takes out the ankle brace. Kneeling in front of me he takes my injured ankle and wraps it up in the fabric, pulling hard and earning a gasp from me. "Ow ow ow" I say and I try to pull away from him. He looks up at me sympathetically and rubs my thigh. "Sorry Nins, it just has to be this tight to make sure everything stays in place." He says and I nod. When he's done, he helps me stand up and I still heavily lean on him earning a laugh. "Hey I'm taking it slow" I say laughing back and he smiles. "I also bought you yoga pants so that you could change right now. You can wear one of my hoodies but I'm sure you want to get out of those clothes for the rest of the night." I look at him gratefully and he hands me the garments, staring at me expectingly. "Are you going to change?" He asks with a laugh and I look down, embarrassed. "Could you turn around maybe?" I ask shyly and he looks shocked, taking a few steps towards me. "Is it weird that I find it absolutely adorable that you're still shy around me?" He asks and I blush, not giving him an answer but smiling shyly. He kisses my cheek and turns around, my heart swelling at the respect that he has for me. I lift off my own sweatshirt and I bring Ricky's oversized hoodie over my head, completely excited about it already smelling like him. I then manage to get out of my sweatpants but as I try to pull on the yoga pants, I start to hop around on my one foot like a maniac and I lose my balance, falling into the back of Ricky. His shock and immediate reflexes allow him to turn around and catch me and he brings my body to his, laughing hard. "See? Now aren't you glad I'm here?" He asks and I roll my eyes as he continues to laugh at my expense.

After I'm back in Ricky's arms, doing some reading for school, i remember I had to talk to Ricky about tomorrow morning. "Hey Ricky" I say and he looks up from his textbook. "What's up?" He asks and I tell him all about the phone call with EJ and EJ's mysterious plan. Ricky's jaw clenches when I mention it could be about the guy in my calculus class but he agrees and says he's coming with me. When I'm done talking, Ricky starts to fidget."I actually have to talk to you about something." He admits and I look at him expectingly. He closes his textbook and he takes my hands. "I've done a lot of thinking about this, but I wanna tell you about something I've decided." I nod and wait for him to continue. "I think I want to go to my mom's wedding."

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