Chapter 179

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Ricky POV

"Okay, that sounds good mom." I laugh into the receiver as my mom gives me her itinerary for the next day. It was finally time to see her again, and having not seen her for a few months, part of me was excited. The thought of the next day made my heart pound, and my stomach churn, sure. But I could still detect that small bit of excitement. I can hear the smile in my mom's voice as she answers. "Are you sure? I don't have to pick you up from your friend's house. I know you'll be swimming and having fun... you can just come home after." I shake my head, even though she can't see me. "No it's all good. Nini and I are gonna walk to Kourtney's so I'll just bring an extra pair of clothes and change before we go home." My mom hesitates but I swear I can hear her smile in her voice. "All good Rick. Do you want me to give Nini a ride back too?" I think for a second, worried to ask the next part. "Is it okay if she comes home with us?" I can hear the disappointment in the silence and I almost immediately regret asking. "Ricky, it's been a while since you and I had a mother-son day. I'd really like this time alone with you." I look up at my wall, my thoughts running about having to be alone with her. "But dad's gonna be here. So what does it matter?" The silence after I speak feels tense, so out of fear, I rush out the next part. "Never mind. You know, it's all good. I'll just meet up with Nins afterwards." I hear my mom let out a deep breath and I hope she isn't mad at me for trying to bring Nini into our situation again. "That sounds great hon. Thank you so much. I'll see you tomorrow okay?" I hum happily in response. "Oh and mom? I have something for you, I'll give it to you tomorrow." She laughs, the laugh that always made me feel safe, loved and appreciated when she was still living with me. "I can't wait to see what it is Ricky. I love you sweetie." I smile, nodding to myself and feeling proud of my progress with her. "I love you too." I say before hanging up. I fall asleep that night, praying that the next day brought the same happiness and simplicity as that conversation just did.

Nini POV

It was finally Wednesday. Finally. I jump out of bed, not bothering on putting anything but my bathing suit and a coverup, raking my hair into a quick ponytail and throwing my sunglasses on my head. Kourtney's pool party was something that everyone was desperately looking forward to... and something that I desperately needed. It was an escape from thinking about my estranged family member, and the overly-kind moms of mine that wouldn't stop bothering me. It was an escape for Ricky, who needed to prepare himself for his mom's arrival. It was a chance for the group to spend time together. It was something we all needed. As I stand in my bedroom ready, I practically beg for the 10 o'clock hour to come around, just so that it was time to finally go. But with the excitement of the day looming over us, there was also the fear. The fear that Ricky's mom would somehow find a way to crush Ricky, that I'd be the one to have to pick up the pieces of his heart. I just truly needed everything to hang on for just a little bit longer. I just prayed that my fears, were nothing more than "what ifs." Damn I hope so.

Lynne POV

For some reason, my hands shake as I board the plane to Salt Lake City. I shouldn't be nervous. Ricky's probably expecting this. That's why he was so happy on the phone last night. That's why.

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